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Mhanks phone call to Craig Whyte


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Hi guys, i'm sorry I just need to vent.

I'm CW and I have only one of all of my friends that is a bear, my pals still go out most weekends and the weekend is a waste if it doesnt involve getting legless. None of them are serious about rangers so unfortunately i just feel like i'm drifting apart from them. I'm not a drinker but I did used to go along and have a can of red bull just for the banter.

Now that i'm CW it's like i've got the plague. i'm really sick most days so don't feel up to going out at night. Nobody has even offered to go for a coffee or anything! In fact when I told them I was CW they werent exactly thrilled. Now i feel like i've been struck off the friend list! Am I doing something odd? I'm not the kind of person to have confrontations so i dont wanna say anything to them cause then they'll feel all obliged to invite me places.

I just dont know why everything has changed so much? I feel really lonely not having bear conversations. bless my DH he tries hard but it's not the same.

Please help.

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It's hilarious :lol: they're rubbing their solitary braincells together trying to come up with something funny, but it isn't working :lol:

I'm going to start doing this taig-snooping more often. Starting to feel dirty though, I feel somehow involved in their vile acts..

They're trying to find out who I am now :lol: dirty, vile bastards.

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If real, I feel so sorry for that taig that he would go to such lengths. Someone will surely recognise his voice..

If would be even funnier if Craig Whyte did come back and save Rangers.

What would the taigs do then? after all the hassle these cunts have went to including this video. They are sad beasts.

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If would be even funnier if Craig Whyte did come back and save Rangers.

What would the taigs do then? after all the hassle these cunts have went to including this video. They are sad beasts.


It's funny the lengths they will go to to try and get a laugh in their lives, and even at that - what did that reveal that we didn't know? :lol:


Islam Feruz Loyal :crabflute:

I'm fat and balding at 18 :lol:

I might as well be, I'm a few years too old to attract a Tim...

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well that was just kind of rubbish. Told us fuck all that we didn't already know. Could at least have called him a wank at the end or something

I was waiting for "GIRUY ya orange bastard" at the end or something like that. Anyway the guy that was talking to whyte was a stuttering mess.

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Is there anything controversial about that phone call atall? Just tells us what everyone already knows. Sounds very confident about the future, but then again.. what the hell else is he going to say to a potential investor?

Regardless, Big Jock Knew and Rangers FC are Scotlands premier club. :crabflute:

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