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Classless Wanker


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What a pathetic loser Lennon is, the way he keeps detracting from his teams shite performances with childish rants against the match officials. The man is nothing more than a classless, bigoted, hooligan. Celtic really have no shame or dignity to be represented by such scum. Compare his post match reactions (as below) the other night to those from Walter and Weir, it makes you proud to support a club which wins and loses with such pride, honour and decorum. :uk::21:

"I don't know why I've been sent off. They keep getting the big decisions wrong - the game-changing decisions. The referee didn't say anything to me. It's a scandalous decision and the Ledley red card was a disgraceful decision. Craig Thomson is meant to be one of the best refs in the country. It doesn't say much for refs if that's the case. I'll have a think about appeals for the sendings off. I definitely want clarification on mine - and I'd like clarification on Joe's as well, then we'll look at it again....They will probably have their story ready already."


"It was a night that was obviously disappointing for us. But we take nothing away from Hibs. I felt they were excellent, especially in the opening half-hour of the game. It's normal for teams to come and have an extra man in midfield and normally we handle that situation quite well but Hibs, to their credit, used it very well and played very well. We found ourselves 2-0 down to two long-range efforts. In the first half, there could have been quite a number of goals. We had quite a few opportunities ourselves, and Mark Brown either saved them or we missed them. To be fair, in the second half of the game, Hibs, with the lead they had, set our their stall to defend and they did that exceptionally well. They restricted us to few opportunities in the second half. At the end of the day, we've got no complaints. Hibs played very well and worked very hard on the evening and deserved their win."

Sir Walter Smith

"I didn't feel tired. If you are looking for an excuse, you will find one. When you lose a game you start to question yourself. You keep looking for reasons for it.When you are beaten, you do a certain amount of soul-searching. I can only speak for myself and I don't think it was tiredness - we just didn't play well. We talked about it on Wednesday night and again in the morning. You speak about where things went wrong. You have to address it but you also can't afford to dwell on it. At the same time, you can't pretend it didn't happen so we will have a chat and try to learn some lessons. We must get back to doing what we do best against Aberdeen. We have to beat them now - that is the short-term goal.We have put in a performance which we are not happy with so we have to address that first rather than think about 20-month unbeaten runs. We have all learned a bitter lesson and must respond.

We want to show people this squad can cope. You are always being asked questions in football. It does not always go your way. At times like this, you always learn about yourselves so it is a test for us. We hadn't lost a league game until now - so it's all about how we react."

David Weir

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I really hope Davie Weir stays on in some capacity when he finally does retire. The man oozes the class and dignity that Mr Smith has in abundance and our youngsters would learn a lot from him.

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What a pathetic loser Lennon is, the way he keeps detracting from his teams shite performances with childish rants against the match officials. The man is nothing more than a classless, bigoted, hooligan. Celtic really have no shame or dignity to be represented by such scum. Compare his post match reactions (as below) the other night to those from Walter and Weir, it makes you proud to support a club which wins and loses with such pride, honour and decorum. :uk::21:

"I don't know why I've been sent off. They keep getting the big decisions wrong - the game-changing decisions. The referee didn't say anything to me. It's a scandalous decision and the Ledley red card was a disgraceful decision. Craig Thomson is meant to be one of the best refs in the country. It doesn't say much for refs if that's the case. I'll have a think about appeals for the sendings off. I definitely want clarification on mine - and I'd like clarification on Joe's as well, then we'll look at it again....They will probably have their story ready already."


"It was a night that was obviously disappointing for us. But we take nothing away from Hibs. I felt they were excellent, especially in the opening half-hour of the game. It's normal for teams to come and have an extra man in midfield and normally we handle that situation quite well but Hibs, to their credit, used it very well and played very well. We found ourselves 2-0 down to two long-range efforts. In the first half, there could have been quite a number of goals. We had quite a few opportunities ourselves, and Mark Brown either saved them or we missed them. To be fair, in the second half of the game, Hibs, with the lead they had, set our their stall to defend and they did that exceptionally well. They restricted us to few opportunities in the second half. At the end of the day, we've got no complaints. Hibs played very well and worked very hard on the evening and deserved their win."

Sir Walter Smith

"I didn't feel tired. If you are looking for an excuse, you will find one. When you lose a game you start to question yourself. You keep looking for reasons for it.When you are beaten, you do a certain amount of soul-searching. I can only speak for myself and I don't think it was tiredness - we just didn't play well. We talked about it on Wednesday night and again in the morning. You speak about where things went wrong. You have to address it but you also can't afford to dwell on it. At the same time, you can't pretend it didn't happen so we will have a chat and try to learn some lessons. We must get back to doing what we do best against Aberdeen. We have to beat them now - that is the short-term goal.We have put in a performance which we are not happy with so we have to address that first rather than think about 20-month unbeaten runs. We have all learned a bitter lesson and must respond.

We want to show people this squad can cope. You are always being asked questions in football. It does not always go your way. At times like this, you always learn about yourselves so it is a test for us. We hadn't lost a league game until now - so it's all about how we react."

