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Brokeback mountain got fortune talkin pish already !

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Oh and he's marco now incidently, this mowbray is a genius a £20 mil player on loan, only at the glitterdome, you couldn't make it up. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::sherlock:

Landry N'Guemo can be Celtic's £20m man, says team mate Marco-Antoine Fortune

Jul 22 2009 By Hugh Keevins

MARCO-ANTOINE FORTUNE reckons Celtic have got themselves a £20million player for nothing.

He wants to be known as Marco from now on and, while he's on the subject of names, the striker says Tony Mowbray has captured a midfielder who should be recognised as the new Lassana Diarra.

French international Diarra, who left Portsmouth to join Real Madrid for £20m, is the kind of player Celtic have got for nothing in the shape of loan signing Landry N'Guemo, according to Fortune.

No pressure there, then.

The Celtic fans will get their first opportunity to see if the comparison is based on fact, fantasy or friendship when the new bumblebee strip gets an official unveiling against Cardiff City tonight.

If you were a cynic you might think Fortune is taking some of the pressure off his own £3.8m shoulders before making his first start for Celtic.

Fortune's goals-per-game ratio has been called into question and his queue of doubters is lengthy.

But Fortune is quietly confident he can justify the faith his manager has shown in him and equally certain N'Guemo, who can be a Celt permanently for £1.5m if he's as good as Fortune says he is, will be an instant hit.

The former West Brom man said: "Landry is strong, has good technique and reads the game well. He's going to be a good signing for Celtic.

"I've spoken to him and he wants to show that he's capable of playing in a team like ours.

"Landry will win the ball back from the other side and then make good passes for the strikers.

"He reminds me very much of Diarra because neither is a big man but both are physically strong while being technically good at the same time.

"I can't play the game for him. I can only tell you what he's like. I've played with him before and we've always had a good match."

N'Guemo played against Romanian Champions League contenders Unirea Urziceni in a closed-doors match at Lennoxtown on Saturday.

The rest of the team - handled by Neil Lennon - comprised reserve players but, partly inspired by N'Guemo, they got a 1-1 draw with Dan Petrescu's side.

N'Guemo and Fortune are now helping each other settle into their new club, aided by Marc Crosas' multi-lingual ability to speak French with a Spanish accent.

But Fortune never had any doubts he would be able to make the transition to Scottish football without anything being lost in translation.

He said:"I feel settled here already.When we travelled to Australia soon after I signed I had time on my hands to get to know my new team-mates.

"We were stuck together for 24 hours on a plane or in airport lounges. That's long enough to get to know everyone. But my initial reaction to being at Celtic was favourable. The players are all good guys and they've been really nice with me.

"Now I'm trying to find out everything about the club, the fans and Glasgow."

The late Tommy Burns' summary of life at the Old Firm was that one half of the city hates you and the other half thinks it owns you.

The 50 per cent who think you're their property then reserve the right to complain if they detect structural defects.

The simplest solution is to score quickly, score often and don't let the half of the city that dislikes you start to mock your efforts.

Fortune has set himself a scoring target for the season but is wisely keeping it a secret.

He said: "I have a figure in mind but I'll keep that to myself. The media ask me the same question at the start of every season and I always give the same answer.

"My target is to play well and help the team win every game. There's no pressure on me to score.

"Okay, so Celtic are one of the biggest clubs in the world but I'm confident I can do well.

"I work hard and that's the first step towards scoring goals. The goals will come."

Fortune won't worry if the first of them isn't in the Welsh capital this evening because he believes pre-season friendlies are designed to gather fitness and not make goalscoring statements - even if the Cardiff game comes only a week before the Champions League qualifier against Dinamo Moscow at Celtic Park.

He said: "Just because you fail to score in a pre-season match doesn't mean you're going to have a bad time when the competitive season begins.

"Getting my first goal is important but I'm not thinking about that.

"I have other qualities apart from scoring and I'll do my best to bring them to the team."

Fortune's work rate will come a poor second to his place in the goalscoring charts if the fans are not satisfied.

The manager's judgment will also be called into question unless Fortune shows he was money well spent at a time of restricted financial outlay.

The player will be trying his best not to disturb Mowbray's easy-going nature.

Fortune said: "The manager was a key factor for me when it came to deciding whether to join Celtic or any other club.

