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Vanguard Bears official complaint


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She was brought up a Celtic fan, and as far as I'm aware, isn't a Catholic.

Thought it was a strange one that she was covering this story, as she's scoobied about football.

I'll be getting it since I've the audacity to be mates with a tim who likes Ireland.

Maybe clear a few things up for me please LF -

Your pal is not a Catholic but she's a Tim???? How does that work exactly?

Your pal hasn't a clue [scoobied] about football but supports Ra'Celik???? How does that work exactly?

I think your pal is taking you for a Joe Hunt. Either that or that would be you?

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She was brought up a Celtic fan, and as far as I'm aware, isn't a Catholic.

Thought it was a strange one that she was covering this story, as she's scoobied about football.

I'll be getting it since I've the audacity to be mates with a tim who likes Ireland.

Maybe clear a few things up for me please LF -

Your pal is not a Catholic but she's a Tim???? How does that work exactly?

Your pal hasn't a clue [scoobied] about football but supports Ra'Celik???? How does that work exactly?

I think your pal is taking you for a Joe Hunt. Either that or that would be you?


1 - I call more or less anyone who supports Celtic a tim, not necessarily Catholic - just my definition and what I've always said - might be right or wrong, but that's anyones opinion.

2 - I said she was brought up a Celtic fan but as far as I know she couldn't give two shits about football and couldn't tell you much about it now. Papaguy summed it up better earlier:

Seriously, I know people (girls especially) who 'hate Rangers' because they are brought up in F*nian households, yet have never been to a Celtic game in their lives.

I'm struggling to see what you're getting at here, I've supported VB for as long as I've been aware of their work, and am in support of them with their complaint on this article.

I've not once defended her or her opinions/beliefs/choice of flags, but I seem to have been tagged as her QC because I offered insight into what she's like as a person.

How does that work exactly?
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Maybe clear a few things up for me please LF -

Your pal hasn't a clue [scoobied] about football but supports Ra'Celik???? How does that work exactly?

Re-reading that, reminds me of a wee doll I used to go to college with two or three years ago.

We were talking about the Scotland team and she asked who the manager was.

When we told her it was McLeish, she said 'ohh, that orange bastard.'

Prime example of the point Papaguy made and still pisses me off today, that latent fucking timmy bigotry.

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Here's my opinion,

For what it's worth, LF I think you were a little to quick off the mark to inform us of your opinion of your friend, maybe it would have been wiser for you to have waited to, as you said, hear back from her on her reasons for attacking a Rangers supporter and by association the support in general in this article, and as has been said by the likes of Papa & Gid who also work or have worked in the industry if she didn't write this piece of nonsense then you would be in a position to defend her, I know that you are not defending her but I can understand why others who have not read the thread properly might think that is the case, as it has gone of in a tangent from the OP.

As for members on here who question LF's loyalty and insinuated that he is a tim sympathieser and wish him to rot in hell, all I can say is shame on you, he has been a member of this site for longer than most an his record speaks for itself, if he were a tim lover he would have been found out long ago, I challenge any of you to show me were he agrees with her or says anything against VB, for what it's worth I also have many friends who are celtic supporters, does that make me a tim lover also? I think not!. some people need to grow up on here.

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What a load of pig swill that article is. Never mind the unsubstantiated facts and the clear bias, it's not even well written. When I read an article and it contains language like "scum" then I immediately dismiss it. Don't the journalism departments at universities have any pride anymore?

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Firstly, I don't know you and I definitely don't know the daft lass who wrote this silly article so I'm prepared to give you both the benefit of the doubt.

Controversial, sensationalistic crap like this is common place in tabloid newspapers and, for the most part, such baseless accusations are water off a duck's back. That's why Rangers FC have ignored it (and similar in the past) as there are far more serious breaches to consider from more credible sources than the NotW.

