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Bears bringing bank-bashing banners today?


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And this is going to achieve what exactly?

As far as I can tell both the club and LLoyds themselves have clarified on a number of occasions that the bank is not running the club and that a business plan has been agreed upon by both parties with regards to the best way of running the club. What is it exactly that these 'influential supporters' are failing to grasp about the situation?

Im not sure what some of our support are failing to grasp so I'll give a quick summary:-

- Major banks play casino with cash they don't have acting like a drunkedn gambling addict at 3am in the Riverboat

- Major banks lose lose lose

- Taxpayers have to bail out the irresponsible criminal banks to the tune of £2500 for each and every person in the UK. You, me, everychunt is in hock to these barstewards.

- Unemployment goes through roof as banks realising their holy, massive feck up stop lending to viable business and try and protect their assets while only being in business because the same people they are effectively sacking/helping to lose thie house actually bailed them OUT!!!!

- Said banks then decide that Rangers with a comparitive small debt - £30m to Man Utd's £710m need to pay this back pronto no matter the long term cost to the club as our venerable owner David Murray owes them almost £1bn. Yes a billion.

- Depsite other businesses in trouble across the UK paying 50-70% of debt back to get the bank funds back in they appear to be holding out for the full 100% from Rangers.

What is there not to fucking protest abot mate? No offence but see if you have no understanding of the general situation don't leap in with half thought opinions. Fair play to these guys and the "demo" on 2 levels - to the profiteering cunt banks that have caused misery to millions of British citizens through their actions FUCK YOU. To the same cunt bank who now think they can rip apart Rangers to get some short term debt back in quicker because they have acted like cunts. Then FUCK them too!

Any pressure on these bastards and a reminder to them of how their irresponsible actions have fucked the country is good in my book. :praise::praise::praise::praise:

Could you tell me then at which point we have been torn apart by the bank?

We have offered contracts to all our out of contract players, we haven't been forced into a firesale of all our players, despite the papers telling us this would happen for the past 18 months, not to mention the 'brink of receivership' scaremongering.

I would argue that you have no understanding of the general situation, do you think that all debts should be simply written off because the taxpayer funded the banks recovery? Should every mortgage, overdraft, loan etc any member of the public have with Lloyds TSB simply be written off because its small fry compared to the debt held by multinational companies?

And with comparison with the debt of Manchester United for example, can you tell me which back their debt is held with? And are Man Utd and the Glazer family not coming under increasing pressure abou this level of debt? Even the likes of Portsmouth are on the brink of receivership because of their debts. So in my view it is NOT just Rangers who are in this position, every club without a billionaire benefactor is facing the same financial situation as us.

1. Our management team are working without contracts.

2. Despite there being a £17m windfall guaranteed for CL entry the bank have been unwilling to sanction new contract offers until these players can also speak to other clubs. In what way does losing key players for nothing improve the ability of Rangers to pay back the debt level - that was agreed with and approved by the bank previously.

3. We haven't signed a player for nearly 2yrs. How does complete stagnation aid the ability of the club to be more successful and increase revenues?

4. Why were key players (eg Boyd) not signed up on contracts knowing that his ,market value on a 4yr contract us closer to £6m in the current market? In whose world does £1m per year for a £6m transfer value not make sense?

5. If we were to lose our management team, key players, miss out on the CL revenue there would be no queue of investors lining up to buy Rangers. We'd be a lame duck

There are 5 quick reasons why the bank are pushing Rangers to the brink.

Onto your next, slightly naive point. Of course i don't think that all debt should be written off. Where have i said that or suggested it at all? It's common practise in this business world in these situations (as has been happening in all sectors across the country of late) where the debt is written down in exchnage for receiving the majority of it quickly. This imporves the liquidity of the bank (e.g. £20m in their coffers is better than £30m on their debt book) meaning they can then leverage this £20m x 10 = £200m they will then be able to loan to customers at a favourable interest rate.

Banks have also have many of their toxic debts written off or down or passed to the taxpayer. If the very institution threatening Rangers is able to do this why is this difficult for you to understand?

The Glazer's debt isn't held with a bank anymore (im assuming you mean bank not back - that would just be silly) - they've just completed a bond issue to fund that £710m. It'll cost them £41m a year in interest by hey ho.