David Weir

What doesn't this wee wank want clarification on.?? How he got the managers job is a joke. :lol:

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Clarification? For the second time in a few weeks Lennon seems to believe it's acceptable practice for a manager to go nose to nose with the fourth official, snarling and swearing in his face. It's sadly predictable that this was always going to be the outcome when Lennon's bubble burst and things started to go against him. Surley nobody can be surprised about this.

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I watched the highlights of their Hearts game and looked in disbelief at the state the man was in, I thought his head was going to explode, his face just spat venom; and it didn't take a sign reader to work out his language to the officials, he wants respect? well show some to others.

Passion my arse!, it's just like the tantrums of a two year old.

It's quite possible Lennon may get the heave if he carries on in the manner in which he is going.

I know a lot of people go on about the celtic board having no decorum etc., but the manner in which he is conducting himself at present is shocking and, quite frankly, an embarrassment to himself and his club,(if it's possible to get any more embarrassed than they have been over the past few weeks), surely they, the board, have to have a word as you cannot have the manager of your club behaving like that on camera for all the world to see.

Then again, it may suit them as they can turn it round and say "we are being victimised, it's the biased referees and the SFA that are making him act in such a manner."

Never ones for missing an opportunity!

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I want clarification on how Lemon can get away with questioning the decisions and disrespecting the referees, time and time again without anything be said or done about him. Always cheated, never defeated. Walter and Davie take it on the chin, Lemon takes it up the arse.


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I've been managing and coaching in football for 40 odd years and normally don't comment on the character of managers.

Now it doesn't matter whether you are a manager of a team in the EPL, a manager of a pub team or a team of youngsters...the manner in how you conduct yourself as leader of that organisation on and off the park is no different no matter the level of your team.

I had that Hearts V Celtic game on my hard drive, so after reading about all the furore over Lennon's antics and comments, I sat down today and watched it as a neutral observor, not as a Rangers supporter.

Neil Lennon made the comment that his team was actually the better team until Ledley got sent off for his lunge at Black...If my team had only had one decent shot on target and the opposition had brought out 2 saves from my keeper, had seen two shots whizz over the bar, had been a goal down and had the run around in general play up to that point, I certainly would not have been making that blind statement.

"Ledley didn't deserve to get sent off! In fact it wasn't even a free kick" was his next comment that had me shaking my head....It probably wasn't a red card offence; IF you compare it to the ones his players made against Papac, Naismith and Bougherra at the piggery when they only got yellow carded for their assaults, I guess he has a point in his warped way of thinking.

Hand ball penalty! The Hearts player definitely had his hand up and the ball definitely hit his hand so Lennon would assume it was a stonewall penalty.

He then went on to infer that the referee cheated because he saw it...he didn't give it...and then sent Lennon to the stand.

In my eyes, the referee did indeed see it clearly, but I've got a suspicion that the referee in his wisdom let it go because the Hearts player was protecting his head because Hooper was in fact guilty of dangerous play because of a high foot, so he let play continue.

I have every sympathy with managers who get wrongful decisions against their team, especially professional ones where bad decisions can lead to the sack, relegation etc! but what lennon has to understand is that he isn't the only manager who gets these and when you do get a bad decision, ranting and raving like a fucking lunatic on the sidelines, implying officials are cheats and continually behaving like a spolt brat who doesn't get his own way is clearly not endearing him or his club to anybody, the better it will be for all concerned.

Watching his antics on the sidelines is an embarrassment to football and he should be told in no uncertain manner that if he continues on like this he had better get used to sitting in the seats in the grandstand because that's where he will be for a long time.

A manager trying to tell officials how to do their job is mental to say the least...Considering Mr Lennon's well documented problem with depression, maybe football managent isn't the kind of job he should be doing.

Talk about the inmates running the asylum? doh

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It makes you proud to be a Ranger when our manager and players have such dignity and class, both in victory and defeat. Contrast that with Lennon swearing at refs, running down touchlines, and asking for investigations into decisions whenever the tims lose a game.

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It makes you proud to be a Ranger when our manager and players have such dignity and class, both in victory and defeat. Contrast that with Lennon swearing at refs, running down touchlines, and asking for investigations into decisions whenever the tims lose a game.

Lennon probably couldn't even spell the word;Dignity,never mind understand the meaning of it.

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It's sadly predictable that this was always going to be the outcome when Lennon's bubble burst and things started to go against him.

What's it going to be like when if things go badly wrong? I mean he's only lost a couple of games and they're only a point behind and he's lost the plot. How anyone could appoint this ned to such a position is incredible, even for them.

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The OP's quotes sums it up perfectly. Is anyone really surprised at the way lemon is acting though? I have to believe the celtc board knew this would be his 'way' and fully condoned it knowing a great deal in their 'support' would buy into the victims card. Pathetic.

Well said Walter and Big Davie. Perfect. (tu)

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