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Bad losers at BBC have a programme on tonight

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Love how Adoniram keeps blowing his own trumpet in this thread.

His knowledge, facts, experience :lol:

All of the guests made it clear Celtic were innocent and Rangers were the only club in Scotland with a problem. Is that better for you mate?

Was not actually claiming you were a Celtic fan like others on here have a habit of doing, was pointing out that your posts in this thread are similar of what I would expect from scum fans. Everyone is out to get them act. But if that offended you then I apologise. (tu)

I don't blow my own trumpet i merely give more detailed opinions than a lot of posters.If you can't handle that then sorry not my problem.

I know how the BBC works and i know how they operate from first hand experience. Again if that isn't to your liking nothing i can do about it.

And maybe you should ask yourself the question about where moaning got the Celtic fans???

And no all the guests didn't state Celtic were squeaky clean and we weren't.Neither did i make that claim did i?

To the outsider and casual viewer the clear impression was that Bigotry and Sectariansim surrounds and envelopes 3 football clubs and their fans. Rangers..Celtic and Hearts.

Only one club though had people on to defend it and the songs and the culture.

The programme made no attempt to broaden the issue away from football and on to society and the role the churches play..or our schools.

No attempt to dismiss the Celtic fans assertion that there is no Anti Protestant agenda at Parkhead and all our songs are political.

They made an attempt to try and tell the viewers there is Sectarianism linked to both sides but they made no attempt in my view to do or say anything against Celtic or the fans that would lead to trouble later on from the club itself.

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Do you not understand the principle behind the footage that was shown? Clearly the programme was using their own footage from reporters in the crowd. That's why they did not use 'youtube'

Some people really are so one sided on this site and always wanting to moan and claim Rangers are vicitimised.

Celtic fans could make up a big list complaining about issues. The show was on for 20-25 minutes, they can't have every top association on the show.

You seem like a typical moaning Celtic fan who is always looking for negatives.

Your naivety is frightening.

The principle behind the footage...there were no principles from the opening sequence that showed the candlelight vigil as one of peace and unity. For those of us with more knowledge perhaps you can explain why the BBC never showed the Pro IRA and Anti Protestant Singing at this vigil and the fights/arguments among the Celtic fans?

And of course i am one sided. I am looking at last nights show objectively and armed with more knowledge and facts than you appear to have. And as i said elsewhere with the BBC it is not always about what you see it is about what you don't see.

As for the Iraoke at Tynecastle they didn't have to use Youtube and leave themselves open to accusations of £30 software :rolleyes: They could of course have contacted Sky and asked to use clips of their professional footage just to prove their accusation of Sectarian singing from the Celtic fans.

And of all the guests on the programme you think that was a balanced and fair panel of interviewees covering both sides of the argument?

And as for a typical Celtic fan...call me many things but don't call me one of those bastards :beer1:

I've watched it now on iplayer and i think its favours Celtic and is certainly a attempt to discredit us.

I had to laugh when Celtic were not able to provide anyone to speak to this program.

Plus Hearts were bad as they sang gorgie boys yet their mike didn't manage to record the celtic sectarian song.

I don't believe anyone defending this on here can be a Rangers supporter.

Piss poor the only way i can describe the program.

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The show last night was on for 30 minutes (actually less than that if you don't count the opening & closing credits) ... care to explain to me how they could fit in ALL that you asked for.

I will also agree that it was a fairly balanced report.

The programme showed both Celitc & Rangers fans singing songs that were clearly laballed as sectarian and offensive.

At the Hearts game they showed that this problem shouldn't only laid at the doors of the old firm, how often have we said it isn;t just us that sing this song ... now we have proof and it was broadcast across the nation, surely we go "At Last .. we told you so" ... NO, we go "They didn't show Celtic singing songs that has already been proven they sing previously ... just proves the BBC are biased" wacko.gif

Cardinal O'Brian talked about the marches by BOTH sides, stating that they should all be stopped .. isn't that balanced comment ??

Most other talking heads claimed this issue IS a problem for all to see and none to acknowledge.

