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Refs vote to go on strike


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It's a total disgrace that it has had to come to this, I'm certainly backing the Refs.

Their employers the SFA, have let it get to a stage where it's not just critisism of performance but personal attacks from the celtic manager and chairman. Our Refs are getting death threats, abusive emails and letters to their employers, because the SFA are too scared to come down hard of celtic and put an end to it. When the manager and chairman are vocally suggesting the refs are corrupt and have it in for celtic, it is feeding the idiots amongst their support just what they want. A great conspiracy. A lot of pish!

We heard very little about the conspiracys when strachan was in charge and they were winning trophies, even though the referees were pretty much the same, It's only when they start losing, all in connection with celtic claim foul play instead of just admitting they are rubbish.

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The SFA had so many opportunities to nip this in the bud:

1. They should have sacked MacDonald - his position IS untenable and was as soon as he admitted lying.

2. They should have brought charges of disrepute against Celtic and Lennon so much sooner - their processes are like treacle.

3. They should have been addressing refereeing standards years ago.

No on is immune in thisbut it is time for radical change - referrees have to be allowed to make honest mistakes without fear of retruibution if they admit to them. No player, manager or fan gets everythinng right - players cause goals against, managers make bad tactical decisions but only refrees get they performance analysed to the nth degree. The press and TV should also back off the showing and re-showing of every wrong decision. There is NONE of us who could make so many split second decisions and get them all right.

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They already are saying that here. It's absolutely laughable that people actually believe that.

Ooops, that will teach me for not reading through the entire thread. And yes, "absolutely laughable". I am surprised that this kind of thing still shocks me.

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What gets me is they say Mcdonald cheated and lied! If he had given the pk then he would have cheated, he made the correct decision although he should have been honest rather than fibbing, but fuck they deluded cunts

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point 1 this would have to be very clearly defined in how and who made the call for a replay.

point 2 this could work for and against.players sitting in the sin bin being wound up by spectators/coaching staff and they come back on ready to kill.so unless the player was completly isolated there is room for ir to be abused by players.

point 3 refs already have these powers but if the spl/sfa issue the same directives as they do in the epl then the refs are left high and dry.in the epl they are told not to caution for dissent unless its a very last resort.ie if a player tells you your a fucking idiot you dont card him untill he has made the comment on at least 3 seperate incidents/occassions.and if the ref decides to ignore the directive and issue the cards then he will find himself getting dropped by the epl into the championship for a couple of weeks thus the epl dictate the behaviour code.and i imagine its the same in the spl.so it needs to be sorted and the refs backed by the spl/sfa and not left to accept this verbal assault from clubs.

1. It should be taken out of the ref hands. A deciding panel can see and contact the ref in seconds to let him know, mic the guy up so he can explain exactly as they do in the NFL. No need to reinvent the wheel.

2. Fitba players have no reason to be treated better than rugby players. And managers coming down on idiots as they are costing the team from indiscipline would also help.

3. Aye. I accept that what's gone wrong here is that the Refs are being fucked from behind the scenes by governing bodies who refuse to implement the rules. As far as I am concerned, they are responsible for this by refusing to back the Refs and failing to create a respectful environment as enjoyed by Rugby refs.

I really hope they do go on strike. The violence and threats brought to them and their families has already gone too far. And it's just gotten more dangerous again for them with Dr Death of Cardowan effectively lighting the touch-paper under an already paranoid 'rasellik support.

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The stop start nature of the game allows for video technology. Football is not like that, football fans want action all the time.

We already have stop-start delays every time raging players crowd the ref and demand the linesman is consulted.

Bottom line? It works for cricket, tennis, NFL so why not for football?

Putting refs in danger is not acceptable and never should the situation as it stands today have been allowed to develop. Players behaving like spoilt brats does my head in, too. Not only embarrassing, but shameful to witness.

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Scottish refs need to down tools and get their European buddies to back them and get Video technology to help them...only way to shut these fuckers up.

It's easy to say Celtic and their supporters have become a laughing stock,that is true,but they have powerfull allies in the media who can make refs lives a misery which has already been done.