On your final desperate point, clubs are facing tough times across Europe but most of them don't have their management team working like temps or are in danger of losing their top scorer for hee haw due to the bank's refusal to have him signed up last year.

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And this is going to achieve what exactly?

As far as I can tell both the club and LLoyds themselves have clarified on a number of occasions that the bank is not running the club and that a business plan has been agreed upon by both parties with regards to the best way of running the club. What is it exactly that these 'influential supporters' are failing to grasp about the situation?

Im not sure what some of our support are failing to grasp so I'll give a quick summary:-

- Major banks play casino with cash they don't have acting like a drunkedn gambling addict at 3am in the Riverboat

- Major banks lose lose lose

- Taxpayers have to bail out the irresponsible criminal banks to the tune of £2500 for each and every person in the UK. You, me, everychunt is in hock to these barstewards.

- Unemployment goes through roof as banks realising their holy, massive feck up stop lending to viable business and try and protect their assets while only being in business because the same people they are effectively sacking/helping to lose thie house actually bailed them OUT!!!!

- Said banks then decide that Rangers with a comparitive small debt - £30m to Man Utd's £710m need to pay this back pronto no matter the long term cost to the club as our venerable owner David Murray owes them almost £1bn. Yes a billion.- Depsite other businesses in trouble across the UK paying 50-70% of debt back to get the bank funds back in they appear to be holding out for the full 100% from Rangers.

What is there not to fucking protest abot mate? No offence but see if you have no understanding of the general situation don't leap in with half thought opinions. Fair play to these guys and the "demo" on 2 levels - to the profiteering cunt banks that have caused misery to millions of British citizens through their actions FUCK YOU. To the same cunt bank who now think they can rip apart Rangers to get some short term debt back in quicker because they have acted like cunts. Then FUCK them too!

Any pressure on these bastards and a reminder to them of how their irresponsible actions have fucked the country is good in my book. :praise: :praise: :praise: :praise:

The repayment is structured over a long term as in the financial accounts.The overdraft facility was agreed in December and will be reviewed next December again as in the accounts. Obviously I may be mistaken but I have never sen anything officially stating that the bank wants the debt paid back other than in the way agreed.

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FFS is this gony help?

i cant see it

i long for the day we no longer have to use the fuckin bank! c'mon buyers, speed it up, get these cunts paid and get them to fuck.

i can only see more splits within the fans with shite like this

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And this is going to achieve what exactly?

As far as I can tell both the club and LLoyds themselves have clarified on a number of occasions that the bank is not running the club and that a business plan has been agreed upon by both parties with regards to the best way of running the club. What is it exactly that these 'influential supporters' are failing to grasp about the situation?

Im not sure what some of our support are failing to grasp so I'll give a quick summary:-

- Major banks play casino with cash they don't have acting like a drunkedn gambling addict at 3am in the Riverboat

- Major banks lose lose lose

- Taxpayers have to bail out the irresponsible criminal banks to the tune of £2500 for each and every person in the UK. You, me, everychunt is in hock to these barstewards.

- Unemployment goes through roof as banks realising their holy, massive feck up stop lending to viable business and try and protect their assets while only being in business because the same people they are effectively sacking/helping to lose thie house actually bailed them OUT!!!!

- Said banks then decide that Rangers with a comparitive small debt - £30m to Man Utd's £710m need to pay this back pronto no matter the long term cost to the club as our venerable owner David Murray owes them almost £1bn. Yes a billion.- Depsite other businesses in trouble across the UK paying 50-70% of debt back to get the bank funds back in they appear to be holding out for the full 100% from Rangers.

What is there not to fucking protest abot mate? No offence but see if you have no understanding of the general situation don't leap in with half thought opinions. Fair play to these guys and the "demo" on 2 levels - to the profiteering cunt banks that have caused misery to millions of British citizens through their actions FUCK YOU. To the same cunt bank who now think they can rip apart Rangers to get some short term debt back in quicker because they have acted like cunts. Then FUCK them too!

Any pressure on these bastards and a reminder to them of how their irresponsible actions have fucked the country is good in my book. :praise::praise::praise::praise:

Could you tell me then at which point we have been torn apart by the bank?

We have offered contracts to all our out of contract players, we haven't been forced into a firesale of all our players, despite the papers telling us this would happen for the past 18 months, not to mention the 'brink of receivership' scaremongering.

