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Maybe some people forget this...

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See everything that's happened recently ...

The pizza delivery killing at the barracks.

ǝpɐbıɹq uǝǝɹb ǝɥʇ's sickening anti-Poppy protests etc.

The policeman murdered and the guy from Renton getting arrested and guns seized.

Stoke's Dad's pub getting raided with guns and ammo seized.

All this stuff has made national and international news and has received (rightly) universal condemnation.

These same songs that we are getting a bad press over recently is only ever and has only ever been about condemning this sort of sick, vile, section of society.

You can condemn them via newspapers, radio, TV, debate etc ... but the minute the Rangers fans sing an anti Republican/IRA/Provo song ... surprise surprise. We are the bad guys.

This is why even the braindead in our support that side with our enemies on this rather than their fellow Rangers fans needs to take their fucking heads out their arses and realise it's a totally different rule for us compared to the rest of society.

I could have put this in one of the other relevant threads, but decided not to incase it got buried after a few replies.

Some people need to waken up and grow a set.

Usual piss - everything that wrong with the IRA

Fuck all to do with football or Rangers. We are not a political organisation, a religious organisation or even a lobby - we are a football club. That it! and thats enough.

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I know some people who support celtc and are catholics but that's as far as it goes. They don't act like the majority of the earls and they don't sing the songs about the IRA and get caught up in all that.

But there are people who support celtc because of what they stand for, their religious backgrounds and they approve of the songs that are sung and they join in as well and support the IRA by chanting their name as well as wishing death on the British soldiers. Those people can drop dead as far as I'm concerned.

I went to college in an area that was 90% catholic and I was the only one in my class who was not a pape. When remembrance day came around I wore my poppy with pride, even though I got some strange looks from people, but the rest of my class would condemn me wearing it and one scumbag even said he stole a charity jar full of money off some shop counter that was for Help The Heroes. Needless to say I have never bothered with them since... Papish bastards!

Any Rangers fan who associates with people from the other side that chants IRA songs, shows their hatred towards the British Army etc need to take a good look at themselves IMO.

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Usual piss - everything that wrong with the IRA

Fuck all to do with football or Rangers. We are not a political organisation, a religious organisation or even a lobby - we are a football club. That it! and thats enough.

Your an absolute joke aswell as predictable.

I love it when people roll out "what's it go to do with Rangers line" ... everyone wanks over Penny Arcade. That's nothing to do with Rangers.

I've never seen you come out and condemn anyone singing that as that's got about as much to do with Rangers.

You obviously have a problem with anti-IRA chants from our supporters. That's your problem, not the supporters.

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Usual piss - everything that wrong with the IRA

Fuck all to do with football or Rangers. We are not a political organisation, a religious organisation or even a lobby - we are a football club. That it! and thats enough.

Everybody from the newsreaders to the Press reporters to the anti-terrorist groups to the PM to the Polis and just aboot everybody else I can think of is condemning the ira, so why not us, or any other football teams fans for that matter?

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I agree with BP9, what you people forget is Rangers is a football team and yes as far as we are concerned "The best team in the world".

But at present there are forces working against us that seem to be determined to destroy us. They have employed the most powerful allies eg The Media, elements within EUEFA, The catholic church and every group of PC loonies who want to rid the world of all racism, bigots etc. All of these elements are watching us very closely and everytime we fart they will report us and if we keep doing it they will achieve their aim.

as every good general knows there are times to stand and fight toe to toe as there times when you have to use their tactics against them. We must stop singing the songs/chants that are deemed offensive. That means anything that is deemed offensive to catholics.

Yes that may stick in the craw of a lot of members on here, but they need to understand the alternative is NO RANGERS FOOTBALL CLUB and don't think they won't do it.

As any martial arts exponent will tell you "use your opponents force to initiate your own attack". In plain terms if we stop antagonising the authorities by that I mean uefa and scottish law by singing what they deem as offensive songs and turn the spotlight on to celtic and their supporters with their "political" songs and prove they are equally offensive to the great majority of british people who would undoubtably be against the IRA and everything they stand for.

We have to wake up the silent majority by drawing attention to their hatred towards them. Write to newspapers, call radio stations every time they chant their vile message, take recorders to their games record their chants and songs force the media to take notice by sheer wait of numbers because thats what they are doing to us.


