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Post-Sporting match Lafferty thread


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He's a fuckin waste a space!!! He bought himself some time when smith bein smith played him out of positin he's had more than enough games up front and is fuxkin hopeless, not got a clue never mind a footballin brain!! Take whatever the fuck we can get for him asap

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Charlie Adam's first proper season under PLG. He was playing in his proper position, scored 14 goals and was our best player. Then Walter Smith came in and threw him LW and wasted him.

Charlie Adam always had the talent, Kyle Lafferty never will.

adams best spell was under walter.

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Lafferty doesn't score enough goals, doesn't create enough chances for team mates, pish in the air , poor first touch and our possession continually breaks down at the big guy.

The big man is a trier but he's had more chances than any player I can remember at the club and enough is enough. He has to go.

You forgot to add he does't know the offside rule either!

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At least Adam scored in the Champions League & Uefa Cup.

Lafferty wasn't the only shit player tonight but he was definitely the most wasteful and i've had enough of the cunt.

I have a pretty good knowledge of footballers in the UK & Europe and when we signed this donkey, i genuinely, genuinely had never heard of him.

£4m? For what? He's on good fucking wages an all otherwise the shit twat wouldn't be driving a Bentley and Range Rover. Off the pitch he behaves as if he's Ronaldo but that's where the comparison ends because he plays like Filip Sebo... Actually that's an insult to Sebo.

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Overall pretty shocking 1st Half Performance and a Mediocre 2nd Half...Only Two People should take some of the Blame tonight for this Performance.

1. Walter Smith. Is He going fucking blind at his old age?, anyone, even Stevie Wonder could see Lafferty was struggling and could barely move after about 75 minutes. Why not, instead of standing Hands in Pockets or Sitting up in the Directors box watching the game, get down to the sidelines for the FULL GAME, instead of leaving it to McCoist to try and motivate the team and give the team the type of encouragement it needs. Walter needs to realise he's a Manager and unless he's been given a touchline ban, should be down at the sidelines giving an earful to every single player on the pitch to tell them to sort themself out. Typical Walter, 10 minutes remaining, many players struggling, Stands hands in pocket looking at his watch...USE THE FRESH PLAYERS! are we not allowed 3 subs?

2. Kyle Lafferty. Utter Joke, he's been at the club 3 years and I can count on my fingers the amount of decent performances he has given for our club, might have a couple of fingers left over aswell. His first touch is piss poor, He is not a striker, full stop. As for the 2 shots at the end of the game, fucking disgraceful, not down to his own fault, he was huffing and puffing struggling to move BUT any STRIKER with the least amount of Footballing brain knows that when there is a chance to progress into the box, you take it, you don't stand and take a shot from 20 yards that goes straight into the keepers hands and dont force him to break a sweat in saving the shot. He ran himself to the ground, if he had produced a single moment of magic, then it would somewhat even out his performance, far too often he runs around like a headless chicken with no end game.

I hope to fuck something is sorted and soon, it's becoming more and more consistant that we are seeing people post on this board with the same sort of issues after every game. If Lafferty plays upfront on his own Next Week, we can kiss the Europa League goodbye.

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He is fucking terrible. Arguably one of the worst players i've saw in a rangers shirt. Did you see when he tried to control the ball and scudded it into the stands? Fuck me. And the 4 5 1 with jelavic has to go too. Jelavic is a touch of class. great awareness. Great touch. Great playmaker. But there is only so long he's gona run around and create chances with no options ahead of him or options to convert them. he'll get sick of working hard with no help. And rightly so.

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you started the very topic i was about to start.. tonight finally proves it.. how many times was he past last man with only keeper infront of him an opted to shoot from 20 yeards... what a cunt. what an absolute joke of a footballer. i dont care how big a rangers fan he is.

A thought he wiz tryin tae knock their goalie doon the amount o times he fuckin hit him wae the baw!

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Easy Target....

