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Leave it outside the front door Ally.


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And all you have to do is watch tv and read the same media as me to know that SCIAF is never given it's full title.

Well as I said...I've Googled it and can find no media source referring to Scaif as Scotland's Aid Agency...nor can I ever remember seeing that. Not saying it hasn't happened but it's obvious your assertion is false. A quick search as revealed several Scottish media sources referring to them by their full title though so that is another lie.

And i have a problem with ANYONE who raises money for a Church that quite openly knew about their priests RAPING young children and covered it up to protect them.

Do you not find that morally repugnant?

No...I'd never raise money for any church. I'd also never pro-actively choose a religious based charity, I always go for the secular. If though a friend asked me to help him in his work for a cause that happened to be backed by such a charity then I would likely do it. (I don't consider what the likes of Sciaf do as raising money for the church).

As for reciprocation...you pick out a recent example of a high profile Celtic player or manager doing work with a Rangers player or manager for a High Profile Church of Scotland or Rangers charity.

I don't know of one. Can you give me an example of when a high profile Rangers player or manager asked a Celtic minded friend to help him with charity work?

Actually linking the word reciprocation to charity is a bit pathetic but even if one of them had refused to help a charity on religious grounds that makes them a piece of bigoted scum and Ally McCoist would still be a man of decency. Two wrongs do not make a right.

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Why on Earth would you read anything on Talk Celtic? That's a bit suspect.

Because there is a thread on the off topic about Talk Celtic where they are talking about Rangers Media its about 29 pages long and your name is mentioned. A bit suspect, i have forgotten more about our club than than you will ever know, but i liked how you have tried to deflect when i said they would welcome you. :pipe:

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Because there is a thread on the off topic about Talk Celtic where they are talking about Rangers Media its about 29 pages long and your name is mentioned. A bit suspect, i have forgotten more about our club than than you will ever know, but i liked how you have tried to deflect when i said they would welcome you. :pipe:

Deflection is only used by the 'bigots' Minstral didn't you know.

TWB has never avoided any question or any subject in his entire time on RM :rolleyes:

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let me make this abundantly clear to you Moses just so that there is no room for ambiguity.

I do not deal in rumour,gossip or innuendo.

Anything i get or have got is sourced,checked and double checked.

Those that know where and what i mean will understand.

Ad - I have no doubt you are a passionate Rangers man. But, you must surely recognise how this 'insider knowledge' comes across when trying to present your arguments.

It does you know favours at best and at worst suggests a cliquey sharing of information not to be trusted amongst The Rangers support at large. Just the sort of secrecy that many damn the club's PR work for.

If you cannot (or will not) substantiate the gossip you allude to then it's of no more value than hair-dresser shop chit-chat.

And, it has to be asked, if what you suggest you know is indeed sourced and checked diligently, then why will you not share said information?

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As a Christian don't you believe that people like me will burn in Hell for not accepting Christ?

yes he does.

if he even goes to church that is.

Jesus says in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

catholics believe they can send you to hell though by excomunicating you though.

its a fucked up religion but its basicaly the same as any other chrisian faith.

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Classic Left wing Fascist technique.

Those who do not agree with the Left Wing point of view are bigots.

I oppose the Catholic Church on the grounds that it KNOWINGLY indulged in and KNOWINGLY covered up countless acts of child rape,abuse and torture both physically and mentally.

And because i openly oppose it and everything they do i am a bigot.

Only in the minds of those who seek to impose their viewpoint on the rest of scoiety (Anyone else see the irony)

Classic bigot defence.

Opposing the Catholic Church does not make anybody a bigot in it's self. I have done so for many years and the child abuse scandal made very little difference to how I think about that organisation. They acted in exactly the way I would have predicted.

How old are you BTW?

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And this thread is getting taken way out of context here and you know it.

The OP was simply stating that in his opinion McCoist made a PR gaffe by waxing lyrical about Tommy Burns when in his view and many others there was no need to.

Context? Please put things into context for us. PR gaffe? Yes, Ally will be bealing that he's alienated all those people who hate a dead guy so much and believe that his name should never be spoken by an employee of RFC.

As I pointed out earlier and old mate 2bob has neglected to comment on, the journalist in The Sun article cited in the OP was the one waxing lyrical.

Re-read the quotes in the Sun and watch the video of the press conference and tell us who's taking things out of context.

This thread is an embarrassment with Adoniram and 2bob being the main culprits, notwithstanding the disgusting comments made about a dead guy.

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Oh dear. A confession to gossiping behind someone's back on another site.


That's a feckin' beautiful moment for you to share: "Hi I'm 2bob and I'm a sweetie wifey."

You are indeed the talk of the steamie, it was on this site two days ago, I was the one who defended TWB and his right to say what ever the fuck he liked in a free society, the thread was deleted it was the VB information thread, so stick that in your crack and light the blue touch paper. :sherlock:

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You are indeed the talk of the steamie, it was on this site two days ago, I was the one who defended TWB and his right to say what ever the fuck he liked in a free society, the thread was deleted it was the VB information thread, so stick that in your crack and light the blue touch paper. :sherlock:

Oh, I missed that thread. Sounds like a right gossip factory.

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As a Christian don't you believe that people like me will burn in Hell for not accepting Christ?

You would have to ask a taig, why would a God fearing Protestant accept taig dogma, I certainly don't, but you think taigs are all cuddly, from me..fuck em big time and frequently. :sherlock:

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yes he does.

if he even goes to church that is.

catholics believe they can send you to hell though by excomunicating you though.

its a fucked up religion but its basicaly the same as any other chrisian faith.

I know. Gary Glitter can go to Heaven...but no matter how good a life I try to lead, I'm going to be tortured for all eternity because I can't accept an idea that I find ludicrous and immoral.

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You are indeed the talk of the steamie, it was on this site two days ago, I was the one who defended TWB and his right to say what ever the fuck he liked in a free society, the thread was deleted it was the VB information thread, so stick that in your crack and light the blue touch paper. :sherlock:

I stand corrected as I now know you're passing on sweetie-wife bitching from RM via VB instead.

Of course this realisation means you look so much better now. Doesn't it?


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Oh, I missed that thread. Sounds like a right gossip factory.

Look at it this way son, if they are jarring you they are leaving some other poor fucker alone, charity kind thoughts and all that TWB stuff, which I was moved to defend you for. :D

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Classic bigot defence.

Opposing the Catholic Church does not make anybody a bigot in it's self. I have done so for many years and the child abuse scandal made very little difference to how I think about that organisation. They acted in exactly the way I would have predicted.

How old are you BTW?

Opposing the Catholic Church does not make anybody a bigot in it's self.

Try explaining that to some of the liberals on here then.

My views are quite clear on this subject and are crystal clear on McCoist's comments.

Keep sniping all you want but it isn't going to change a thing or make me contribute any more than i already have.

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You would have to ask a taig, why would a God fearing Protestant accept taig dogma, I certainly don't, but you think taigs are all cuddly, from me..fuck em big time and frequently. :sherlock:

cos believe the exact same thing and all other christian faiths.

i knew you didnt go to church.

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