"I played for him for six months at West Brom and really like the way he wants his team to perform "I'm excited by the prospect of starting against Cardiff but the main game is against the Russians next week. Wales and the Wembley tournament that follows will prepare us for that."

http://www.<No links to this website>/2009/07/22/la...86908-21538801/

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Will they ever shut up about these 2 french diddies? They better hope they are even half as good as the mhedia are making them out to be otherwise they are up shit creek.

PS "Okay, so Celtic are one of the biggest clubs in the world but I'm confident I can do well. <--- :lol:

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Oh and he's marco now incidently, this mowbray is a genius a £20 mil player on loan, only at the glitterdome, you couldn't make it up. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::sherlock:

Landry N'Guemo can be Celtic's £20m man, says team mate Marco-Antoine Fortune

Jul 22 2009 By Hugh Keevins

MARCO-ANTOINE FORTUNE reckons Celtic have got themselves a £20million player for nothing.

He wants to be known as Marco from now on and, while he's on the subject of names, the striker says Tony Mowbray has captured a midfielder who should be recognised as the new Lassana Diarra.

French international Diarra, who left Portsmouth to join Real Madrid for £20m, is the kind of player Celtic have got for nothing in the shape of loan signing Landry N'Guemo, according to Fortune.

No pressure there, then.

The Celtic fans will get their first opportunity to see if the comparison is based on fact, fantasy or friendship when the new bumblebee strip gets an official unveiling against Cardiff City tonight.

If you were a cynic you might think Fortune is taking some of the pressure off his own £3.8m shoulders before making his first start for Celtic.

Fortune's goals-per-game ratio has been called into question and his queue of doubters is lengthy.

But Fortune is quietly confident he can justify the faith his manager has shown in him and equally certain N'Guemo, who can be a Celt permanently for £1.5m if he's as good as Fortune says he is, will be an instant hit.

The former West Brom man said: "Landry is strong, has good technique and reads the game well. He's going to be a good signing for Celtic.

"I've spoken to him and he wants to show that he's capable of playing in a team like ours.

"Landry will win the ball back from the other side and then make good passes for the strikers.

"He reminds me very much of Diarra because neither is a big man but both are physically strong while being technically good at the same time.

"I can't play the game for him. I can only tell you what he's like. I've played with him before and we've always had a good match."

N'Guemo played against Romanian Champions League contenders Unirea Urziceni in a closed-doors match at Lennoxtown on Saturday.

The rest of the team - handled by Neil Lennon - comprised reserve players but, partly inspired by N'Guemo, they got a 1-1 draw with Dan Petrescu's side.

N'Guemo and Fortune are now helping each other settle into their new club, aided by Marc Crosas' multi-lingual ability to speak French with a Spanish accent.

But Fortune never had any doubts he would be able to make the transition to Scottish football without anything being lost in translation.

He said:"I feel settled here already.When we travelled to Australia soon after I signed I had time on my hands to get to know my new team-mates.

"We were stuck together for 24 hours on a plane or in airport lounges. That's long enough to get to know everyone. But my initial reaction to being at Celtic was favourable. The players are all good guys and they've been really nice with me.

"Now I'm trying to find out everything about the club, the fans and Glasgow."

The late Tommy Burns' summary of life at the Old Firm was that one half of the city hates you and the other half thinks it owns you.

The 50 per cent who think you're their property then reserve the right to complain if they detect structural defects.

The simplest solution is to score quickly, score often and don't let the half of the city that dislikes you start to mock your efforts.

Fortune has set himself a scoring target for the season but is wisely keeping it a secret.

He said: "I have a figure in mind but I'll keep that to myself. The media ask me the same question at the start of every season and I always give the same answer.

"My target is to play well and help the team win every game. There's no pressure on me to score.

"Okay, so Celtic are one of the biggest clubs in the world but I'm confident I can do well.

"I work hard and that's the first step towards scoring goals. The goals will come."

Fortune won't worry if the first of them isn't in the Welsh capital this evening because he believes pre-season friendlies are designed to gather fitness and not make goalscoring statements - even if the Cardiff game comes only a week before the Champions League qualifier against Dinamo Moscow at Celtic Park.

He said: "Just because you fail to score in a pre-season match doesn't mean you're going to have a bad time when the competitive season begins.

"Getting my first goal is important but I'm not thinking about that.

"I have other qualities apart from scoring and I'll do my best to bring them to the team."

Fortune's work rate will come a poor second to his place in the goalscoring charts if the fans are not satisfied.