My final point here, if you examine what is being posted on some of the Celtic Forums, and within some of the texts i received last night, they also agree that is was a very one sided peice of journalism ... letting us off & focusing on Celtic singing "political" songs which aren't sectarian .... so, if the BBC has managed to piss of both sets of fans at the same time, then I think they have been fairly balanced.

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The show last night was on for 30 minutes (actually less than that if you don't count the opening & closing credits) ... care to explain to me how they could fit in ALL that you asked for.

I will also agree that it was a fairly balanced report.

The programme showed both Celitc & Rangers fans singing songs that were clearly laballed as sectarian and offensive.

At the Hearts game they showed that this problem shouldn't only laid at the doors of the old firm, how often have we said it isn;t just us that sing this song ... now we have proof and it was broadcast across the nation, surely we go "At Last .. we told you so" ... NO, we go "They didn't show Celtic singing songs that has already been proven they sing previously ... just proves the BBC are biased" wacko.gif

Cardinal O'Brian talked about the marches by BOTH sides, stating that they should all be stopped .. isn't that balanced comment ??

Most other talking heads claimed this issue IS a problem for all to see and none to acknowledge.

My final point here, if you examine what is being posted on some of the Celtic Forums, and within some of the texts i received last night, they also agree that is was a very one sided peice of journalism ... letting us off & focusing on Celtic singing "political" songs which aren't sectarian .... so, if the BBC has managed to piss of both sets of fans at the same time, then I think they have been fairly balanced.

Why did they not show the Celtic fans attacking the stewards and police. You can bet you life if it had been us it would have been shown.

Instead they showed the nothing Lennon incident.

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Why did they not show the Celtic fans attacking the stewards and police. You can bet you life if it had been us it would have been shown.

Instead they showed the nothing Lennon incident.

Assumption is not fact and what they showed was a still image.

Again, you are trying to pin as much as you can on Celtic when it is clear this is a SCOTTISH problem, something we have been saying for years.

Every team in Scotland has it's own selection of sectarian/bigotted/offensive songs, some of which was proved last night ... I think that is noteworthy.

Lastly, they DID show Celtic singing their IRA songs, something they have continually claimed is in the decline and hardly sung at any matches .... now disproved !!

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Assumption is not fact and what they showed was a still image.

Again, you are trying to pin as much as you can on Celtic when it is clear this is a SCOTTISH problem, something we have been saying for years.

Every team in Scotland has it's own selection of sectarian/bigotted/offensive songs, some of which was proved last night ... I think that is noteworthy.

Lastly, they DID show Celtic singing their IRA songs, something they have continually claimed is in the decline and hardly sung at any matches .... now disproved !!

This is some assumption

Why not show this

Why did they not show this 24boyrm.jpg


You dont have to dig deep to find what needs to be addressed.

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Why did they not show the Celtic fans attacking the stewards and police. You can bet you life if it had been us it would have been shown.

Instead they showed the nothing Lennon incident.

Hey you

Ill have you know Spew Keevins described that as a "Wee Rammy"

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Just watched it on iPlayer. For a start, I don't see why l*nnon was even mentioned on that program? What does the hate towards him have to do with Sectarianism? Absolutely nothing. Also, the program was so unbalanced it was ridiculous, to be honest I don't even know why there is an 11 page thread on that unbalanced, utterly pointless piece of propaganda.

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My assumption comment was regarding they would show it if it was us .... i saw the youtube clips too and they were fighting with the stewards, however the show was about sectarianism, not hooliganism.

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My assumption comment was regarding they would show it if it was us .... i saw the youtube clips too and they were fighting with the stewards, however the show was about sectarianism, not hooliganism.

did you watch it with both fingers in your ears the rallying cry to the violence was P.I.R.A song

as well as the stewards and hearts fans getting shot at by Celtic fans thinking they were some sort of Mime snipers.

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My assumption comment was regarding they would show it if it was us .... i saw the youtube clips too and they were fighting with the stewards, however the show was about sectarianism, not hooliganism.