Three questions:

1 Did big laff score the only goal against Jambos two weeks ago??

2 Did he play up front on his own and get MOM award?

3 Why the fkk has he been dropped since to play a very poor naismith, then thrown into a european match to get eaten alive??

Very bad management again?? Like the SC game everyone seen naismith was fkkd and shoulda been replaced, but naw.

Tonight, Striker on the bench, desparate for playing time, swap Laff for him?? Fkk no wait till he's fucked and injured.

Walter, please use the bench before we end up with no fit players left.

I only hope he has a plan, cause they will ride us on sunday playing like that.

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Absolute bollocks. I have a lot of time for him and I feel sorry for him for the disproportionate amount of stick he gets when the team as a whole fail to do the job. Every fucking time we get a bad result, including on occasions like tonight where the blame lies squarely with the management, a scapegoating thread pops up on here.

He's not a very good footballer. That's the only negative thing I have to say about him. So you speak for yourself.

Fair enough. But like I said, everybody I had talked to personally before now, hates him.

I'm glad I have met somebody who doesn't. Although I still do.

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Fair enough. But like I said, everybody I had talked to personally before now, hates him.

I'm glad I have met somebody who doesn't. Although I still do.

I cannot fathom how any Rangers fan could hate Lafferty. Be frustrated by him? Yes. Wish he didn't play for us? Yes. Hate him? What has he done to warrant that?

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HOw the hell did he miss those 3 chances in the second half is beyond me. He had all the time in the world for the first chance but fired it way over the bar. The other 2 chances in the second half were fired directly at the keeper both times FFS does he not practise hitting the target in training.

For people saying he will come good WHEN??? 3 years he has been here and has had a handful of good games if that time to cut our losses and send him to the Blue Square premier league

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I really dont know what else we can say... he has some absolute moments of brilliance then follows it up with something completely ridiculous nearly all the time.

Its alright though, Lafferty will think his time is up at Rangers towards the end of the season and start putting in a few good performances, he will go into the next season "brimming of confidence" and talking about how he is going to take the end of last seasons form into the new season and kickstart his rangers career...

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He's annoyingly slow. His first touch is pretty dire and his finishing is inconsistent at best.

I'm not sure how he can be defended this season, folk saying he's having a good season, he's scored a grand total of two league goals. His performances haven't been up to much either. He doesn't show the ability he does have in his locker often enough and the line that often gets trotted out about his work-rate is meaningless.

He might have great work-rate but he's never a striker in a million years. His first half header where he ran accross the defenders was the only time he did it all game, he was always on his heels in the box (see Dioufs rifled low ball) and the offsides are infuriating.

Really frustrating player to watch.

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I cannot fathom how any Rangers fan could hate Lafferty. Be frustrated by him? Yes. Wish he didn't play for us? Yes. Hate him? What has he done to warrant that?

For me, it's his dirty playstyle. He dives a lot and he is more than willing to cheat.

But, to be fair, there are many more players like him these days.

It's perhaps an unwarranted hate, but it's still there. Heh.

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After watching great players such as Laudrup,gazza,mccoist,iain ferguson,hateley,durrant,bomber,gough,mccall etc prehaps i have been spoiled ???

BUT looking at this big lanky diddy who is probably earning more than some of the above names did per week it depresses me.

He is simply NOT good enough for our club.


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How can we call one of our players all these names for pulling on the jersey? OK so Walter says "right Laff, you're our main striker the night son", so he should come back with " naw boss ah canny, cos ahm pish and the fans ill be mad at me".

Was that not kinda what we were accusing Webster of (shitting himself)?

Yes he was shite, but it's the best he can do, it's Walter who picked him, and Walter who refused to sub him.

I get more mad at the ones with the talent who seem as if they can't be arsed. No one can accuse Lafferty of not trying (I'm sure he would have given his left nut to score the night, and be cheered off the park a hero).

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