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RST Chairman and Secretary resign


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They have sharpened the knives and anyone found to be disagreeing, will be smeared at all costs. Still no answers then?

Earl of Leven -

I assume that a certain individual (whose sanity could be questioned) is working with certain disgruntled and disgraced former RST board members? The agenda is transparently clear....the 'sweeping out of the old guard' would presumably leave the way open for people more likely to...oh I don't know....hold secret meetings with RFC, take freebies and not declare them, lie about a fan rep on RFC's board etc? Just a hunch.

The likes of Deedle and EoL coming on the attack isn't a surprise. Neither had anything useful to say during their time on the board and they don't have anything constructive to say now.

With regard to 'secret meetings with the club', perhaps EoL would like to comment on Ben Campbell's (another resigned board member) statement of a few months back where he made it clear that a delegation which met with the club withheld information from the rest of the board before posting it on FF first?

As for highlighting 'freebies and not declaring them' perhaps he'll use this week's podcast to discuss Trust dinners and board members not paying for tables until over 2 years after the fact.

As for his 'hunch' about fan rep 'lies', well a cursory look through his posts from that period show he was as excited as anyone else about that particular project.

The truth is nobody is perfect but people like him writing utter claptrap such as that post is everything that is wrong with the Trust's relationship with FF and only proves the point about a new direction being needed. Not so others can come in and seize control but so we have a Trust which delivers on its promises and excites everyone with their work.

Not one which under the merest criticism resorts to name-calling, lies and slurs to deflect from the valid concerns of Rangers fans.

If previous board members are 'disgraced' what does that make the people who serve now given what we've been told today?

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That the RST board could fail so convincingly to deliver anything that might reasonably be expected of a Supporters Trust is bad enough.

That they could still be in office, entrenched and repulsive, like bloated vermin, is beyond tolerance. Every one of the RST board must stand down immediately. The RST can only find credibility if it is reconstituted without the sordid presence of people like Mark Dingwall and the sad incompetence of Stephen Smith. Get out of our RST now!

The Cheque-Bouncer must go.

As untenable positions go, his takes the jaffa.


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This is manna from heaven for our enemies.

Maybe it should be conducted via pm until the smoke clears and the facts are out in the open.

If the inferences are correct you can understand SDM's reticence to deal with that mob.

It's time we accepted that some of our most damaging enemies are in the clique who virtually hijacked the RST a few years back. There's been far too much accommodation of these self-serving pigs.

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The likes of Deedle and EoL coming on the attack isn't a surprise. Neither had anything useful to say during their time on the board and they don't have anything constructive to say now.

With regard to 'secret meetings with the club', perhaps EoL would like to comment on Ben Campbell's (another resigned board member) statement of a few months back where he made it clear that a delegation which met with the club withheld information from the rest of the board before posting it on FF first?

As for highlighting 'freebies and not declaring them' perhaps he'll use this week's podcast to discuss Trust dinners and board members not paying for tables until over 2 years after the fact.

As for his 'hunch' about fan rep 'lies', well a cursory look through his posts from that period show he was as excited as anyone else about that particular project.

The truth is nobody is perfect but people like him writing utter claptrap such as that post is everything that is wrong with the Trust's relationship with FF and only proves the point about a new direction being needed. Not so others can come in and seize control but so we have a Trust which delivers on its promises and excites everyone with their work.

Not one which under the merest criticism resorts to name-calling, lies and slurs to deflect from the valid concerns of Rangers fans.

If previous board members are 'disgraced' what does that make the people who serve now given what we've been told today?

Thanks Frankie for posting my real name that's a winner..... :clap: EOL knows me personally so he doesn't need to ask.

Just to clarify what you've quoted me on. I had a rather unfortunate exchange on FF which I regret to some extent with MD over RST matters. The subject was respect for fellow board members and not withholding information per se but it is true what I said the details and minutes from the last serious meeting with the club hit FF before the RST board members got it.

To be fair to MD and FF they have let me post alternative viewpoints and allowed quite direct criticism of various parties on a regular basis....the current situation I don't have a lot to add to it but it is inevitable further change will come within the RST...it would be preferable if it were neat but that was never going to happen.