Nonetheless the stance of Vanguard is an admirable one as it points out the hypocrisy and needless triumphalism of your friend's attitude to the story. If the NotW, the journalist in question or the confused supporter complaining really felt strongly about such an incident, they wouldn't be highlighting it in a newspaper without ensuring Strathclyde Police had been fully briefed on the incident while having proof of what happened. Anything else is just hearsay and when one juxtaposes this with the journalist's behaviour elsewhere and the fan's behaviour elsewhere; the picture is obvious.

Once again we have a pointless story which only serves to increase sectarian tension in Scotland as opposed to address it constructively. Of course the NotW and this journalist are not alone in their hypocrisy in attempting to make money out of this social disease but I commend Vanguard for taking the time to expose such double-standards.

Furthermore, if I was friendly with someone like Ms Smith, I'd be reconsidering that given her principles seem to extend as far as trying to make a career out of spreading muck about subjects she has no idea about. You could be next.

None of us are perfect though so I'll look forward to her story this weekend about how a ball-boy was constantly attacked by missiles throughout the first half of the Old Firm game the other week, so much so that he had to be accompanied by a steward when the matter was brought to the attention of the police by concerned Rangers fans. Eventually, the problem continued to an extent the ball-boy was removed from the area while the guilty parties (several Celtic fans in the Broomloan Front) were not removed.

There is an interesting story to be had by journalists when it comes to sectarianism, racism and prejudice in Scottish football. The deliberate impotence of the football authorities, the wilful inaction of the police and the negative contribution of the media all form part of it.

I suggest your friend won't be telling any of us those truths any time soon.

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What, I'm a regular 'apologist' for LaudrupForever am I? I've barely spoken to him before. What have I said that's so offended you this time?

It would appear there's no grey area on this one.

Better leave the flak to me on this one, I'll be getting it since I've the audacity to be mates with a tim who likes Ireland.

Ok, so, leaving everything aside, do you actually think that the article is....

Just? Fair? Correct? Factual?

The problem with this is, you are defending a friend (fair enough), but, all you have to do is actually read the piece! It has no place in decent society, and, what is the defence? She didnt mean it? Why write it then?

Hard to understand that bit

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I appreciate LF's comments in this thread, and everyone else should to. He is speaking from a position of knowledge which none of us can claim to have about this "journalist".

In saying that though, it all boils down to this i think. She has been given the chance of an Exclusive story and seeing her name in a national newspaper has just got carried away and written an article on a subject she knows nothing about.

She may well be a terrorist sympathiser or bigot, but i'll take LF's word that she isn't, simple because he knows more about her than i do. She certainly has a hatred for the Rangers support though and there is no doubt that this helped to a large extent in her taking the article on.

At the end of the day though, this is all relative. If anyone, be it a Celtic fan, a Thistle fan or even one of our own pens an article which tells lies and misconceptions about the Rangers support then it should be challenged, and that is what VB continue to do. Lets not lose that fact amongst everything else in this thread.

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I know fine well she doesn't like Rangers fans as a whole

Why would that be? Bit a generalisation if you ask me mate. She may well be your friend, but I think deep down, you know she's hate filled bigot who saw an opportunity to attack Rangers FC and our fans. What has she got against Rangers fans?

I have MANY mates who hate Rangers ( in a footballing sense) and funny enough they are not Celtic fans but support other clubs in scotland :rolleyes: its not black and white as LF says , the article IS however one of many she has written that is absolute shite.

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LF it's decent of you to stick up for your friend/mate but i have to disagree with you here, she imo knew what she doing.

I'm not doubting that as such, I just don't think she's straining at the leash for any chance to do us down.

I'm not saying she'd turn the story down, (I fucking wouldn't if it was the other way around and had the chance to do some damage to the mhanks) but that's just life I suppose.

We'll just agree to disagree mate. (tu)

So you don't doubt she knew she was sticking the boot Rangers and its support over a bullshit non story, but your still pals with her.. outrageous

You and yer wee pals sticking up for you on here are not The Rangers i was brought up with

I hope you rot in hell with her and her tri colour

Just lurking here guys, just wanted to say that is bang out. Get a grip. An apology is in order I should think.