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I agree with BP9, what you people forget is Rangers is a football team and yes as far as we are concerned "The best team in the world".

But at present there are forces working against us that seem to be determined to destroy us. They have employed the most powerful allies eg The Media, elements within EUEFA, The catholic church and every group of PC loonies who want to rid the world of all racism, bigots etc. All of these elements are watching us very closely and everytime we fart they will report us and if we keep doing it they will achieve their aim.

as every good general knows there are times to stand and fight toe to toe as there times when you have to use their tactics against them. We must stop singing the songs/chants that are deemed offensive. That means anything that is deemed offensive to catholics.

Yes that may stick in the craw of a lot of members on here, but they need to understand the alternative is NO RANGERS FOOTBALL CLUB and don't think they won't do it.

As any martial arts exponent will tell you "use your opponents force to initiate your own attack". In plain terms if we stop antagonising the authorities by that I mean uefa and scottish law by singing what they deem as offensive songs and turn the spotlight on to celtic and their supporters with their "political" songs and prove they are equally offensive to the great majority of british people who would undoubtably be against the IRA and everything they stand for.

We have to wake up the silent majority by drawing attention to their hatred towards them. Write to newspapers, call radio stations every time they chant their vile message, take recorders to their games record their chants and songs force the media to take notice by sheer wait of numbers because thats what they are doing to us.


So we should ask the RC's what it is about Rangers that they find offensive, and then ban whatever they tell us? Genius!

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So we should ask the RC's what it is about Rangers that they find offensive, and then ban whatever they tell us? Genius!

No thats not what I said. I said UEFA and the law, if we stop what they are saying is offensive and get the authorities back on side and we don't cost the club money and reputation.

Don't get me wrong I hate whats being done to us. All I'm saying is use our brains to fight them because what we are doing at the moment is not working and is getting us deeper in the shite.

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I agree with BP9, what you people forget is Rangers is a football team and yes as far as we are concerned "The best team in the world".

We already knew that, state the obvious mate!

But at present there are forces working against us that seem to be determined to destroy us. They have employed the most powerful allies eg The Media, elements within EUEFA, The catholic church and every group of PC loonies who want to rid the world of all racism, bigots etc. All of these elements are watching us very closely and everytime we fart they will report us and if we keep doing it they will achieve their aim.

So its time to stand up and defend our actions that fans have done for countless years, instead of lying down and letting them win and walk over our rights!

as every good general knows there are times to stand and fight toe to toe as there times when you have to use their tactics against them. We must stop singing the songs/chants that are deemed offensive. That means anything that is deemed offensive to catholics.

Yes that may stick in the craw of a lot of members on here, but they need to understand the alternative is NO RANGERS FOOTBALL CLUB and don't think they won't do it.

I'd rather stand fight toe to toe cause not being big headed or that i'd more and likley win :lol:

They wont do nothing, no one is defending our club at the moment in the press as theres alot going on behind the scenes of our club as it is, which makes us an easy target...

As any martial arts exponent will tell you "use your opponents force to initiate your own attack". In plain terms if we stop antagonising the authorities by that I mean uefa and scottish law by singing what they deem as offensive songs and turn the spotlight on to celtic and their supporters with their "political" songs and prove they are equally offensive to the great majority of british people who would undoubtably be against the IRA and everything they stand for.

I totally did agree with this, but what we sing isnt offensive, its only offensive to the enemy of our Great Britain the I.R.A and who ever associates themselfs defending that terrorist orginisation...

We have to wake up the silent majority by drawing attention to their hatred towards them. Write to newspapers, call radio stations every time they chant their vile message, take recorders to their games record their chants and songs force the media to take notice by sheer wait of numbers because thats what they are doing to us.


If any head was hitting a brick wall it'd be one of them and me enforcing it, or i'd simply just use a brick its lighter :lol:

They record themselfs singing at games so we wouldnt need to go undercover and record them :lol: and when things they have done arrives in the media it doesnt stick round for long and nothing much else happens towards it.

In a way i see your point but im with the majority and would see it as defeat if we dont stand up for our rights to sing what we want till sellik fans where banned from singing about that terrorist gang they sing about, im getting tired so i think i'll stop here and head to bed soon :lol:

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No thats not what I said. I said UEFA and the law, if we stop what they are saying is offensive and get the authorities back on side and we don't cost the club money and reputation.

