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Saturday Leggo

Govan Front Antz

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Yet more unsubstantiated pish from McGillivan's mirror image. No wonder he struggles to get work in an industry which he claims to have so many contacts in.


It's no coincidence Leggo and the mentalist cant find a paid job. Their articles and writing styles are really poor fayre.


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If this is true its just shows once again what shread , intelligent man Liewell really is.

To be able to think the SPL will survive without Rangers really is, thinking out the box.

Or to put it another way , retarded...

I really couldn't care what his plans are he put Lennon in charge of his beloved club , fucking Lennon.

Seriously the guy is a oxygen thief, a moron, a fucking bigoted, baised, paranoid, shrivelled balls tiny dicked symptom suffering, whole world against me cunt.

"Even my tiny dick" is caused by a dick chromosome defect built around anti catholic bais.

Fuck him and all that he does...


Succinctly put. I can't top this - so I won't try. :clap:

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Yet more unsubstantiated pish from McGillivan's mirror image. No wonder he struggles to get work in an industry which he claims to have so many contacts in.

Hmmmmmmm.........interesting observation.

How old is David Leggat? How many hacks of his vintage are employed in the mainstream media these days?


just asking.

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Hmmmmmmm.........interesting observation.

How old is David Leggat? How many hacks of his vintage are employed in the mainstream media these days?


just asking.

I don't know the answer to either question but I do know that there are many good journalists around his age. None of them would put there name to fluff like that.

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I don't know the answer to either question but I do know that there are many good journalists around his age. None of them would put there name to fluff like that.


I wouldn't give it a Pulitzer Prize but I'd stop short of calling it that.

Leggat is one of the few journalists who slags off the Tarriers on a regular basis and, given the vast pro-Nonce FC hack-pack that sniffs their shorts for a living, his attacks are a breath of fresh air - if you'll pardon the pun.

I'd say Leggo is a good number of years older than many of those presently employed in this ever-contracting line of work - indeed old timers of his vintage are few and far between. For example, we no longer read the demented scribblings of Geraldo McPish and he'll be of Leggo's vintage.

The rags have been spiralling downwards for some time now - so bad are standards that the Odious Creep still finds someone daft enough to give him a wage.

Could it be that because he's of retiral age he isn't actually bothered about re-entering an industry that has been shedding bodies by the barrowload for several years now and is happy (whilst pocketing his pension) doing this on-line stuiff like the rest of modern society?

At least that's what someone I know claims he said when they spoke to him some months ago outside Ibrox. :sherlock:

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I wouldn't give it a Pulitzer Prize but I'd stop short of calling it that.

Leggat is one of the few journalists who slags off the Tarriers on a regular basis and, given the vast pro-Nonce FC hack-pack that sniffs their shorts for a living, his attacks are a breath of fresh air - if you'll pardon the pun.

I'd say Leggo is a good number of years older than many of those presently employed in this ever-contracting line of work - indeed old timers of his vintage are few and far between. For example, we no longer read the demented scribblings of Geraldo McPish and he'll be of Leggo's vintage.

The rags have been spiralling downwards for some time now - so bad are standards that the Odious Creep still finds someone daft enough to give him a wage.

Could it be that because he's of retiral age he isn't actually bothered about re-entering an industry that has been shedding bodies by the barrowload for several years now and is happy (whilst pocketing his pension) doing this on-line stuiff like the rest of modern society?

At least that's what someone I know claims he said when they spoke to him some months ago outside Ibrox. :sherlock:

He's retired then. (tu)

It was reported earlier in the year that he was doing bits and pieces of match reporting work to make a living, but obviously things have changed. Thanks for clearing that up.

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He's retired then. (tu)

It was reported earlier in the year that he was doing bits and pieces of match reporting work to make a living, but obviously things have changed. Thanks for clearing that up.

Like many retirees he'll be doing the odd bit of part-time stuff here and there keeping his mind active and topping up his holiday and drinking fund no doubt.

I too hope to get a wee part-time job when I retire.

I'm hoping for something stress-free. Like taxidermy work.

I could spend hour after hour stuffing my hand up the arse of dead animals. :sherlock:

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If there's one thing you can count on, it's the glacier like speed of the footballing authorities.

Rangers would be on title 146 by the time they passed any more changes to the rules.

This article is pish of the highest order and a direct opposite of that posted by wee Phil. The truth as ever will be somewhere between.

If the SFA or SPL suddenly upped and changed the rules to prejudice Rangers, they would be immediately open to litigation.

Turkeys don't vote for xmas, so the wee clubs wouldn't cut their own throats and neither would celtic.

The powers that be have already stated that they can only give Rangers a 10 point deduction.

I hate the way these wannabe journos are pinging out these sensationalist articles based on supposition, opportunism and general bawbaggery.

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I wouldn't give it a Pulitzer Prize but I'd stop short of calling it that.

Leggat is one of the few journalists who slags off the Tarriers on a regular basis and, given the vast pro-Nonce FC hack-pack that sniffs their shorts for a living, his attacks are a breath of fresh air - if you'll pardon the pun.

I'd say Leggo is a good number of years older than many of those presently employed in this ever-contracting line of work - indeed old timers of his vintage are few and far between. For example, we no longer read the demented scribblings of Geraldo McPish and he'll be of Leggo's vintage.

The rags have been spiralling downwards for some time now - so bad are standards that the Odious Creep still finds someone daft enough to give him a wage.

Could it be that because he's of retiral age he isn't actually bothered about re-entering an industry that has been shedding bodies by the barrowload for several years now and is happy (whilst pocketing his pension) doing this on-line stuiff like the rest of modern society?

At least that's what someone I know claims he said when they spoke to him some months ago outside Ibrox. :sherlock:

So its his age and decision to retire that prevents him getting decent post with a newspaper.

I assume that in his youngers years, and when he was happy to be employed, he was quite the sought after journalist?

I must admit to only knowing his later work with the Sunday People.

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So its his age and decision to retire that prevents him getting decent post with a newspaper.

I assume that in his youngers years, and when he was happy to be employed, he was quite the sought after journalist?

I must admit to only knowing his later work with the Sunday People.

McIlvanney, Glanville and Woolnough all cited him as an inspiration. :D

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So its his age and decision to retire that prevents him getting decent post with a newspaper.

I assume that in his youngers years, and when he was happy to be employed, he was quite the sought after journalist?

I must admit to only knowing his later work with the Sunday People.

I can't confirm that his age or decision to retire is what keeps him from full-time employment - but from what I was told I'd say they would be high up there in his reasonings for same.

Also, although I wouldn't call him a "sought after journalist" he has worked with some of the larger well-known titles in his time, both north and south of the border.

Lastly, it is your assumption, not mine, that he was "happy" to be employed - many are employed through necessity to earn a crust - happiness rarely enters the equation. :D

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