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It's time we accepted that some of our most damaging enemies are in the clique who virtually hijacked the RST a few years back. There's been far too much accommodation of these self-serving pigs.

i would agree with this , lets out them fr the chartlatans that they are

imo they want power but have no financial clout to achieve this , so they look for easy targets to fund such power trips

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Thanks Frankie for posting my real name that's a winner..... :clap: EOL knows me personally so he doesn't need to ask.

Just to clarify what you've quoted me on. I had a rather unfortunate exchange on FF which I regret to some extent with MD over RST matters. The subject was respect for fellow board members and not withholding information per se but it is true what I said the details and minutes from the last serious meeting with the club hit FF before the RST board members got it.

To be fair to MD and FF they have let me post alternative viewpoints and allowed quite direct criticism of various parties on a regular basis....the current situation I don't have a lot to add to it but it is inevitable further change will come within the RST...it would be preferable if it were neat but that was never going to happen.


I apologise if I said anything out of turn, 'quoting' other people informally like I did with you above isn't ideal and I'm glad you've come on to corroborate my recollection.

With respect to the rest of your post, earlier in this thread I posted that the Trust has two paths available to it. The first one was the agreeable one and any reasonable person would agree. Unfortunately, it seems at least two board members are preferring the second option while using recently resigned colleagues and close friends to repeat their outrageous slurs about people that can't defend themselves.

The fact in the very same thread one of their own is admitting to financial negligence and the organisation covering up said debts really has to be seen to be believed. And they have the gall to refer to others as disgraced.

To try and move on from that distasteful episode, how would you implement the change so obviously required within the Trust to try and revitalise and refresh the organisation we all want to be a success?

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I apologise if I said anything out of turn, 'quoting' other people informally like I did with you above isn't ideal and I'm glad you've come on to corroborate my recollection.

With respect to the rest of your post, earlier in this thread I posted that the Trust has two paths available to it. The first one was the agreeable one and any reasonable person would agree. Unfortunately, it seems at least two board members are preferring the second option while using recently resigned colleagues and close friends to repeat their outrageous slurs about people that can't defend themselves.

The fact in the very same thread one of their own is admitting to financial negligence and the organisation covering up said debts really has to be seen to be believed. And they have the gall to refer to others as disgraced.

To try and move on from that distasteful episode, how would you implement the change so obviously required within the Trust to try and revitalise and refresh the organisation we all want to be a success?

Don't worry about it, just would have been better if you used my username-which obviously would be better if you didn't now :D .

I don't know the details of what has unfolded-I don't think it's fair I comment anymore than it would be fair for me to comment on accusations made about other ex-RST board members, in most cases I don't know the details. It would be better if the past was buried but I understand there is deep feeling about it.

What the RST required and requires to do is change. It'll take time and I think inevitably you require new faces-as you recognise there has been changes, some very capable and committed people remain. I have posted on FF the whole set up is very insular but it is chicken and egg stuff because as you recognise few are pushing to do the gig.Beyond that as I often state the whole culture surrounding the RST is too inert-24 at the AGM excluding board members tells you all you need to know-if there were more calls for accountability then the board would need to act differently and it would improve. Whatever the internal problems the RST board are simply never asked to be accountable by the membership.

The bottom line is it is changing and it will continue to do so.

Of course I could say a lot more but I'm not going to rubbish individuals on here (and I will state for the record I am on reasonable/good terms with ex-RST board members and that my relationship with MD has only became tetchy post RST ) when it seems the inevitable war of words between the two forums is going to continue. Of course that doesn't exclude very strong feelings about what happened in my own particular case and what unfolded after but such is life, we are all big boys you just need to get on with it.

The RST is not in a short term fixable position it basically requires to be seen as a new group with new faces away from the well known names but that is going to take time. My own personal opinion that the RST in terms of attracting membership in the short term is a dead duck-longer term with a new image and better working relationship with the club it could possibly improve in that direction. Really the timing could never be better for a continuation of the work done on the ownership model and/or some hybrid of that concept which might allow the club to move forward. The old protest model has basically died of natural causes-what will be fascinating is the speed and direction the inevitable change will take.