Although it will just move their paranoia over to the video controllers...

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It's a total disgrace that it has had to come to this, I'm certainly backing the Refs.

Their employers the SFA, have let it get to a stage where it's not just critisism of performance but personal attacks from the celtic manager and chairman. Our Refs are getting death threats, abusive emails and letters to their employers, because the SFA are too scared to come down hard of celtic and put an end to it. When the manager and chairman are vocally suggesting the refs are corrupt and have it in for celtic, it is feeding the idiots amongst their support just what they want. A great conspiracy. A lot of pish!

We heard very little about the conspiracys when strachan was in charge and they were winning trophies, even though the referees were pretty much the same, It's only when they start losing, all in connection with celtic claim foul play instead of just admitting they are rubbish.

Always the same with them when they are winning its down to how good they are but when they are losing someone else has to take the blame. Makes me sick, hope the refs to strike and action is taken against that club and its ownt be before time.

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It is disappointing the officials have had to take this action but who can blame them when they all have their integrity questioned by a player, manager and club who are far from honest themselves.

Of course there are a few referees who are very poor and I get as annoyed as anyone at their inconsistency and poor performance no matter who is involved. However, to suggest this poor performance goes beyond a general incompetency to continual and deliberate acts of refereeing vandalism is laughable. Every team suffers from bad decisions and while it is frustrating when it goes against you, such mistakes are part and parcel of the game.

In many ways, I sympathise with these officials who have a split second to make difficult decisions then have them micro-analysed week after week by managers and clubs eager to deflect blame away from their own failings. When this results in threats to their families and problems with their other jobs, is it any wonder they're saying enough is enough?

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the refs are playing it smart as well, not one ref has came out and said "its celtic that done this"

which makes the tims recent outbursts even more public as everyone is now saying, "i wonder if it was this that caused it, or that incident"

Not so sure they are.

They are tarring everyone with the same brush when only one club's players, manager and chairman is implying they are dishonest.

They should be refusing to officiate Celtic games only.

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what i find quite disturbing, which im sure has been brought up, is the lack of any blame or even reference to celtic and lennon's actions.

on the stories i have read bout the strike, there are quotes from mixu putalineoan & craig brown defending referee's - there hasnt really been much public outcry other than that from the piggery.

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Not so sure they are.

They are tarring everyone with the same brush when only one club's players, manager and chairman is implying they are dishonest.

They should be refusing to officiate Celtic games only.

not really frankie

a fair few managers have claimed this season that the refs were wrong, look at peter houston after the celtic v united game at tannadice, he claimed macdonald gave united absolutely nothing all game

craig brown has had a few goes as well, along with mark mcghee and a host of others like hughes etc

but by not singling out celtic, the refs have turned the rest of scottish football against celtic, as every other club now feels their potential lack of game/home income is caused by celtic's continual harrassment of the officials

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what i find quite disturbing, which im sure has been brought up, is the lack of any blame or even reference to celtic and lennon's actions.

on the stories i have read bout the strike, there are quotes from mixu putalineoan & craig brown defending referee's - there hasnt really been much public outcry other than that from the piggery.

by blaiming one club, it looks then,ike a vendetta that should be dealt with by that one club and the refs

by not saying any club, the refs can affect the whole of scottish football and therefore turn scottish football against the beggars

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people need to understand what celtc have been up to over the last few years regarding referees.

a few years back mike mcurray reached the top level of refereeing and was a very competant referee. trouble is he was a baptist vice pastor and celtc didnt like this at all. fast forward a couple of years and in an of game at ibrox which rangers won 3-0 he dared to book 9 celtc players. this became a huge issue with celtc and in the celtc minded press. not the rangers goal wrongly disallowed, not the 2 celtc players who should have walked not the blatant handball by the bravest man in sport in the celtc box for a rangers penaly which was ignored but the 9 bookings which were rich deserved.

