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Well done VB


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Not my story but worthy of your time to read.

Word reaches VB towers that some misinformation is reaching Rangers supporters with regards to developments in the Rangers supporter led reports of the integrity (or lack of it) of the recent publicly funded report in to Sectarianism in the workplace by the STUC.

If this is news to you, then I’ll summarise as briefly as possible:

- 23 Nov 2009 – Reports Appear in Scottish Media detailing report in to Sectarianism by the STUC and carried out at Strathclyde University

- 24 Nov 2009 6:05 am – Co–Author Fatima Uygun outed on “Scottish Unionist Voice ” Website as member of Extremist Irish Republican website “talfanzine”

- 24 Nov 2009 10:00 am – Information appears on Follow Follow Website

- 24 Nov 2009 1.42 pm – Information appears on Vanguard Bears

So, VB would not claim credit for breaking this story, but simply state that we provided a vehicle for another amateur sleuth detailing some interesting information about Ms Uygun (albeit sometime after the other two amateur sleuths).

-25 Nov 2009 – VB Produces Comprehensive article tearing the discredited STUC report apart on 3 main strands of misrepresentation within the report. The “outing” of Ms Uygun within this article was simply to place her role within the context of a wider review of the report itself. The report is published on the 26th.

Following this, a member of VB Admin contacted one of the few remaining investigative journalists in Scotland, in Paul Hutcheon of the Sunday Herald, with the article, and evidence to support assertions within the article, in order to satisfy Mr Hutcheon that it was indeed and accurate summation of Ms Uygun’s status.

After several emails between an Admin from VB and Mr Hutcheon, more detail was provided, and we expected the Sunday Herald to publish on the 6th December, but the story was finally published on the 13th


Vanguard Bears believed that this misuse of STUC resource, Strathclyde University resource, and public money to fund a skewed agenda driven report was in the public interest, and thankfully the Sunday Herald editorial team agreed. The Sunday Herald’s report was not an accident, and did not happen through journalists trawling through football messageboards (although we do understand it happens). It happened because we made it happen.

We will also not rest until further investigations with various Authorities are complete.

At this stage it’s worth noting that arch-hypocrite Ms Uygun, who claims to be a “revolutionary socialist”, is a director in a number of both operational and non operational businesses in the south side of Glasgow. Perhaps the revolutionary bit means she’s actually a capitalist? We should be told. Before going further, VB would not like to claim credit for that information.

With regards to “further investigations”, these comprise of the following questions:

1) The STUC report is funded, in part, by “The Scottish Government”. What knowledge did the Scottish Government have of the authors?

2) If unaware of Ms Uygun’s “political” leanings (Where “political” means support for foreign terrorist anti British Scum), why?

3) What was the STUC’s input to the report, both financially with members’ money, and in terms of autonomy of selection of contributors?

4) Given the wealth of information on this subject from such respected experts as Professor Steve Bruce, why was it deemed necessary to commission the report?

5) Who took this decision?

6) Why the various time delays from production of the report (August 2008), to publish date (20 Nov 2009) on the STUC Website, to the Scottish media finally writing on it (23 Nov 2009)?

7) Would all public bodies in Scotland be open to a transparent anti religious discrimination audit detailing the ratios of both ethnic and religious groups of the employees within their organisations, particularly within the decision making areas of these bodies? If not, why not?

8) What was the input of "Sense over Sectarianism"?

Be assured, that VB will continue to highlight the disparity of Scotland’s “Anti Sectarian” machine, and take it the necessary steps forward from moaning about it on the web.

Original VB Observation of the STUC Report:



Vanguard Bears – Where Action Matters – Defending Our Traditions

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my favourite piece of that article form the Herald :

She added: “You shouldn’t really be writing stuff about this, because it’s really not helpful to the research. I hope you are not going to be putting anything in about my own personal beliefs. It’s really unprofessional of you to even bring it up, really.”

please dont out me as a dirty f***** bitch with a hidden agenda please its unprofessional of you :lol:

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A slight change in direction this morning, but one you may enjoy reading anyway. VB obviously like to annoy as many Bheasts as possible. And you know what? Those horrible mutants hate us with a passion - which is nice :clap:


seems like it may be an exact view of what happened too, ill believe that is 100% accurate there lol

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:lol: Belter , , long may your articles be shared with RM, so I get to read them .

Another cracker (tu)

Why don't you come and join :uk:

I joined, but I didn't post enough so got banned :(

No complaints, I knew it would happen. I only have time for one Rangers forum in my life! :love:

And if the missus found out I had another reason to ignore her, I might just be living on my own... :shifty:

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