The manager's judgment will also be called into question unless Fortune shows he was money well spent at a time of restricted financial outlay.

The player will be trying his best not to disturb Mowbray's easy-going nature.

Fortune said: "The manager was a key factor for me when it came to deciding whether to join Celtic or any other club.

"I played for him for six months at West Brom and really like the way he wants his team to perform "I'm excited by the prospect of starting against Cardiff but the main game is against the Russians next week. Wales and the Wembley tournament that follows will prepare us for that."

http://www.&lt;No links to this website&gt;/2009/07/22/la...86908-21538801/

And as shug (the dodgy cunt that hings aboot childrens playgrounds) keevins says he's wisely keepin his goal target a secret !!!! Fcuk me dae the mhanks really take this pish in ? A mean dae they really believe this spin fae skelly eyed bheggars wae keyboards ? doh:sherlock:

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Oh and he's marco now incidently, this mowbray is a genius a £20 mil player on loan, only at the glitterdome, you couldn't make it up. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::sherlock:

Landry N'Guemo can be Celtic's £20m man, says team mate Marco-Antoine Fortune

Jul 22 2009 By Hugh Keevins

MARCO-ANTOINE FORTUNE reckons Celtic have got themselves a £20million player for nothing.

He wants to be known as Marco from now on and, while he's on the subject of names, the striker says Tony Mowbray has captured a midfielder who should be recognised as the new Lassana Diarra.

French international Diarra, who left Portsmouth to join Real Madrid for £20m, is the kind of player Celtic have got for nothing in the shape of loan signing Landry N'Guemo, according to Fortune.

No pressure there, then.

The Celtic fans will get their first opportunity to see if the comparison is based on fact, fantasy or friendship when the new bumblebee strip gets an official unveiling against Cardiff City tonight.

If you were a cynic you might think Fortune is taking some of the pressure off his own £3.8m shoulders before making his first start for Celtic.

Fortune's goals-per-game ratio has been called into question and his queue of doubters is lengthy.

But Fortune is quietly confident he can justify the faith his manager has shown in him and equally certain N'Guemo, who can be a Celt permanently for £1.5m if he's as good as Fortune says he is, will be an instant hit.

The former West Brom man said: "Landry is strong, has good technique and reads the game well. He's going to be a good signing for Celtic.

"I've spoken to him and he wants to show that he's capable of playing in a team like ours.

"Landry will win the ball back from the other side and then make good passes for the strikers.

"He reminds me very much of Diarra because neither is a big man but both are physically strong while being technically good at the same time.

"I can't play the game for him. I can only tell you what he's like. I've played with him before and we've always had a good match."

N'Guemo played against Romanian Champions League contenders Unirea Urziceni in a closed-doors match at Lennoxtown on Saturday.

The rest of the team - handled by Neil Lennon - comprised reserve players but, partly inspired by N'Guemo, they got a 1-1 draw with Dan Petrescu's side.

N'Guemo and Fortune are now helping each other settle into their new club, aided by Marc Crosas' multi-lingual ability to speak French with a Spanish accent.

But Fortune never had any doubts he would be able to make the transition to Scottish football without anything being lost in translation.

He said:"I feel settled here already.When we travelled to Australia soon after I signed I had time on my hands to get to know my new team-mates.

"We were stuck together for 24 hours on a plane or in airport lounges. That's long enough to get to know everyone. But my initial reaction to being at Celtic was favourable. The players are all good guys and they've been really nice with me.

"Now I'm trying to find out everything about the club, the fans and Glasgow."

The late Tommy Burns' summary of life at the Old Firm was that one half of the city hates you and the other half thinks it owns you.

The 50 per cent who think you're their property then reserve the right to complain if they detect structural defects.

The simplest solution is to score quickly, score often and don't let the half of the city that dislikes you start to mock your efforts.

Fortune has set himself a scoring target for the season but is wisely keeping it a secret.

He said: "I have a figure in mind but I'll keep that to myself. The media ask me the same question at the start of every season and I always give the same answer.

"My target is to play well and help the team win every game. There's no pressure on me to score.

"Okay, so Celtic are one of the biggest clubs in the world but I'm confident I can do well.

"I work hard and that's the first step towards scoring goals. The goals will come."

