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BNP - at Ibrox

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Been a while since I saw them in the Copland Rd and they're the scum of the Earth. They don't support Rangers, they don't have any bad feelings towards Celtic FC or RC's - most of them are RC's - they don't care about the real discrimination that's happening in our Country (with the backing of the Establishment that the support), they to be blunt are not interested in Rangers!

Trying to sell papers at Ibrox is just there lazy way of trying to enlarge their support - they actually believe the nonsense that the right-wing media put forth that Rangers fans are right-wing Tories!

Last time I saw them at Ibrox I took a load of leaflets off one of them telling him I'd distribute them - on passing the first rubbish bin they went in their with a few grogs!

Give them a Wide Berth - bunch of hate-filled Nazi's who mostly are Tims with Celtic leanings!

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Been a while since I saw them in the Copland Rd and they're the scum of the Earth. They don't support Rangers, they don't have any bad feelings towards Celtic FC or RC's - most of them are RC's - they don't care about the real discrimination that's happening in our Country (with the backing of the Establishment that the support), they to be blunt are not interested in Rangers!

Trying to sell papers at Ibrox is just there lazy way of trying to enlarge their support - they actually believe the nonsense that the right-wing media put forth that Rangers fans are right-wing Tories!

Last time I saw them at Ibrox I took a load of leaflets off one of them telling him I'd distribute them - on passing the first rubbish bin they went in their with a few grogs!

Give them a Wide Berth - bunch of hate-filled Nazi's who mostly are Tims with Celtic leanings!


A HORSE WITH NO......... great post and could not have put it any better myself - you hit the nail bang on the head - they are nothing to do with Rangers or Protestants/Orangemen - I stayed in London and new a few that were Fulham fans and they stated that religion was not MUCH to dowit getting the vote ?

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Been a while since I saw them in the Copland Rd and they're the scum of the Earth. They don't support Rangers, they don't have any bad feelings towards Celtic FC or RC's - most of them are RC's - they don't care about the real discrimination that's happening in our Country (with the backing of the Establishment that the support), they to be blunt are not interested in Rangers!

Trying to sell papers at Ibrox is just there lazy way of trying to enlarge their support - they actually believe the nonsense that the right-wing media put forth that Rangers fans are right-wing Tories!

Last time I saw them at Ibrox I took a load of leaflets off one of them telling him I'd distribute them - on passing the first rubbish bin they went in their with a few grogs!

Give them a Wide Berth - bunch of hate-filled Nazi's who mostly are Tims with Celtic leanings!

A HORSE WITH NO......... great post and could not have put it any better myself - you hit the nail bang on the head - they are nothing to do with Rangers or Protestants/Orangemen - I stayed in London and new a few that were Fulham fans and they stated that religion was not MUCH to dowit getting the vote ?


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Both shouting "British jobs for British people" no one took heed (tu)

Something that has haunted Gordon Brown, saying that, that is.

Since there's many a foreign worker working on the London 2012 Olympic Stadium...

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I remember a programe on them in Yorkshire when I was down there. When selling their paper they were giving it heavy licks of the Catholics and Protestants joining forces to fight a 'greater enemy' of foreigners...

From what I've read of their members most have a RC background (especially in England) - and my take on their hatred of 'minorities' is that THEIR minority would fare better with them getting more money in terms of their (STATE FUNDED) apartied schools.

It's all a crock tbh - if money wasn't being spent on helping asylum seekers etc, it'd still not be spent on them! Not only are they cretins they haven't the first inkling of how Capitalist Parliamentary Democracy works... They'd still be f**ked and they'd be looking to blame someone else! Either that or go back up the road and knock seven shades of shit out of their wifes... :pierre:

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I remember a programe on them in Yorkshire when I was down there. When selling their paper they were giving it heavy licks of the Catholics and Protestants joining forces to fight a 'greater enemy' of foreigners...

From what I've read of their members most have a RC background (especially in England) - and my take on their hatred of 'minorities' is that THEIR minority would fare better with them getting more money in terms of their (STATE FUNDED) apartied schools.

It's all a crock tbh - if money wasn't being spent on helping asylum seekers etc, it'd still not be spent on them! Not only are they cretins they haven't the first inkling of how Capitalist Parliamentary Democracy works... They'd still be f**ked and they'd be looking to blame someone else! Either that or go back up the road and knock seven shades of shit out of their wifes... :pierre:

Nick Griffin is an RC

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Should be banned.

That wouldn't be the right way to handle them mate!

Remember going down to that march on their Wapping HQ and I'd got a handful of people from the course I was doing to come along.

One of them 'John' (a Celtic supporter) said the way to handle these cunts is just bomb their HQ. Like I said to him (with a smile) now, that may be the Celtic way of doing things :lol: but using the old gray matter it's important that the 'people' show their feelings towards them. Having the State do something they've clearly no interest in doing is just encouraging people to have a sense of 'believe' in Parliamentary Politicians - and as everyone knows they're just a shower of self-serving bastards (and in Scotland Rangers hating Septic loving ones) and that'd be wrong!

It'd be like believing in Gods... an exercise in futility! :pierre:

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Last time I saw them at Ibrox was the game immediately after big Amoruso was accused of racially abusing some guy in a Euro tie. I was pished and ended up brawling with them, calling them opportunist cunts, which is all they are. Fuck all to do with The Rangers.

Fucking BNP idiots, too left wing for my liking anyway.

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