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IRA Songs


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Was speaking to some of the deluded idiots about it the other day.

Apparently singing "oh ah up the ra" isn't bigoted...

The fact that the IRA were a sectarian terrorist organisation who murdered Protestant's in cold blood didn't seem to dawn on them.

Thick as pig shit.

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Uefa can,t investigate celtic until they do this in European matches as that is ther domain ... It was August last year when they were in Europe.

When fans sing sectarian songs in Scotland it is under the SPL for league and SFA for cup games.

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I cant believe the sectarian songs I heard earlier when I was supporting my new second team in the cup final today. Jim Delahunt, pat Netvin and co all commented and apologised for it at half time, yet do I hear that they are being investigated NO. Do I read anything about it NO.

My Question is WHY. Why is it only one team in Scotland that is sectarian when both Hearts and Celtic have plenty coverage of sectarian singing on BBC and Sky, yet there is no evidence to proceed. I hate to use the words but I do believe there is a conspiracy against us and its being stirred by those who live in glass houses.

Your thoughts please gents

Did Pat Nevinn and Co actually apologise for it?? At least that means it was mentioned! Usually it's just ignored.

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There were numerous sectarian murders of Protestants carried out by the IRA. Therefore the IRA by definition are a sectarian organization. Any support of such an organization is vile sectarianism and should be treated as such. These are the facts gentlemen and lets not deviate from these facts.

If football fans sand songs in support of Al Qaeda in this country it would be rightly condemned, why should it be different for the IRA?

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Celtic won't be banned in Scotland for there singing. Unlike Uefa we don't punish clubs as badly for what there fans do. Look at all the witch hunts against us over the years & we have never had a ban. Just wait & see if they do it in Europe & they will get pulled up.

Fuck them anyway they only sing "political" songs. :rolleyes:

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And how many of you have made a formal complaint?


Septics fans have been much more active and organised in lobbying against us and raising these complaints over the last ten years. They also seem to have a lot more people in the media who are quick to speak up for them than we do. Just as they are active in complaining about us, they are also active in denying that they have a problem. Just look at the article from Tom Devine where he set the case that IRA songs are not sectarian. As preposterous as his arguments may seem to anyone with any knowledge of these issues, he was nonetheless treated with credibility by our own Scottish press (I think it was the Glasgow Herald so a leading broadsheet at that).

These are the major reasons why we are the only ones that constantly get mentioned for it - even though anyone that actually attends or watches the matches can see that they sing sectarian songs and should be in no position to take a moral high ground on the issue.

If enough people are active in getting their arguments accross without sufficient opposition then these arguments will be accepted and even believed - even if they are nonesense.

I suppose having a mindset of being offended and a culture of playing the victim has made it inevitable that they would take the initiative in getting the complaints in first. It may backfire on them though - they are singing their sectarian songs now in the face of all of the recent controversy because they actually believe the nonsense being spouted that these songs are defensible.

They are no more defensible than the poppy protest was - but it is up to us to raise the issue each and everytime they give us the opportunity. They started the grassing game, we have to counter them.

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They are no more defensible than the poppy protest was - but it is up to us to raise the issue each and everytime they give us the opportunity. They started the grassing game, we have to counter them.


FFS have you never heard of the expression "No-one likes us, we don't care"? One thing that winds me up most about Celtic is their incessant point scoring attempts (just look at McGobbleGiver or Brian McNally's twitters for examples).

Frankly, it's embarrassing and I'd be ashamed if our fans did the same. I honestly cringe when I hear shit like this. We don't need to go about looking for validation.

Yeah, sometimes I get annoyed at how we are represented in the press and think we should try to defend ourselves more, but it's not our job to attack Celtic. It's up to the authorities to deal with stuff like this, not us. We should be pushing to make the powers at be actually work effectively, thus taking away the need for all this pettiness.

tl;dr Who gives a fuck? All that matters is creating a system that eradicates the problems. One-upmanship just exacerbates it.

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Who cares.

A lot of people, many for different reasons.

Some just want to see Celtic get punished in revenge for the shit Rangers got put through this year, others - like myself - want it gone from the game.

I've grown tired of IRA and UVF stuff. I really have.

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Was speaking to some of the deluded idiots about it the other day.

Apparently singing "oh ah up the ra" isn't bigoted...

The fact that the IRA were a sectarian terrorist organisation who murdered Protestant's in cold blood didn't seem to dawn on them.

Thick as pig shit.

The IRA were a political terrorist organisation that killed Unionists, irrespective of whether they were protestant or catholic.

I don't like IRA songs as much as the next guy, but by technicality they are not sectarian.

The lack of education on this subject astonishes me.

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