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Rangers and celtc to make history with Boston friendly clash?


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In all seriousness I'm split on it. It would be a great way of getting serious exposure across the pond, but still....a friendly? Against them??

I don't think the local authorities would appreciate just how many things could go wrong.

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Can I ask why so many over here in the UK, are against a pre-season game in the US to market ourselves to possible sponsorship and marketing opportunities?

If this is viable, then it's a win,win.

I'm a bit surprised by the reaction on here too...

Same here.

I could see the point if it was a SPL Oldfirm game, and us fans were losing out on one of our home games.

DB, I see your point about marketing the Gers in the US and make them become more visible. Economic realities are changing every day.

Someone raised concerns about the Boston Police Department and other PDs handling the celtic-Gers "friendly" in Foxborough, but I know that these police departments have had history with the Red Sox fans after their two World Series championships.

Not related to this discussion, I am also aware that the Columbus (Ohio) police are well-versed in riot policing every time Ohio State defeats Michigan in an American football game in Columbus. There were some well-documented riots in Columbus when the Buckeyes upended their bitter rival, Michigan. Lately, I have not heard much of that. I believe it was somewhat common in the 1970s.

Other than that, Boston is really an amazing city with a lot of history. I've heard jokes that the Boston streets were patterned after cow paths because it takes one person to really know where he or she is going. Central Massachusetts is also a nice place to visit- Foxborough and Worcester. There is one place in Maine that I enjoyed going- Kittery, ME.

I would dare say Strathclyde police would be consulted on any possible trouble escalating, and experience on handling Oldfirm events.

As you say, it's no like the US ain't used to handling big events. They will be ready for anything and won't want anything making them look bad, especially when this event will be broadcasted on TV.

One thing we have as a big advantage is Alastair Johnston, with his connections and us showcasing our club against our biggest rivals, all I can see is more positives.

I think the interesting thing would be whether or not they kept the different supporters separated. They don't ever do that in the States, but if they asked Strathclyde Police I'm sure things would change. I just hope they go forward with this--what a party it would be.

Supporters would be separated, well knowing celebrities to the US and a link with ourselves would get involved. To market this event.

As I've said Alastair Johnston and his links with IMG, will come into to play if this pre-season game goes ahead.

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I agree that having a "friendly" OF is a joke...but let's think about this logically. Touring the States is a major marketing opportunity when we desperately need money and new support. Gillette is an amazing venue, and regardless of the makeup of the crowd we'd get to split the profits. Bottom line...it's a great chance. Plus New England is gorgeous in the summer. Count me in!

We can go together and enjoy the atmosphere. (tu)

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Like it or not, we both need each other in these times to market ourselves more oversea's.

It's true we will never be friends, but both OLDFIRM clubs can use this to their advantage and more.

We certainly don't need to play each other to market ourselves overseas.

If that were the case it would have happened, it hasn't, and if I were a betting man I would bet that it never will.

Sadly we don't market ourselves, I have a hard time even seeing Rangers gear in this area. Gillette Stadium in the home ground of the New England Revolution, as well as the New England Patriots, the last time I checked New England consists of more than just Boston. angry.gif

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Would be a big money generator for us, and would raise both clubs and Scottish football's profile in the States. Plus, it gives the North American bears a chance to see the QXI take on the scum (tu)

I'm all for it :pipe:

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Like it or not, we both need each other in these times to market ourselves more oversea's.

It's true we will never be friends, but both OLDFIRM clubs can use this to their advantage and more.

We certainly don't need to play each other to market ourselves overseas.

If that were the case it would have happened, it hasn't, and if I were a betting man I would bet that it never will.

Sadly we don't market ourselves, I have a hard time even seeing Rangers gear in this area. Gillette Stadium in the home ground of the New England Revolution, as well as the New England Patriots, the last time I checked New England consists of more than just Boston. angry.gif

cstamom, I am trying to remember that there is a huge flea market, so I was not sure if it is in Sturbridge or in Southbridge. I went there once, and it would take a few days to go through that flea market. That requires a lot of walking.

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To be honest, though, Rangers and Celtic are linked at the hip in the minds of all football supporters who don't actually follow either club, so if we wanted a great deal of exposure for the Scottish game over here, it would not be a bad commercial idea.

I would be tempted to go, but I would be curious to see what other dates Rangers were playing first. (And if they were closer than Boston!)

As for our public presence in North America, there are plenty of Rangers Supporters Clubs all over North America, but Celtic have done a much better job marketing themselves. It may have to do with Rangers' links to JJB Sports, but it is difficult to find Rangers gear over here (apart from ordering direct, which I tend to do), but at almost every sports shop which carries football gear, you will find Celtic jerseys and often other gear. They have toured North America quite consistently in the off seasons, whereas it has been a while since our club ventured to these shores.

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Rangers v Celtic is now in the same sentance as ''friendly''. Just shows you how soft our derby has become since that game in 1999.

And they want this to be played in boston which is full of pikeys, plastic irish, ira funding pricks - get tae fuck (td)

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no chance don't go down this road if they make money out of it it wont be long before the last old firm game is played abroad and were left here watching it on TV that would solve that problem after the split

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Yes..its not a particularly great idea from our point of view. I think Boston is well known as an Irish/American strnghold, and with the bheggars likely to be flaunting their 'Irishness' its clear to me who will be the favourites of the locals.

I wouldnt call it a neutral venue.

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Yes..its not a particularly great idea from our point of view. I think Boston is well known as an Irish/American strnghold, and with the bheggars likely to be flaunting their 'Irishness' its clear to me who will be the favourites of the locals.

I wouldnt call it a neutral venue.

Yeah this is my main gripe with the proposal. I'm not against us playing a game at Gillette stadium, but I'd rather see us play the New England Revs or a game against a premiership team like Chelsea or Arsenal. I just think that playing against Celtic in Boston is just pandering to them, as they will hog all the exposure, and gain a lot more from it than us.

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