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Mark Dingwall doesn't like answering questions. I was a member of Follow Follow until recently when I asked where the profit from the FollowFollow fanzine went. My comment was deleted. I then posten another one saying if you expect me to part with my money I would like to know where it was going(for all I knew it could have been going to a good cause). Again my comment was deleted and I was banned for 7 days.

i find this a bit strange. the money made from ff fanzine will go to the owners. i assume mark dingwall. where does the profit from the daily record go.

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That Earl of leven is an absolute bawhum, i remember when i used to post on there and he was always the same

theirs some truth in that but deedles a guy i have met and is pretty straightforward and is a sharp cookie.

the stuff suck has posted looks fair enough its far from ideal but its also far from a capital offence. if people are prepared to drag the rst through the mud for that it could look pretty petty.

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the loss of christine could be the worst thing thats ever happened to the rst. theres a big hole to fill there

Put your finger in a glass of water.

Pull it out again.

That's how big a hole will be left by the RST's least able board member.


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theirs some truth in that but deedles a guy i have met and is pretty straightforward and is a sharp cookie.

the stuff suck has posted looks fair enough its far from ideal but its also far from a capital offence. if people are prepared to drag the rst through the mud for that it could look pretty petty.

Well there is a pretty easy way for him not to drag the rst through the mud.....

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Put your finger in a glass of water.

Pull it out again.

That's how big a hole will be left by the RST's least able board member.


and the work on the administration side.

i tell you its no wonder people on ff think theirs nothing but petty sniping going on here.

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i find this a bit strange. the money made from ff fanzine will go to the owners. i assume mark dingwall. where does the profit from the daily record go.

All I was asking for was clarification mate. I suspected it went to Dingwall. He must be ashamed of the fact he's making money off fellow bears or he wouldn't of deleted my comment, twice. Then to ban me for an 'infraction of the rules' I see it as laughable and paints him as an egotistical profiteerer in my eyes with far too much power.

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Well there is a pretty easy way for him not to drag the rst through the mud.....

everyones got different perspectives on things bassed on life experience. me i have had similar to what suck says happened to him happen to me.

others will have been able to pay things like that off no probelem and will see it differently.

if its paid of now i dont see the issue.

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All I was asking for was clarification mate. I suspected it went to Dingwall. He must be ashamed of the fact he's making money off fellow bears or he wouldn't of deleted my comment, twice. Then to ban me for an 'infraction of the rules' I see it as laughable and paints him as an egotistical profiteerer in my eyes with far too much power.

i cant see why he would be ashamed. i also doubt it makes much money anyway these days.

to be honest its common enough knowledge who makes any money from it or indeed losses. same for the number one fanzine.

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everyones got different perspectives on things bassed on life experience. me i have had similar to what suck says happened to him happen to me.

others will have been able to pay things like that off no probelem and will see it differently.

if its paid of now i dont see the issue.

You were given a loan that was kept off the books of a supporters trust then repaid the debts with bouncing cheques ?

How did that work out for you ?

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i cant see why he would be ashamed. i also doubt it makes much money anyway these days.

to be honest its common enough knowledge who makes any money from it or indeed losses. same for the number one fanzine.

You are right mate but I wasn't sure as their are many fantastic good causes/charities on FF and RM, the profits could easily of been going to that and I wasn't aware, I was trying to find out. I got a seven day ban. Even though I apologised before asking the question if it seemed ignorant to folk.

If he wasn't ashamed/trying to save face, then he could of dealt with it a whole lot better.

People have the right to know where their money is going IMO.

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everyones got different perspectives on things bassed on life experience. me i have had similar to what suck says happened to him happen to me.

others will have been able to pay things like that off no probelem and will see it differently.

if its paid of now i dont see the issue.

millions have small debts that had arrears and are now paid off but do banking institutes still trust them?

reputation tarnished

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