the following season as the title reached its climax alot of mistakes were made by referees mostly in celtcs favour but rather unfortunatly for him mike made one that helped rangers in a game we were strolling anyway. that was it he had to go. so helped by the fenian media ie the sunday mail a young lassie was taken to spain and paid cash to sell a story about shagging him. to this day he denies this but thats a side issue. this story was followed up by another with a 10 year old video this time of mike singing a sunday school song popular throughout the uk based on a tina turner song which was later addopted by rangers.

the sfa capitulated and mike was no longer given rangers games. the next time he refereed a celtc game the celtc fans sang "we know your a h**" etc etc. this sectarian attack suceeded and mike went to the firt division before being de selected altogether with mumblings about him not wanting to work to many sundays.

the message was clear, give us what we want or your out of refereeing. to their credit the referees never capitulated and celtic continued to get the mixture of good and bad decisions everyone gets.

next up craig thomson dared to not give celtc a penalty they were due at ibrox this became a huge issue far more so than the 2 he never gave rangers a few months previously or the one he gave celtc for a foul on a rangers player 2 yards outside of the box, which cost us the league.

a few days later the fenian press ambushed him at a press conference and he was tricked into appologising. before the next of game the celtc manager applied the pressure to the refs asking for them to get it right, right being the celtc way of course. this tactic was repeated time and again be 3 celtc managers.

celtc never got theri way and increasingly deperate celtc and the media proceeded to criticise referees in of games for perfectly correct decisions (fortunes foul on greigsy, the brown headbut sending off) things like edu being sythed down in the box and the lesbian diving to get a ranger sent of are completely ignored.

then tanadice happens and celtc see a chance to get anotehr ref fired, they are like a dog with a bone and wont give this up because if they can force another one out then what ref in his right mind will upsett them in future.

its to their massive credit that the refs have taken this action. celtc dont care if they are attacked infact they want that. but most of all they want refs who go into every game invlving celtc sweating over their future in the game.

the sfa need to tackle this abomination of a club and the press lapdogs they control. they need to be docked points with that punishment suspended so if they open their mouths again the loose the points instantly. nothing else will work.

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PS: Does anyone know what the referee's demands are?

I'm not sure they even thought that far ahead mate, I think it's more about making a statement, a line drawn in the sand if you like. Whilst I agree with the umbridge they are feeling with regards to recent events with Celtic in particular I think it has the potential of playing into the tims hands to a certain extent. They will dig their heels in and say that it's an indication that they were right all along and that the officials are just feeling the pressure of being found out. Of course, any fair minded person would be able to see the bigger picture and work out that their is only one shower of cunts in this whole sorry saga.

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Not so sure they are.

They are tarring everyone with the same brush when only one club's players, manager and chairman is implying they are dishonest.

They should be refusing to officiate Celtic games only.

spot on they are using a shotgun where a snipers rifle is the required tool.

jim jeffries has already appologised for his stupidity but i suspect he is also a small part of the problem.

the big thing is here is they are lambasting refs for making correct decisions.

celtc dont want fair refereeing they want bias refereeing in their favour. fair refereeing isnt enough for them.

the fortune incident proves this. same with browns sending off.

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by blaiming one club, it looks then,ike a vendetta that should be dealt with by that one club and the refs

by not saying any club, the refs can affect the whole of scottish football and therefore turn scottish football against the beggars

good point.

im not so sure what the outcome will be, i can see this being overturned and there not being a strike.

the phone-ins will be interesting tonight, i imagine most other teams supporters will point the finger at celtic here.

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not really frankie

a fair few managers have claimed this season that the refs were wrong, look at peter houston after the celtic v united game at tannadice, he claimed macdonald gave united absolutely nothing all game

craig brown has had a few goes as well, along with mark mcghee and a host of others like hughes etc

but by not singling out celtic, the refs have turned the rest of scottish football against celtic, as every other club now feels their potential lack of game/home income is caused by celtic's continual harrassment of the officials

Other managers have complained about decisions - that happens.

Only one club's players, manager and chairman is implying cheating by said officials.

Big difference.

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by blaiming one club, it looks then,ike a vendetta that should be dealt with by that one club and the refs

by not saying any club, the refs can affect the whole of scottish football and therefore turn scottish football against the beggars

I do accept this way of looking at it as well though... :sherlock:

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