Fortune won't worry if the first of them isn't in the Welsh capital this evening because he believes pre-season friendlies are designed to gather fitness and not make goalscoring statements - even if the Cardiff game comes only a week before the Champions League qualifier against Dinamo Moscow at Celtic Park.

He said: "Just because you fail to score in a pre-season match doesn't mean you're going to have a bad time when the competitive season begins.

"Getting my first goal is important but I'm not thinking about that.

"I have other qualities apart from scoring and I'll do my best to bring them to the team."

Fortune's work rate will come a poor second to his place in the goalscoring charts if the fans are not satisfied.

The manager's judgment will also be called into question unless Fortune shows he was money well spent at a time of restricted financial outlay.

The player will be trying his best not to disturb Mowbray's easy-going nature.

Fortune said: "The manager was a key factor for me when it came to deciding whether to join Celtic or any other club.

"I played for him for six months at West Brom and really like the way he wants his team to perform "I'm excited by the prospect of starting against Cardiff but the main game is against the Russians next week. Wales and the Wembley tournament that follows will prepare us for that."

http://www.&lt;No links to this website&gt;/2009/07/22/la...86908-21538801/

And as shug (the dodgy cunt that hings aboot childrens playgrounds) keevins says he's wisely keepin his goal target a secret !!!! Fcuk me dae the mhanks really take this pish in ? A mean dae they really believe this spin fae skelly eyed bheggars wae keyboards ? doh:sherlock:

DB :(

I hope you don't think I'm scaley eyed! :lol:

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Oh and he's marco now incidently, this mowbray is a genius a £20 mil player on loan, only at the glitterdome, you couldn't make it up. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::sherlock:

Landry N'Guemo can be Celtic's £20m man, says team mate Marco-Antoine Fortune

Jul 22 2009 By Hugh Keevins

MARCO-ANTOINE FORTUNE reckons Celtic have got themselves a £20million player for nothing.

He wants to be known as Marco from now on and, while he's on the subject of names, the striker says Tony Mowbray has captured a midfielder who should be recognised as the new Lassana Diarra.

French international Diarra, who left Portsmouth to join Real Madrid for £20m, is the kind of player Celtic have got for nothing in the shape of loan signing Landry N'Guemo, according to Fortune.

No pressure there, then.

The Celtic fans will get their first opportunity to see if the comparison is based on fact, fantasy or friendship when the new bumblebee strip gets an official unveiling against Cardiff City tonight.

If you were a cynic you might think Fortune is taking some of the pressure off his own £3.8m shoulders before making his first start for Celtic.

Fortune's goals-per-game ratio has been called into question and his queue of doubters is lengthy.

But Fortune is quietly confident he can justify the faith his manager has shown in him and equally certain N'Guemo, who can be a Celt permanently for £1.5m if he's as good as Fortune says he is, will be an instant hit.

The former West Brom man said: "Landry is strong, has good technique and reads the game well. He's going to be a good signing for Celtic.

"I've spoken to him and he wants to show that he's capable of playing in a team like ours.

"Landry will win the ball back from the other side and then make good passes for the strikers.

"He reminds me very much of Diarra because neither is a big man but both are physically strong while being technically good at the same time.

"I can't play the game for him. I can only tell you what he's like. I've played with him before and we've always had a good match."

N'Guemo played against Romanian Champions League contenders Unirea Urziceni in a closed-doors match at Lennoxtown on Saturday.

The rest of the team - handled by Neil Lennon - comprised reserve players but, partly inspired by N'Guemo, they got a 1-1 draw with Dan Petrescu's side.

N'Guemo and Fortune are now helping each other settle into their new club, aided by Marc Crosas' multi-lingual ability to speak French with a Spanish accent.

But Fortune never had any doubts he would be able to make the transition to Scottish football without anything being lost in translation.

He said:"I feel settled here already.When we travelled to Australia soon after I signed I had time on my hands to get to know my new team-mates.

"We were stuck together for 24 hours on a plane or in airport lounges. That's long enough to get to know everyone. But my initial reaction to being at Celtic was favourable. The players are all good guys and they've been really nice with me.

"Now I'm trying to find out everything about the club, the fans and Glasgow."

The late Tommy Burns' summary of life at the Old Firm was that one half of the city hates you and the other half thinks it owns you.

The 50 per cent who think you're their property then reserve the right to complain if they detect structural defects.

The simplest solution is to score quickly, score often and don't let the half of the city that dislikes you start to mock your efforts.