I would argue that you have no understanding of the general situation, do you think that all debts should be simply written off because the taxpayer funded the banks recovery? Should every mortgage, overdraft, loan etc any member of the public have with Lloyds TSB simply be written off because its small fry compared to the debt held by multinational companies?

And with comparison with the debt of Manchester United for example, can you tell me which back their debt is held with? And are Man Utd and the Glazer family not coming under increasing pressure abou this level of debt? Even the likes of Portsmouth are on the brink of receivership because of their debts. So in my view it is NOT just Rangers who are in this position, every club without a billionaire benefactor is facing the same financial situation as us.

1. Our management team are working without contracts.

2. Despite there being a £17m windfall guaranteed for CL entry the bank have been unwilling to sanction new contract offers until these players can also speak to other clubs. In what way does losing key players for nothing improve the ability of Rangers to pay back the debt level - that was agreed with and approved by the bank previously.

3. We haven't signed a player for nearly 2yrs. How does complete stagnation aid the ability of the club to be more successful and increase revenues?

4. Why were key players (eg Boyd) not signed up on contracts knowing that his ,market value on a 4yr contract us closer to £6m in the current market? In whose world does £1m per year for a £6m transfer value not make sense?

5. If we were to lose our management team, key players, miss out on the CL revenue there would be no queue of investors lining up to buy Rangers. We'd be a lame duck

There are 5 quick reasons why the bank are pushing Rangers to the brink.

Onto your next, slightly naive point. Of course i don't think that all debt should be written off. Where have i said that or suggested it at all? It's common practise in this business world in these situations (as has been happening in all sectors across the country of late) where the debt is written down in exchnage for receiving the majority of it quickly. This imporves the liquidity of the bank (e.g. £20m in their coffers is better than £30m on their debt book) meaning they can then leverage this £20m x 10 = £200m they will then be able to loan to customers at a favourable interest rate.

Banks have also have many of their toxic debts written off or down or passed to the taxpayer. If the very institution threatening Rangers is able to do this why is this difficult for you to understand?

The Glazer's debt isn't held with a bank anymore (im assuming you mean bank not back - that would just be silly) - they've just completed a bond issue to fund that £710m. It'll cost them £41m a year in interest by hey ho.

On your final desperate point, clubs are facing tough times across Europe but most of them don't have their management team working like temps or are in danger of losing their top scorer for hee haw due to the bank's refusal to have him signed up last year.

Made up figures about Sir David Murray aside who are these companies and in what way are the comparable to Rangers ?

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FFS is this gony help?

i cant see it

i long for the day we no longer have to use the fuckin bank! c'mon buyers, speed it up, get these cunts paid and get them to fuck.

i can only see more splits within the fans with shite like this

I am just interested win who is behing this, what fan group ?

If it's been leaked to the record then i presume it 's follow follow, could be wrong of course

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As for the the main 'argument' on here atm.

I too do agree that the Bank have not been overly harsh on us. To be fair, we owe +30 million -- a fair sum. To suggest that we just go and protest without knowing all the facts - and calling out Muir because? Well, seems a little odd and might make us feel a little better, but to what end?

Now, I do agree with the sentiments of gandhisflip in that banks have been irresposnible, have essentially brought on a worldwide recession by themselves, have been bailed out by taxpayers -- and are still acting like it's not their fault. Just a look at bonuses disgusts me.

But in the context of The Rangers. I don't know what's going on -- but I was a little surprised to see our U-19's off to a trip in Turkey. Surely the bank should have cut out a trip like that? But no, it went ahead.

And.. we have offered Boyd 18k per week -- probably plus bonuses that could take it up to ? And contracts to others. Whether those contracts will be accepted is up in the air of course.

So, we continue to operate. Not at the level we'd all like. But, we are up for sale after all. And we owe the Bank a lot of money for an SPL club. The bank I believe, is being more generous in their dealings with our club, than they would be with any of us.

I have no problem with Lloyds -- yet.

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FFS is this gony help?

i cant see it

i long for the day we no longer have to use the fuckin bank! c'mon buyers, speed it up, get these cunts paid and get them to fuck.

i can only see more splits within the fans with shite like this

I am just interested win who is behing this, what fan group ?

If it's been leaked to the record then i presume it 's follow follow, could be wrong of course

Im not sure GCL, but i think its a joke, we dont need to do this, i think some fans are panicking, we should trust whoever is wanting to buy the club and let them do their thing. If the takeover is done before Jan 30th, fans will be DEMANDING we spend money on players, i can see something happening after the window shuts.