Oh so when its Celtic fans its Hooliganism when its us its sectarian.

I will ask you again do you think if it was us the battered innocent stewards and police while chanting about the ira(not that we would)it would not have been shown.

If our manager had called someone Orange bastards would it have been shown ?

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did you watch it with both fingers in your ears the rallying cry to the violence was P.I.R.A song

as well as the stewards and hearts fans getting shot at by Celtic fans thinking they were some sort of Mime snipers.

The funny thing is its looks like the same sniper happily posing with their manager.

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See when they showed the facebook about Neil Lennon did you see the name that liked the page.

Muhammad Anwar

good Protestant name that.

sorry the name was Abid Mohammed and it was a comment by somebody who said

"not really a football fan but I hope he gets blown up sometime soon. Ginger (something cant read what it says)"

Abid Mohammed Likes this

I know Neil Lennon has been caught on camera making sectarian gestures and remarks at Ibrox but what has he done to upset the Muslims?

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Just watched it on iPlayer. For a start, I don't see why l*nnon was even mentioned on that program? What does the hate towards him have to do with Sectarianism? Absolutely nothing. Also, the program was so unbalanced it was ridiculous, to be honest I don't even know why there is an 11 page thread on that unbalanced, utterly pointless piece of propaganda.

Spot on mate.

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This is another thing about the documentary and a lot that has happened in this the most disgusting vile bitter season anyone can remember.

The common denominator Neil Lennon the Lurgan Bigot gets of scott free (can I say scott free I hope its not racist)

I am not going to go through all the events of this season But I will name 2


Why when the domestic abuse figures came out after O F games did nobody bring up his past of threatening a Pregnant woman?. Im pretty sure if it was the current Rangers manager they would have brought it up.


Why in last nights documentary did they not show TLB spitting on a scarfe and making sectarian remarks?

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Just watched it on iPlayer. For a start, I don't see why l*nnon was even mentioned on that program? What does the hate towards him have to do with Sectarianism? Absolutely nothing. Also, the program was so unbalanced it was ridiculous, to be honest I don't even know why there is an 11 page thread on that unbalanced, utterly pointless piece of propaganda.

Agree i've even bored with the topic.

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Ok let's take another view here then. We all seem to be of the concensus that 30 mins is not enough time to do this subject justice.

So why do the BBC not commission a programme that is at least 1 hour in length and address the issues we have all made on here.

They are not naive and they make these programmes this length for a reason.

So instead of debating it to death on here why don't we collectively contact the BBC. Tell them the programme was a start but had many flaws so why don't they commission a programme that will go in more depth and allow people to counter any claims made or address issues like Faith schools.

Only then will we see if the BBC are objective and willing to listen to the license payer.

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Just watched it on iPlayer. For a start, I don't see why l*nnon was even mentioned on that program? What does the hate towards him have to do with Sectarianism? Absolutely nothing. Also, the program was so unbalanced it was ridiculous, to be honest I don't even know why there is an 11 page thread on that unbalanced, utterly pointless piece of propaganda.

I'll tell you why, because we have ignored their propoganda in the past, we have allowed the situation to escalate to it's current point. Where everyone thinks we are the bigots and they sing nice folk songs.

By ignoring the issues we allowed Glasgow to be run by a labour Republican mafia.

Wake up and smell the coffee.

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might watch this later, it's on the Iplayer i see, then i can get outraged as well....grrrrr

I dont know if you will get Outraged.

But You will get Outraged when people come on here and say it was balanced and fair. When the evidence quite clearly proves it isnt.

and when you point this out they backtrack on their initial statement by saying it was only 30 mins. thus proving it came up short.

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I dont know if you will get Outraged.

But You will get Outraged when people come on here and say it was balanced and fair. When the evidence quite clearly proves it isnt.

and when you point this out they backtrack on their initial statement by saying it was only 30 mins. thus proving it came up short.

I doubt any of that will get me outraged but each to there own, i presume it is the exact same documentaryas the panaorama one moved forward a season or so...

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