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Just Joan


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Dare I say but auld Joanie has a point. Football fans lack perspective, we treat football like its the be all and end all when in fact there are way more important things going on which require more attention.

Mister C. If I didn't know better, I would say that fishing rod of yours is being given an airing again

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About 15 years ago my daughter spent a week doing work experience for a week at the Daily record and met auld Joan who turns out to be a nice matronly lady who bought the work experience girls dunkin donuts and generally was a nice lady, one of the things she impressed upon the kids was to survive in the newspaper business you have to be controversial or folk will just read the first couple of lines and if nothing grabs them they will move on--she actually speaks here for the millions of folk who have no intrest in football whatsoever and who couldnt care less either way how things pan out. Fair enough. She might just be a nice journalistic lady plying her trade by stirring up the hornets nest for the sake of sensationalism.

Or then again she might as some have stated above be aan old crabbit cabbage minged cow. You choose.

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I crack myself up



why even bother making a thread on some old bag who's articles are nothing more than hairdresser talk?

"och, you know wit hen, i'm pure sick aboot hearing aboot fitbaw in the news, so's i am!" /EndArticle.

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A twisted oul bastard who said on the day of George Bests funeral that he was an alcholic waster who deserved to die. Or at the 1996 Euros regaled her readers how she was in a bar watching the England team come out and joined in a chorus of English Bastards!Only in Scotland eh!

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The problem with Joan goes back further than we think, this is what happens when you give women the vote, first its the vote, then we let them have jobs, then we let them have equal opportunities and now finally we have a nation of women beasts who dont know whether they are birds or blokes.

what we need is re education, get the silly bints from behind their desks and into the bloody kitchen, dishes need done, children need looked after never mind the hoovering the dusting, making mens dinner and a multitude of other "female tasks", I blame the fuckin sufferagetes, those ugly cnuts that chained themselves to the railings in order to gain their "rights", If I had been PM at the time I would have rounded the bitches up and sent them to home economics classes.

Its time men fought back and put these women back in their places and when they cry as you stick it up the wrong un then simply say "its not fuckin sore, bite the pillow", see if they want equal rights after that, bastards.

I man after my own heart - how right you are :lol:

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