Cheers Si.

I couldn't really give a damn if he apologises for that or not, it's the being called a tim that's been more out of order imo, but this guy seems to be beyond reason.

If Andy Walker stuck up for Speirs id wish hell rotting on him to, dont take it personally, i wish it on all Rangers and thier bumchums


Clocked that too SoW. I think someones on the wrong board.

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LF call me one sided on this but if i had a "mate" who hated Rangers fans, who celebrated scurrilous lies against the club that i loved and branded the support as "Paedopiles" for no reason I'd have enough to question this said friendship.

It's a ridiculous hate filled article. Vanguard Bears are perfectly right to fight back against these lies about the Rangers supporters in general. These papers are rags but shit sticks and we've been open and defenseless to it for far too long.

I agree with the fightback from VB, as I have done with everything they've done that I've seen.

VB cannot be commended enough for the work they've done, I've just tried to throw some light on the background of the journo behind this.

Somehow, more people on here who've never clapped eyes on the journo seem to think they know her better than me - a mate of hers for about five years. But whatever.

Some people need to vent like this, and if that's how they need to let off steam, then that's up to them.

I seemed to have a few VB members coming after me a bit tonight with this, which is strange, as I've supported them throughout this thread and I actually agree with going to the PCC over this one.


VB members are not coming after you mate, I believe most are members of RM. Personally I don't care if you stick up for this little boot or not to be honest. The complaint will most likely get us nowhere in the end up. However if it makes your friend think about the shit she writes in future and the ensuing hassle, then it's worth doing.

She hates Rangers fans - Fact

Memeber of hate Nacho Novo club - Fact

Irish flag on her wall - Fact

She's a liar - Fact

She bragged about her story the night before - Fact

If that's your mate, I would re-consider who you pal about with. She's only fit for sneering at and mocking by anyone who comes into contact with her. We all know what her game was and so do you.

There's not really much else I can add to that, but that's about the size of it.

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parent should be dealt with by police for ensuring his son is in the position to be abused for a prolonged period, i aint really read this thread but glad i did, i wouldnt wanna miss the contraversy that vanguard articles cause

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LF call me one sided on this but if i had a "mate" who hated Rangers fans, who celebrated scurrilous lies against the club that i loved and branded the support as "Paedopiles" for no reason I'd have enough to question this said friendship.

It's a ridiculous hate filled article. Vanguard Bears are perfectly right to fight back against these lies about the Rangers supporters in general. These papers are rags but shit sticks and we've been open and defenseless to it for far too long.

I agree with the fightback from VB, as I have done with everything they've done that I've seen.

VB cannot be commended enough for the work they've done, I've just tried to throw some light on the background of the journo behind this.

Somehow, more people on here who've never clapped eyes on the journo seem to think they know her better than me - a mate of hers for about five years. But whatever.

Some people need to vent like this, and if that's how they need to let off steam, then that's up to them.

I seemed to have a few VB members coming after me a bit tonight with this, which is strange, as I've supported them throughout this thread and I actually agree with going to the PCC over this one.


VB members are not coming after you mate, I believe most are members of RM. Personally I don't care if you stick up for this little boot or not to be honest. The complaint will most likely get us nowhere in the end up. However if it makes your friend think about the shit she writes in future and the ensuing hassle, then it's worth doing.

She hates Rangers fans - Fact

Memeber of hate Nacho Novo club - Fact

Irish flag on her wall - Fact

She's a liar - Fact

She bragged about her story the night before - Fact

If that's your mate, I would re-consider who you pal about with. She's only fit for sneering at and mocking by anyone who comes into contact with her. We all know what her game was and so do you.

There's not really much else I can add to that, but that's about the size of it.


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LF it's decent of you to stick up for your friend/mate but i have to disagree with you here, she imo knew what she doing.

I'm not doubting that as such, I just don't think she's straining at the leash for any chance to do us down.