Fortune has set himself a scoring target for the season but is wisely keeping it a secret.

He said: "I have a figure in mind but I'll keep that to myself. The media ask me the same question at the start of every season and I always give the same answer.

"My target is to play well and help the team win every game. There's no pressure on me to score.

"Okay, so Celtic are one of the biggest clubs in the world but I'm confident I can do well.

"I work hard and that's the first step towards scoring goals. The goals will come."

Fortune won't worry if the first of them isn't in the Welsh capital this evening because he believes pre-season friendlies are designed to gather fitness and not make goalscoring statements - even if the Cardiff game comes only a week before the Champions League qualifier against Dinamo Moscow at Celtic Park.

He said: "Just because you fail to score in a pre-season match doesn't mean you're going to have a bad time when the competitive season begins.

"Getting my first goal is important but I'm not thinking about that.

"I have other qualities apart from scoring and I'll do my best to bring them to the team."

Fortune's work rate will come a poor second to his place in the goalscoring charts if the fans are not satisfied.

The manager's judgment will also be called into question unless Fortune shows he was money well spent at a time of restricted financial outlay.

The player will be trying his best not to disturb Mowbray's easy-going nature.

Fortune said: "The manager was a key factor for me when it came to deciding whether to join Celtic or any other club.

"I played for him for six months at West Brom and really like the way he wants his team to perform "I'm excited by the prospect of starting against Cardiff but the main game is against the Russians next week. Wales and the Wembley tournament that follows will prepare us for that."

http://www.&lt;No links to this website&gt;/2009/07/22/la...86908-21538801/

And as shug (the dodgy cunt that hings aboot childrens playgrounds) keevins says he's wisely keepin his goal target a secret !!!! Fcuk me dae the mhanks really take this pish in ? A mean dae they really believe this spin fae skelly eyed bheggars wae keyboards ? doh:sherlock:

DB :(

I hope you don't think I'm scaley eyed! :lol:

Jist hope you don't hing aboot childrens playgounds without a legitimate excuse ! Thats takin the weans tae school and chattin up the maws (tu):lol::sherlock:

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Let them talk Pish to each other , and believe each others Bullshit

I the guys worth £20M W.T.F is he on a loan deal ?

If these players had a shred of dignity which they obviously dont they would do there talking on the field and then bump there gums about what they are going to do.

They have been in the door 2 mins at Giro Towers and Lie-well has them danciing to his media drum making tools of themselves in the media

Any half a cell brained tim will be embaressed by this crap.

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Oh and he's marco now incidently, this mowbray is a genius a £20 mil player on loan, only at the glitterdome, you couldn't make it up. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::sherlock:

Landry N'Guemo can be Celtic's £20m man, says team mate Marco-Antoine Fortune

Jul 22 2009 By Hugh Keevins

MARCO-ANTOINE FORTUNE reckons Celtic have got themselves a £20million player for nothing.

He wants to be known as Marco from now on and, while he's on the subject of names, the striker says Tony Mowbray has captured a midfielder who should be recognised as the new Lassana Diarra.

French international Diarra, who left Portsmouth to join Real Madrid for £20m, is the kind of player Celtic have got for nothing in the shape of loan signing Landry N'Guemo, according to Fortune.

No pressure there, then.

The Celtic fans will get their first opportunity to see if the comparison is based on fact, fantasy or friendship when the new bumblebee strip gets an official unveiling against Cardiff City tonight.

If you were a cynic you might think Fortune is taking some of the pressure off his own £3.8m shoulders before making his first start for Celtic.

Fortune's goals-per-game ratio has been called into question and his queue of doubters is lengthy.

But Fortune is quietly confident he can justify the faith his manager has shown in him and equally certain N'Guemo, who can be a Celt permanently for £1.5m if he's as good as Fortune says he is, will be an instant hit.


The former West Brom man said: "Landry is strong, has good technique and reads the game well. He's going to be a good signing for Celtic.

"I've spoken to him and he wants to show that he's capable of playing in a team like ours.

"Landry will win the ball back from the other side and then make good passes for the strikers.

"He reminds me very much of Diarra because neither is a big man but both are physically strong while being technically good at the same time.

"I can't play the game for him. I can only tell you what he's like. I've played with him before and we've always had a good match."

N'Guemo played against Romanian Champions League contenders Unirea Urziceni in a closed-doors match at Lennoxtown on Saturday.

