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Non Sectarian Singing On Train Today


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This happened today on the train back from todays game. I have passed this along with the names and contact addresses to guys who I believe will bring this up at tomorrows meeting.

On the 18.41 train from Glasgow queen st to Aberdeen. There were 2 young Rangers supporters (estimated age 18-22 years) sitting at the table next to my group. They started singing Penny Arcade first verse when the Guard on the train came to them and threatened them with calling the police for sectarian singing. The boys apologized but quietly insisted that this was a pop song and not sectarian. There had been no complaint from anyone in the carriage. The 2 young men did not sing another word. When the train arrived at Stirling the guard ejected both the young men from the train. The young men left the train without argument although they were heading to Aberdeen and then north from there. At this time xxxx xxxx one of my party questioned the guard, telling him that he was way out of order but the guard removed his ID badge and refused to give his name. Another gentleman who was travelling to Aberdeen (not a football fan) also asked for his name but was refused. This gentlemen later gave me his name and e-mail address.

Another couple (again unknown to us) came to me before they departed in Dundee and passed there names as witnesses.

I again asked the guard for his name tag and he refused witnessed by all above.

A policeman then showed his badge to the guard and asked for his name and again was refused. I don't know if he will follow up on this.

This has to be taken further

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Eh, I canna believe I read that. Shocking leaving two lads about 2 hours away from their destination. Some people dont have a conscience. Just shows how poor it is when other people around you noticed how out of order it was.

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I would love to know why Penny Arcade is sectarian if this clown thinks this is sectarian then what about them DFS adverts with that just can't get enough tune that Celtic play is that sectarian too? after all it is a pop song one side of the old firm sing.The guy on the train sounds like a complete bitter clown.

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I will make a call to Scotrail and complain, however I am just back on holiday and leave the country again on Tuesday so it will be difficult for me to follow up. That is the reason that I called and e-mailed leaders of fans groups as soon as it happened and passed on contact details of the witnesses. This includes 1 of the admin on here that I know is going to the meeting tomorrow morning.

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I witnessed something similar many years ago after a game v PSV at Ibrox. Last train from Glasgow Central to Ayr was about to leave when two young Rangers fans came racing up the platform got on and 'disappeared' through the next carriage. Seconds later a railway employee arrived with two Transport Police officers. The employee then "identified" two lads sitting across from me as the ones who had just got on. No matter how much we all complained these two lads were innocent (and it wasn't just football fans present) it had been decided these two lads, trying to get home to Ayr, were to be removed from the train. While not being arrested how were they to get home? "That's your problem" they were told. As our complaints became more heated I couldn't believe it when one of the officers said "Pipe down or I'll empty the f***ing carriage". To cut a long story short, complaints were made through the proper channels. I received a visit from the Lothian & Borders Police who were investigating the incident. Some time later I received a letter saying the officers had been reprimanded. Hopefully something similar will come of this but that's no great comfort to the two lads trying to get to Aberdeen yesterday or Ayr that night years ago.

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This is what i call fighting the good fights. Having so many witnesses knowing the boys done nothing wrong will give people the bit between their teeth to ensure the idiot guard is dealt with accordingly by his employer and the authorities (tu)

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