I'm not saying she'd turn the story down, (I fucking wouldn't if it was the other way around and had the chance to do some damage to the mhanks) but that's just life I suppose.

We'll just agree to disagree mate. (tu)

So you don't doubt she knew she was sticking the boot Rangers and its support over a bullshit non story, but your still pals with her.. outrageous

You and yer wee pals sticking up for you on here are not The Rangers i was brought up with

I hope you rot in hell with her and her tri colour

Just lurking here guys, just wanted to say that is bang out. Get a grip. An apology is in order I should think.

Cheers Si.

I couldn't really give a damn if he apologises for that or not, it's the being called a tim that's been more out of order imo, but this guy seems to be beyond reason.

If Andy Walker stuck up for Speirs id wish hell rotting on him to, dont take it personally, i wish it on all Rangers and thier bumchums


Clocked that too SoW. I think someones on the wrong board.

I don't think admin noticed (tu)

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Yes i know but what will happen?? Fuck all. At best they will print a tiny sorry and we will all be happy. But then the next paper print more lies and crap. Thats my point. We are past the point scoring stage with some of theses people and papers, so just ban them from ibrox end off.

If the PCC uphold the complaint, maybe even if they turn it down, the journo writing the next pack of lies about bears just might think twice before submitting it.....

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I need to ask this to everyone in this thread;

If you worked for a paper, would you turn down even half a chance to slaughter the scum in print? And be honest, please.

The difference is papaguy, we wouldn't have to make stories up.

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All I can see is LF offering what he knows about her, as well as pointing out a few reasons as to why this story may have surfaced.

The fact that she may be a greetin' bitter tim is one of them, but I can't see LF denying that.

I see no condonation whatsoever. This thread has went way off course :anguish:

The way I see it, without knowing either of them, thats not really the point, its fairly irrelevant.

You look at the story, and, as well as being shoddy as hell, its offensive, and, obviously made up, and, written with an intent to do just what it has done. I would be fairly sure that if the shoe was on the other foot, an eager up and coming journo would do the same about them, seems natural.

The interesting part for me is, the writer and the subject are both members of the same group on Facebook I believe? You then have the potential cor collusion, which is highly plausible. "Hey, you can slate Rangers in the press, let me help with a story" scenario. Maybe she is gullible and fell for it? This McJanet fella certainly seems to be proper scum.

She may well put on a completely different "face" around LF, than she does elsewhere, as, viewing her twitter and other places certainly paints an entirely different picture of her than the one he seems to know. Maybe the girl he "knows" isnt actually the real person?

Some people are saying nonsense like "she has an Irish flag, so what?" well, indeed, I have noticed more and more that this is how "arguments" are done on message boards, individualise aspects to make them look trivial. Its a "nice" plan, as it does just that. However, when you look at ALL the aspects together, it paints an entirely different picture.

You may think owning a tricolour is trivial, it is. As is posting that "Rangers fans actually disgust me" (bheasts disgust me too!), or, being members of certain facebook groups. Individually, not much in it. But, put them all together, along with the article, and, along with the fact its subject was a person there is every reason to believe she could have been in touch with in a non professional scenario, and...

Thats why people have there back up about it. And, I think he is getting it more for the "no agenda" and "she isnt like that" type lines, as, it looks fairly clear that she actually is.

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it's the type of thing you'd come home and complain about on a forum or something!

Which he certainly did, I first heard the story on the muddleboard, I think it was early last week. maybe she made contact after that...

Or maybe he did the same on the myfacespace group or whatever it is....

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All I can see is LF offering what he knows about her, as well as pointing out a few reasons as to why this story may have surfaced.

The fact that she may be a greetin' bitter tim is one of them, but I can't see LF denying that.

I see no condonation whatsoever. This thread has went way off course :anguish:

The way I see it, without knowing either of them, thats not really the point, its fairly irrelevant.

You look at the story, and, as well as being shoddy as hell, its offensive, and, obviously made up, and, written with an intent to do just what it has done. I would be fairly sure that if the shoe was on the other foot, an eager up and coming journo would do the same about them, seems natural.