The rest of the team - handled by Neil Lennon - comprised reserve players but, partly inspired by N'Guemo, they got a 1-1 draw with Dan Petrescu's side.

N'Guemo and Fortune are now helping each other settle into their new club, aided by Marc Crosas' multi-lingual ability to speak French with a Spanish accent.

But Fortune never had any doubts he would be able to make the transition to Scottish football without anything being lost in translation.

He said:"I feel settled here already.When we travelled to Australia soon after I signed I had time on my hands to get to know my new team-mates.

"We were stuck together for 24 hours on a plane or in airport lounges. That's long enough to get to know everyone. But my initial reaction to being at Celtic was favourable. The players are all good guys and they've been really nice with me.

"Now I'm trying to find out everything about the club, the fans and Glasgow."

The late Tommy Burns' summary of life at the Old Firm was that one half of the city hates you and the other half thinks it owns you.

The 50 per cent who think you're their property then reserve the right to complain if they detect structural defects.

The simplest solution is to score quickly, score often and don't let the half of the city that dislikes you start to mock your efforts.

Fortune has set himself a scoring target for the season but is wisely keeping it a secret.

He said: "I have a figure in mind but I'll keep that to myself. The media ask me the same question at the start of every season and I always give the same answer.

"My target is to play well and help the team win every game. There's no pressure on me to score.

"Okay, so Celtic are one of the biggest clubs in the world but I'm confident I can do well.

"I work hard and that's the first step towards scoring goals. The goals will come."

Fortune won't worry if the first of them isn't in the Welsh capital this evening because he believes pre-season friendlies are designed to gather fitness and not make goalscoring statements - even if the Cardiff game comes only a week before the Champions League qualifier against Dinamo Moscow at Celtic Park.

He said: "Just because you fail to score in a pre-season match doesn't mean you're going to have a bad time when the competitive season begins.

"Getting my first goal is important but I'm not thinking about that.

"I have other qualities apart from scoring and I'll do my best to bring them to the team."

Fortune's work rate will come a poor second to his place in the goalscoring charts if the fans are not satisfied.

The manager's judgment will also be called into question unless Fortune shows he was money well spent at a time of restricted financial outlay.

The player will be trying his best not to disturb Mowbray's easy-going nature.

Fortune said: "The manager was a key factor for me when it came to deciding whether to join Celtic or any other club.

"I played for him for six months at West Brom and really like the way he wants his team to perform "I'm excited by the prospect of starting against Cardiff but the main game is against the Russians next week. Wales and the Wembley tournament that follows will prepare us for that."

why do we even entertain talking about these mhanky bhastards!!

feck the scum send them home to the republic where they belong

can't wait to we hump them this year,

http://www.&lt;No links to this website&gt;/2009/07/22/la...86908-21538801/

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I also remember reading that the loan signing grew up listening to Celtic matches on the radio in Africa. :anguish:

Aye, but it was Bloemfontein Celtic...only had short band radio when he was growin up. Eedjit thought it was streamin audio from Europe!

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I also remember reading that the loan signing grew up listening to Celtic matches on the radio in Africa. :anguish:

Aye, but it was Bloemfontein Celtic...only had short band radio when he was growin up. Eedjit thought it was streamin audio from Europe!

Must have listened to it on drums in them days ? :rolleyes::sherlock:

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Wee Nacho will have a new song to sing at the end of this season.

At this moment Sellik are drawing 0-0 with the world beaters of Cardiff. They also drew 1-1 at the weekend wi Dan Petrescu's team (canny be bothered spelling it) I know its only pre season but they run out of pre season in a week.

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Fortune has set himself a scoring target for the season but is wisely keeping it a secret.

probably set himself a target of 5. Probably wont make it either. I dont rate him at all. N'guemo is a better player, hate to say it but celtic have got a good deal getting him on loan for the season. I doubt he will sign permanently though he will go to the epl. Never a £20m player but £1.5m would be a bargain.

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Fortune has set himself a scoring target for the season but is wisely keeping it a secret.

probably set himself a target of 5. Probably wont make it either. I dont rate him at all. N'guemo is a better player, hate to say it but celtic have got a good deal getting him on loan for the season. I doubt he will sign permanently though he will go to the epl. Never a £20m player but £1.5m would be a bargain.

More like 55. He think's he'll be playing about 70 matches this year.

Champions league final to look forward too.

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