Not got a clue who arranged it, but someone has leaked it, WKSFA said "several" "men with money" financed the banners!! <cr> So god knows what that means.

I dont know anything about Follow Follow, av only ever heard bad reports about them.

When you say fans groups, do you mean RSA or RST or who? I dont know who our fan groups are mate.

Theres not much point in it now anyway everyone knows about it.

Its not something i would support.

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Guest The Brown Brogue
And this is going to achieve what exactly?

As far as I can tell both the club and LLoyds themselves have clarified on a number of occasions that the bank is not running the club and that a business plan has been agreed upon by both parties with regards to the best way of running the club. What is it exactly that these 'influential supporters' are failing to grasp about the situation?

Im not sure what some of our support are failing to grasp so I'll give a quick summary:-

- Major banks play casino with cash they don't have acting like a drunkedn gambling addict at 3am in the Riverboat

- Major banks lose lose lose

- Taxpayers have to bail out the irresponsible criminal banks to the tune of £2500 for each and every person in the UK. You, me, everychunt is in hock to these barstewards.

- Unemployment goes through roof as banks realising their holy, massive feck up stop lending to viable business and try and protect their assets while only being in business because the same people they are effectively sacking/helping to lose thie house actually bailed them OUT!!!!

- Said banks then decide that Rangers with a comparitive small debt - £30m to Man Utd's £710m need to pay this back pronto no matter the long term cost to the club as our venerable owner David Murray owes them almost £1bn. Yes a billion.

- Depsite other businesses in trouble across the UK paying 50-70% of debt back to get the bank funds back in they appear to be holding out for the full 100% from Rangers.

What is there not to fucking protest abot mate? No offence but see if you have no understanding of the general situation don't leap in with half thought opinions. Fair play to these guys and the "demo" on 2 levels - to the profiteering cunt banks that have caused misery to millions of British citizens through their actions FUCK YOU. To the same cunt bank who now think they can rip apart Rangers to get some short term debt back in quicker because they have acted like cunts. Then FUCK them too!

Any pressure on these bastards and a reminder to them of how their irresponsible actions have fucked the country is good in my book. :praise::praise::praise::praise:

Could you tell me then at which point we have been torn apart by the bank?

We have offered contracts to all our out of contract players, we haven't been forced into a firesale of all our players, despite the papers telling us this would happen for the past 18 months, not to mention the 'brink of receivership' scaremongering.

I would argue that you have no understanding of the general situation, do you think that all debts should be simply written off because the taxpayer funded the banks recovery? Should every mortgage, overdraft, loan etc any member of the public have with Lloyds TSB simply be written off because its small fry compared to the debt held by multinational companies?

And with comparison with the debt of Manchester United for example, can you tell me which back their debt is held with? And are Man Utd and the Glazer family not coming under increasing pressure abou this level of debt? Even the likes of Portsmouth are on the brink of receivership because of their debts. So in my view it is NOT just Rangers who are in this position, every club without a billionaire benefactor is facing the same financial situation as us.

1. Our management team are working without contracts.

2. Despite there being a £17m windfall guaranteed for CL entry the bank have been unwilling to sanction new contract offers until these players can also speak to other clubs. In what way does losing key players for nothing improve the ability of Rangers to pay back the debt level - that was agreed with and approved by the bank previously.

3. We haven't signed a player for nearly 2yrs. How does complete stagnation aid the ability of the club to be more successful and increase revenues?

4. Why were key players (eg Boyd) not signed up on contracts knowing that his ,market value on a 4yr contract us closer to £6m in the current market? In whose world does £1m per year for a £6m transfer value not make sense?

5. If we were to lose our management team, key players, miss out on the CL revenue there would be no queue of investors lining up to buy Rangers. We'd be a lame duck

There are 5 quick reasons why the bank are pushing Rangers to the brink.

Onto your next, slightly naive point. Of course i don't think that all debt should be written off. Where have i said that or suggested it at all? It's common practise in this business world in these situations (as has been happening in all sectors across the country of late) where the debt is written down in exchnage for receiving the majority of it quickly. This imporves the liquidity of the bank (e.g. £20m in their coffers is better than £30m on their debt book) meaning they can then leverage this £20m x 10 = £200m they will then be able to loan to customers at a favourable interest rate.

