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17 Pages of Discussion of the RST Shananigans


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It is fair enough that action should be kept quiet if it is to be successful but I am still sceptical of what RST could actually do. If it's positive then good luck to you.

I don't know Scotbear but I don't think it's right to insist anyone that disagrees with yourself or RST is a tim or has a hidden agenda. People have different views and come on forums like this to discuss them.

I am not RST. You've clearly not read the Original Post.

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Why not now, or are the reasons behind Leggats innuendo not clear enough, or frankly clearly nonsense.

Is this a question or statement?

You wish to phish, then by all means go ahead.

Fact is, that this thread is calling for unity in the Rangers support to address real issues facing the club. You want to drag it down alley ways of your making? Feel free.

I wont be distracted.

I will however, be off this board for a few hours, so enjoy yourselves while I'm away.


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You clearly did not read my post... I said "yourself or RST", two seperate entities.

You addressed me with this

"It is fair enough that action should be kept quiet if it is to be successful but I am still sceptical of what RST could actually do. If it's positive then good luck to you."

This thread is not about the RST. Its about fans bickering about the RST, when the focus should be elsewhere

I will not be distracted


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I'd suggest you rephrase that question/statement and explain yourself with some courtesy if you wish a genuine answer.

You appear to have a rather thin skin for one inviting comment from the floor, perhaps you should reconsider an other career.

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We would be better off without certain individuals within Lloyds holding the purse strings of Rangers Football Club for a managable debt that doesn't warrant direct intervention on all significant transactions.

Our reduction in debt is down to Rangers winning the league and Qualifying for the Champions League. If Walter Smith hadn't managed the almost miraculous feat of winning the league with such a small squad last season, then the club would have had to raise £16M to just be in the position we are now.

Your £13M Debt reduction figure conflicts with the officially released figures (up to June this year), which tells me that you are far closer to this than you are letting on. Given that I understand Rangers debt to currently sit around £20M; the figures tie up.

So, which Celtic Minded Lloyds "man" are you?

My £13m debt reduction is spot on and you can read it elsewhere on this forum. Rangers debt just now in totality is £33m. At one point, around about 18 months ago we owed Lloyds Group £35m ALONE. This is now around the £23m mark.

As for being a Celtic Minded Lloyds man, if you want to check my "rangers credentials" may i ask that you contact Willhelm who I would hope be able to vouch you couldn't be further from the truth.. :sherlock:

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This whole "Enemy within" claptrap has been nothing but a public relations disaster IMO.

I understand that, as a club, we should be able to operate without being controlled by the bank, the club should decide who it can or can't buy, who it will or won't sell etc but when you owe HUGE chuck of change e.g £30m and have no clear way of proving that you can pay it back, banks tend to get a little bit worried ... and quite rightly.

As an honerable instituation, who raised the debt itself, shouldn't our first course of action be to pay the debt off ... isn't that what you as an individulal does when you acrrue debt of your own.

The club has to be financially secure, we have to be free of being dependant on CL monies & we certainly have to be free of the bank but to blame the bank for wanting its money back ... well all i can say is wacko.gif

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No, been asked that a few times on here now ! I don't post on Follow Follow. When I did it wasn't under the name ScotBear.

With regards to the attack on Lloyds, like someone else said, that just doesn't sound like a good idea to me at all. What are we attacking them for ? Sounds about as bright an idea as the 'Donald Muir enemy within' guff.

Would be interested to read opinions and details of why and how we'd do this though.

And if the mods want to have a word with me about changing my username if it's causing confusion, I'd be happy to do so. If there's a poster on Follow Follow with the same username who maybe feels people will mistake me for him on here, I'll happily change my name.

Sounds as though neither of us would like to be confused for the other if our views are very different !

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This whole "Enemy within" claptrap has been nothing but a public relations disaster IMO.

I understand that, as a club, we should be able to operate without being controlled by the bank, the club should decide who it can or can't buy, who it will or won't sell etc but when you owe HUGE chuck of change e.g £30m and have no clear way of proving that you can pay it back, banks tend to get a little bit worried ... and quite rightly.

As an honerable instituation, who raised the debt itself, shouldn't our first course of action be to pay the debt off ... isn't that what you as an individulal does when you acrrue debt of your own.

The club has to be financially secure, we have to be free of being dependant on CL monies & we certainly have to be free of the bank but to blame the bank for wanting its money back ... well all i can say is wacko.gif

I agree Ace. I would also add though that the bank never forced us to sell anyone whatsoever. They never even said who we could or could not buy. All they simply said was "You are not getting any more"

They have asked us to work within our overdraft and prove to them we dont need to go back to them in 6 months and ask for an extension as we did back in Feb/March 2009.

It might have seemed harsh at the time, but 4 trophies later, 2 CL campaigns, and debt reduced by £13m, it has to be seen as the right thing in my eyes.

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This thread has gone over my head a little.

Unity is something I have craved since joining this site. There are too many squabbles within our support.

The enemy of Lloyds...could someone fill me in a little more. I knew our loan o/draft was been treated harshly in comparison to other businesses but I have only seen this as the economic climate we are in and know nothing of someone with an 'agenda'. Anyone bring me up to speed?

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And if the mods want to have a word with me about changing my username if it's causing confusion, I'd be happy to do so. If there's a poster on Follow Follow with the same username who maybe feels people will mistake me for him on here, I'll happily change my name.

Sounds as though neither of us would like to be confused for the other if our views are very different !

No need. The FF poster in question, changed his username many moons ago.

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Any jobs at Lloyds?

See you all late tonight, or even tomorrow...

Your attitude, IMO, leaves a lot to be desired.

You've shown already in this short thread that you don't have too much respect for the opinions of others.

If you want to amass support for your "crusade" against Lloyds, then I'd suggest you show a bit more respect for fellow Bears.

It would also help immensely if you could provide more detail, rather than the masked accusations already provided regarding Lloyds' motives.

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Four posts - all on this thread - having just arrived on the website.

Is RM just lucky to have you or were you directed here by a third (interested) party?

I always thought that paranoia was a taig thing, maybe I got that wrong, but I hope not. Leggat should put up or shut up, same as others who give his ramblings credibility. The irony of him quoting the bunnet as a friend of his, and his famous remark, is obviously lost in the search for a conspiracy where none exists.

Life is simple for individuals and companies, if you value your good name pay your debts, we are no different to anyone else, and we pay our debts.

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