Don't get me wrong I hate whats being done to us. All I'm saying is use our brains to fight them because what we are doing at the moment is not working and is getting us deeper in the shite.

We must stop singing the songs/chants that are deemed offensive. That is anything deemed offensive to catholics.

That seems quite clear to me. One more thing, have we been found guilty of anything, or are we merely under investigation?

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That seems quite clear to me. One more thing, have we been found guilty of anything, or are we merely under investigation?

Depends who you talk to. As far as the media are concerned we are automatically guilty, as far as uefa are concerned the hearing has not been held yet. The result will depend on whose evidence they take, their own representatives, specifically at the game to listen for sectarian chants, who gave us the all clear. Or the loonies who apparently complained about our fans at the game and according to some on this site have members who are rabid celtic fans.

We will wait and see how fair uefa's hearings are.

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Your an absolute joke aswell as predictable.

I love it when people roll out "what's it go to do with Rangers line" ... everyone wanks over Penny Arcade. That's nothing to do with Rangers.

I've never seen you come out and condemn anyone singing that as that's got about as much to do with Rangers.

You obviously have a problem with anti-IRA chants from our supporters. That's your problem, not the supporters.

I have a problem with pseudo loyalists and protestants who allow themselves to be defined by supporting the club. Yet the majority neither go to church, believe, nor even understand the loyalist cause. You become bigots because you hate Celtic and cant distinguish between them and Catholicism.

Take all that religious and political crap out of our support and we would be even stronger as a club.

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Everybody from the newsreaders to the Press reporters to the anti-terrorist groups to the PM to the Polis and just aboot everybody else I can think of is condemning the ira, so why not us, or any other football teams fans for that matter?

You let them set the agenda by doing that - we have so much more to rub there noses in but by just simply taking the opposite view to them all we do, time after time, is let them set the adenda. There is a great article and post http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=183309&view=findpost&p=1058891309 that states the case for us setting the tone and taking the moral haigh ground, I am all for that. BUT we cant do that while we allow ourselves to be dragged down into the gutter with them. Shame people cant see that 2 wrongs dont make a right and while we go in for this type of titletattle and the old they do it we should do it as well it just is tit for tat pish

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Probably not mentioned because it is not about football. I don't see how we can compare our situation in these matters. What has been happening over there is disgusting and condemned by all sides and as far as i know not been glorified. It has been headline press and rightly so. I have not seen anyone defend these scum bag dissidents and nor do i want to. They are disgusting, vile and cowardly filthy bastards. Surely the time to promote that the communities are coming together to condemn this senseless killing and let everyone know that this is wrong and no one wants it.

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I have a problem with pseudo loyalists and protestants who allow themselves to be defined by supporting the club. Yet the majority neither go to church, believe, nor even understand the loyalist cause. You become bigots because you hate Celtic and cant distinguish between them and Catholicism.

Take all that religious and political crap out of our support and we would be even stronger as a club.

You really don't get it, do you?

It's not about what you want.

Everyone is free to do what they want. If a large section of the Rangers support want to sing against the IRA then that's not your place to even put up an argument that it's wrong.

I don't tell you what to do and what not to do. This thread isn't even for the likes of you yet you barge in and accuse me of talking pish. Your exactly the type of braindead fuckwits I was talking about in my first post that need to take their heads out their arses.

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We must all sing from the same hymn sheet on this one tittle tattle between us

doesnt work. We as a football club and its support must stand together and fight

our cause on this one.I didnt like Walters article about the singing at first but when you

read what hes saying you kinda see where hes coming from.

The current or new owner and board has to sit down wth fans representatives and sort out

what can and cant be sung but more importantly how we tackle this vile sickening abuse of RANGERS

by the press ,catholic church,scottish parliament, SFA and every ba....d that wants to jump

on the bandwagon.Theyve got a fecking QC getting them off with murder were behaving like a fecking doormat.

Bring back Donald Findlay.

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I have a problem with pseudo loyalists and protestants who allow themselves to be defined by supporting the club. Yet the majority neither go to church, believe, nor even understand the loyalist cause. You become bigots because you hate Celtic and cant distinguish between them and Catholicism.

Take all that religious and political crap out of our support and we would be even stronger as a club.

That 'religious and political crap' has been around far longer than you. If you don't like it, fine. don't participate, but do us all a favour and shut the fuck up with regard to what others should do.

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