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Minutes Silence Tomorrow


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as we all know it is nearing the 40th anniversary of the ibrox disaster and as tomorrows game is the closest game to the date of 2nd January are there any plans for a minutes silence ??

Remember the souls who lost there lives that day

R.I.P Absent Friends :(

always in our hearts

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Rangers are a way of life to a lot of us. Many have made sacrifices no other walk of life would present. Rangers are quite simply a part of us. We live and breathe them each and every day of our lives. However, we are the lucky ones in that we are still here to argue the merits of this, that or the other. Our 66 absent friends who so cruelly had their lives cut short on that winter's day at Ibrox almost 40 years ago did not get the chance to experience the highs and lows that followed.

We have got to ensure that their memory is never allowed to fade. Those people died following the Club we love and they loved. We have a duty to their memory to ensure we do what we can to make Rangers the best they can be.

We owe it to those whose families will yet again have an empty chair in their house when the bells signal the start of another new year. Time brings changes they say; one thing time must never change is the memory of the 66 who went to Ibrox in 1971 to cheer on the Rangers but never, ever went home. We must preserve it and cherish it forever.

May the Lord bless and keep them.

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Rangers are a way of life to a lot of us. Many have made sacrifices no other walk of life would present. Rangers are quite simply a part of us. We live and breathe them each and every day of our lives. However, we are the lucky ones in that we are still here to argue the merits of this, that or the other. Our 66 absent friends who so cruelly had their lives cut short on that winter's day at Ibrox almost 40 years ago did not get the chance to experience the highs and lows that followed.

We have got to ensure that their memory is never allowed to fade. Those people died following the Club we love and they loved. We have a duty to their memory to ensure we do what we can to make Rangers the best they can be.

We owe it to those whose families will yet again have an empty chair in their house when the bells signal the start of another new year. Time brings changes they say; one thing time must never change is the memory of the 66 who went to Ibrox in 1971 to cheer on the Rangers but never, ever went home. We must preserve it and cherish it forever.

May the Lord bless and keep them.

great post mate :praise:

Hopefully it will be tomorrow, timmy will never be mature enough so show some respect

R.I.P Absent Friends

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I was there and it was horrific. I had came back for my mate and was swiftly told "get to fuck you" by a big cunt in a tracksuit, I looked over the shoulder of the guy and I could see some madness. After I had gotten into the city centre ( edit ) it was just ambulances and chaos. Fair play to the staff from the other side who helped out aswell. We had a timmy mate in our taxi and he was as distraught as the rest of us.

Was a horrible horrible night.......death looming in the air. A morbid spectacle that transcended football. Thinking about it really does give me absolute chills. I tell the boy and he does the whole sympathy thing but he can't imagine it but it's not his fault and I know he cant understand it cause he didn't see it. You know I think a moments silence at Celtic Park would be a fitting tribute as they were our opponents and it was alot more respectful a rivalry back in the day, more a kind of grudging respect between two institutions but we got more British and they got more Irish....... and I will say this, back in my day, they would observe it perfectly.....nowadays with these young ones and the sick hateful culture which is harboured over there.....I doubt they could even hold their wheesht for 1 second never mind a minute.

Horrible night and I will carry this, like so many others, to my fucking grave.

God Bless all the innocent families who lost loved ones.

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I was there. I made my way past that stairway to the next one shortly before it happened. I was young then 24 and when I got home all the neighbours and my family were milling about the close entrance looking for me. I wondered what all the fuss was about. Only then did I find out how lucky I had been and how very unlucky were these poor souls that died that day.

Hopefully we will never see the likes of that again.

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I was also there and will never forget it until the day i die. The absent friends will always be in our hearts and will never be forgotten, and i know that one day i will meet up with them, when i go to join them up in heaven.

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Every time I see this (and I watch it on occasion) I try to imagine how it must feel for those families, your child going off to a football game and never coming home :(

after reading the comments on the video makes me NOT want to have it at parkhead.

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