Banks have also have many of their toxic debts written off or down or passed to the taxpayer. If the very institution threatening Rangers is able to do this why is this difficult for you to understand?

The Glazer's debt isn't held with a bank anymore (im assuming you mean bank not back - that would just be silly) - they've just completed a bond issue to fund that £710m. It'll cost them £41m a year in interest by hey ho.

On your final desperate point, clubs are facing tough times across Europe but most of them don't have their management team working like temps or are in danger of losing their top scorer for hee haw due to the bank's refusal to have him signed up last year.

1. Everyone knows we are actively seeking new ownership, prospective new owners may not want our current management team on board therefore would also not want to pay the 5 million or so to pay them off had they signed new contracts. They are of course still getting paid, contract or not.

2. The bank has sanctioned new contract offers to Boyd, Wilson, Fleck etc. It is entirely their choice whether they sign them or not, they are free to talk to any club they want, as is any player at any club who are approaching the end of their deal. We can only offer wages which are sustainable to the club, simple fact is we can't compete with EPL clubs, trying to do that is what got us into such a scale of debt in the first place. Also was our previous debt/rolling overdraft facility not with RBS and has since had to be re-negotiated with Lloyds TSB?

3. We have signed Rothen for a healthy 18 grand a week who has bee a disastrous signing quite frankly. Given that we are sitting clear at top of the league and have a real chance of a domestic treble this season the bank may argue that major squad strengthening isn't requires. Walter also spent a large sum of money at the start of his tenure, which as I recall was more than we had originally budgeted for and therefore had a knock-on effect oin subsequent transfer windows.

4. Again Boyd has been offered a new contract, and to be quite honest at the start of this season you could find many posters on here who themselves would have been loathe to offer him a bumper contract. This time last year we receieved (and accepted) I think a 3.5 million pound bid for Boyd, which at that time was an accurate market value, its only this season where his game has come on leaps and bounds that he's being considered a 5 or 6 million pound asset.

5. Absolute conjecture. If we win the league this season, reduce the debt and have guarnateed champions league football next season then it will be a very attractive proposition for a potential investor to come in with no long-term contracts to be tied into and the opportunity to shape the club as they see fit.

Do we know the full story of our debt, and how it is tied into that of MIH overall. If for example the debt does currently stand at 30 million, why should the bank accept 18 million, if that offer did indeed exist? The bank surely have a duty to their shareholders to hold out for the as much money as they can get, again it would be complete conjecture to even speculate justr how much the bank would indeed accept. Perhaps 20 million, 22 million, who knows. If that is the case then they would still be writing off almost a third of the total debt, not a bad deal for us I would argue?

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- Said banks then decide that Rangers with a comparitive small debt - £30m to Man Utd's £710m need to pay this back pronto no matter the long term cost to the club as our venerable owner David Murray owes them almost £1bn. Yes a billion.

I have no sympathy for the banks - scum the lot of them. But reducing the debt by £1m a year isn't consistent with "need to pay this back pronto no matter the long term cost to the club".

- Depsite other businesses in trouble across the UK paying 50-70% of debt back to get the bank funds back in they appear to be holding out for the full 100% from Rangers.

Often stated but never backed up. Where are the examples that are relevant to Rangers? And why would such an arrangement not fall foul of the SPL Rules?

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the club have banned these banners i hear.......

Aye, just read it on another forum.

Which one ? Follwo follow ? I can only imagine the amount of knicker twisting going on about that decision. I am pleased as i don't understand the point of this and we could do without the distractions. Hopefully later someone involved that posts on here can explain what this was all about ........ :sherlock:

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Banner says with the first 2 words with a red cross over it 'Lloyds TSB Boyd's For the Journey...' And the other one 'Lloyds TSB - The Heartless Bankers'

We have offered boyd a contract with a 50% raise though.... <cr>

Don't shoot the messenger! Its getting quite cold btw.

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Banner says with the first 2 words with a red cross over it 'Lloyds TSB Boyd's For the Journey...' And the other one 'Lloyds TSB - The Heartless Bankers'

We have offered boyd a contract with a 50% raise though.... <cr>

Don't talk shite GCL, everyone knows the bank are running the club and would never sanction a wage increase for Boyd... :rolleyes:

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