The interesting part for me is, the writer and the subject are both members of the same group on Facebook I believe? You then have the potential cor collusion, which is highly plausible. "Hey, you can slate Rangers in the press, let me help with a story" scenario. Maybe she is gullible and fell for it? This McJanet fella certainly seems to be proper scum.

She may well put on a completely different "face" around LF, than she does elsewhere, as, viewing her twitter and other places certainly paints an entirely different picture of her than the one he seems to know. Maybe the girl he "knows" isnt actually the real person?

Some people are saying nonsense like "she has an Irish flag, so what?" well, indeed, I have noticed more and more that this is how "arguments" are done on message boards, individualise aspects to make them look trivial. Its a "nice" plan, as it does just that. However, when you look at ALL the aspects together, it paints an entirely different picture.

You may think owning a tricolour is trivial, it is. As is posting that "Rangers fans actually disgust me" (bheasts disgust me too!), or, being members of certain facebook groups. Individually, not much in it. But, put them all together, along with the article, and, along with the fact its subject was a person there is every reason to believe she could have been in touch with in a non professional scenario, and...

Thats why people have there back up about it. And, I think he is getting it more for the "no agenda" and "she isnt like that" type lines, as, it looks fairly clear that she actually is.


A lesson learned for Laudrupforever perhaps not to take all people at face value.

Don't get me wrong, you have to try and see the best in people, and it's an admirable trait, but the sad truth here is that many many people in the West of Scotland (and elsewhere for that matter) who support Celtic can seem "alright" face to face, and even somewhat moderate, but their real views can often be somewhat different.

I guess there comes a point in time, when you still try and take people at face value, but become a better judge of character.

I am certain most people called it right on Smith, and if they haven't, then she isn't very good at representing herself.

Time will tell.

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All I can see is LF offering what he knows about her, as well as pointing out a few reasons as to why this story may have surfaced.

The fact that she may be a greetin' bitter tim is one of them, but I can't see LF denying that.

I see no condonation whatsoever. This thread has went way off course :anguish:

The way I see it, without knowing either of them, thats not really the point, its fairly irrelevant.

You look at the story, and, as well as being shoddy as hell, its offensive, and, obviously made up, and, written with an intent to do just what it has done. I would be fairly sure that if the shoe was on the other foot, an eager up and coming journo would do the same about them, seems natural.

The interesting part for me is, the writer and the subject are both members of the same group on Facebook I believe? You then have the potential cor collusion, which is highly plausible. "Hey, you can slate Rangers in the press, let me help with a story" scenario. Maybe she is gullible and fell for it? This McJanet fella certainly seems to be proper scum.

She may well put on a completely different "face" around LF, than she does elsewhere, as, viewing her twitter and other places certainly paints an entirely different picture of her than the one he seems to know. Maybe the girl he "knows" isnt actually the real person?

Some people are saying nonsense like "she has an Irish flag, so what?" well, indeed, I have noticed more and more that this is how "arguments" are done on message boards, individualise aspects to make them look trivial. Its a "nice" plan, as it does just that. However, when you look at ALL the aspects together, it paints an entirely different picture.

You may think owning a tricolour is trivial, it is. As is posting that "Rangers fans actually disgust me" (bheasts disgust me too!), or, being members of certain facebook groups. Individually, not much in it. But, put them all together, along with the article, and, along with the fact its subject was a person there is every reason to believe she could have been in touch with in a non professional scenario, and...

Thats why people have there back up about it. And, I think he is getting it more for the "no agenda" and "she isnt like that" type lines, as, it looks fairly clear that she actually is.

Nicely put outlaw, but what ive highlighted is all what she done, no excuses, no nonsense like it probably wasn't her that wrote it crap, if your name is under it you obvisely seen it, otherwise if i where her i'd take the b stards to court for putting my name under something i didn't write, now lets look at reality here shes a taig and a bad one at that. (tu)

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