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Everything posted by Drum

  1. OP you of course refer to the fuel injected assault on Presbyterianism. The fact that you are afraid to say it says it all.
  2. Well at least we know one thing. Magic Hat will have climbed onto the Rangers Bus and sent an SMS as follows 'Frank ... remove target cummings from database'. Honestly, this player is a bell end.
  3. I honestly can't believe what I'm reading on this thread (aside of course from those who cannot escape their pond life brainwashing and never will). In just one season our Manager has shown himself to be the very epitome of a Rangers Manager. We will not win every game. Noone does that, however we are back facing each one now with dignity and determination. Mark Warburton will continue to deliver our primary targets and will stay if we give him 110% support. Lets remember that, he deserves nothing less.
  4. Wilson has surely shown that he's an excellent defender when paired with the same or better quality. There's only so much the boy can do when having to form a partnership with someone who persistently loses concentration and has a total lack of 'pitch geography' - copyright M Hat
  5. People dismissing the notion of re-signing Boogy, after today I would pair him with Danny Wilson in a heartbeat.
  6. I used to find SS infuriating, but now take it for its laughable worth. The dhims that call are broadly a yardstick for their their support. Majority of callers are sinister wee nheds Peppered with the occasional sober nhed Culminating in the (rare) articulate nhed who's voice still creaks with bitterness 1 hour of adverts, 15 mins self promotion, 15 mins quiz amongst 2 hours of 'content' Hosted by people who can't get a real job. To Rangers Fans its elevator music. To dhims its a serious platform to obsess about their favourite subject in the only way they know how.
  7. No such drivel of course when Carton Cole signed for 'ra poops.
  8. The dhims have had many comedy moments down the years - but watching them near spontaneously combust on this non-topic is absolutely hysterical.
  9. Barton is a legend in his own lunchbox. But he is a fine player. Our Manager and Head Of Recruitment are highly intelligent goal oriented individuals. EVERY successful team has more than one experienced player who will not only look after themselves but also their team mates when things get industrial. We know this better than most. Barton fits this mould and lets face it there are more than a few cluggers in the SPL who'll relish the prospect of trying to put one of our youngsters into the stand. If our management team believe they can coach him into being a model Rangers player whilst at the same time being a catalyst to 55 (and you can see the logic) then we should have no hesitation in backing his signature.
  10. One can only wonder what Scott Allan must think when looking at this signing If Allan's lunacy was the catalyst by which McParland was handed an alternative mandate then our Head Of Recruitment deserves a bloody medal!
  11. There is no chance of Hibs returning to the SPL next season, the likes of Cummings will not tolerate another season in the division at his age. Pretty sure Stubbs has been challenged on the notion that Cummings is one of a number on their books with contracts terminating in 2017. St Boo will have their act together first imho.
  12. McInnes has a contract with the sheep until 2019. I think he could do quite well with them but their problem is the same one as our East End neighbours ... once given a royal spanking by us he'll be tossed out the door for apparently being shyte.
  13. If they're a tit, arse or fanny with £8K the owner will not care one jot.
  14. Breezeblock Boulevard's strategy for pursuing this should be reason alone for us viewing with extreme skepticism.
  15. Ashely's legal team ... oh no wait a minute they are fcuking coining it in
  16. Let's just hope Karma hasn't finished her magic this season just yet, she has a historic quadruple in the pipeline here ...
  17. The fact that we've been linked with Bentley suggests the Manager is looking for better in the position.
  18. Yes I am. Proud too. And happy Despite my demeanour ...
  19. Unethical? It's illegal, a breach of the Data Protection Act.
  20. Brilliant news. Prophecy Of Doom Merchants along in 5 ... 4 ... 3 ...
  21. Sadly it hasn't worked but Luca at least tried in the circumstances presented to him. At least clear from the above that the dignity associated with being a Ranger has not been lost on him. That will do him no harm at all.
  22. A tad harsh! A manager and squad who mostly didn't know one another 11 months ago have bagged 2 trophies, with a whopping bonus laying in wait. Foot coming off the gas will be a mental issue and most players will be carrying knocks by this point. We will hammer Hibs in the SC.
  23. Completely agree. Dick Advocaat was never afraid of declaring his intentions, its a sign of a confident, strong leader. Set the strategy and execute it. Would much rather this than some of the truly bizarre on/off field decisions we've had the misfortune to witness ... buying Lovenpants then playing him out of position for his entire Rangers career being one that still baffles me to this day.
  24. If you are interested enough in Jobs to have read the Walter Isaacson book then you will hate it (I did). Alternatively, if you just want a small glimpse into the supposed life of Jobs (the shock factor being that he was mostly a monster of a human being) then the movie does its job. The book is phenomenal, the movie is a borefest and an odd choice for Boyle.
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