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Andy Walker at a different game today

stevenage bear

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The sky pundit think it was walker had to be watching a different game today

Yes Hibs had a spell but ffs you would have thought it was all hibs- rather than them being 2 down at the point, about the same point started taking the piss.

Last 20 mins was as good as Rnagers have been for ages

I know walker and co will never admit it but we are looking good

It makes it all the sweeter when they cant bring themselfs to praise Rangers LMFAO

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The sky pundit think it was walker had to be watching a different game today

Yes Hibs had a spell but ffs you would have thought it was all hibs- rather than them being 2 down at the point, about the same point started taking the piss.

Last 20 mins was as good as Rnagers have been for ages

I know walker and co will never admit it but we are looking good

It makes it all the sweeter when they cant bring themselfs to praise Rangers LMFAO

I'm not usually one for the biased commentator theories but walker was unbelievable today. Although he did manage to give us a bit of credit late in the game it was mostly all hivs this hivs that.

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He does our games on Soccer Saturday, and I'm normally watching on a stream and he ALWAYS says Rangers are on the back foot and could lose a goal yet I'm watching the game and it's a completely different story

He's a bitter wee fart

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Thankfully I never have to listen to them. The 1st half was pretty even, both teams has spells where they were dangerous, and played some lovely football.

In the 2nd half, we controlled the game from start to finish, kept them quiet, played some fantastic stuff, created chances, pounded them at times, knocked 3 past them - 3 going on 5,6...

Overall, we were the better team, the result, and performances showed that, but for some, it hurt's too much, and it will never change.

Fcuk them, a fantastic performance from Rangers, and three points, which is all that matters!

Keep it going :clap:

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Andy Walker and Ian Crocker are two fucking tits!

You could hear the excitement and anticipation in their voices when Hibs got into the box. And Walker must be pumping Zemmama!

And what about crocker after half-time. He could hardly contain his excitment when he was on about boyd being suspended

for the old firm game. There both shite, i even prefer the old bloke on ESPN

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Its fuckin laughable how biased the commentary is! The commentary when Lafferty had his shot at the very start of the 1st half and they never even mentioned how well he did to create space for himself and get a good shot in, they just commented on the keeper's save which was an easy save in all truth. Also how much they went on about those fuckin moroccan's was making me sick...Yes they did have a few good touches but McGregor only had like 1 save to make the whole game! Walker + Crocker = :wanker:

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Derek Rae on ESPN is pretty decent, but he's normally along side Burley :anguish: :anguish:

To be honest I don't think Burley is THAT bad, he doesn't seem to wear his green and white shades the whole game. Derek Rae is actually pretty decent.

But Crocker and Walker are just a couple of dirty clowns. I kid you not that Walker said 20 minutes in to the second half Hibs were playing the better football. I thought surely Crocker would say, Andy are you actually watching the game, but of course not! Incredible that nobody seems to pull them up on their blatant bias every single week.


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Just goes to show that the commentary team really did talk some ammount of shite as Kris Boyd will be available after all !!!

To Quote Walter Smith ,

"I looked at the list during the week and when he got booked I thought he might have been out," said Smith. "But the referee says it was for obstruction which is just a two-point one so he has a point to go yet.


"We are pleased to have him, there is no doubt about that. Kris Boyd and Kenny Miller are just coming back from injury and it's important they have a bit of continuity. That would mean Kris can play so we are pleased about that"

Good News !!!

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Andy Walker and Ian Crocker are two fucking tits!

You could hear the excitement and anticipation in their voices when Hibs got into the box. And Walker must be pumping Zemmama!

A couple of wankers.

I put the telly on mute for the second half, I couldn't bare listening to him.

Had it on loud and proud after we scored number two. I fucking love hearing them when they're spewing.

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Hate Walker, but found myself agreeing with him over the incident when play was stopped as we broke up the park when Rankie(?) supposedly got hit in the face. Walker did say it was a ridiculous decision.

He's still a cunt though! :wanker:

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i was sittin' watchin the game her in Dubai and my wife Claire turned to me and said who is that dickhead commentating, now tbh she was half watchin the game as she was doing some work on her laptop but she could pick the biased in the wee prick's commentary. It was an absolute disgrace and i'll be honest i was gettting wound up listening to him, but anyhow it was great to hear squirm near the end when we ere taking the total piss.



53 on its way

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