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SFA Exec Must resign now after humiliation in Court


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Well, fellow Bears, Justice has been done (at last). :crabflute:

Regan and his cohorts have no place to hide now and the only option available to them is resignation.

Fact 1 - They (SFA) set up the original tribunal (including a QC) who decided on a 12 month ban on us.

Fact 2 - They set up the appeal tribunal (including a QC) who upheld the 12 month ban.

Fact 3 - They accepted both of those tribunal decisions, knowing them to be outside the SFA rules and therefore illegal.

Fact 4 - They even had the gall to go to court knowing they would lose. Their legal team must be numpties.

With these 4 little facts, it shows once and for all that Regan and his gang do not have a clue of how to run an Organisation and also shows their dislike of Rangers, by making up the rules as it suits them.


:scot: ....By the way Regan, this is Scotland's flag..... Fuck off back to England. :moon:

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The QC must be stripped of his 'QC' title, it shows how incompetent he is if he was on the panel and didn't advise that they were acting illegally.

Unless there was a hidden agenda of some sort and in which case he is corrupt and should not hold such a title to his name.

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I think you may find that the SFA (Reagan) would outline the sanctions available to both panels. There were legal men on there who must have accepted the guidelines without reference to the rule book or they are really incompetent. I suspect the former therefore Reagan's position has become untenable :rolleyes:

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Was about to post similar view mate, Rhegan's position must now be untenable!

The SFA need to be brought kicking and screaming into the present football is not above the law....they can't act in an amateur manner these days....footballing iclubs/institutions are a professional industry governed ultimately and only by the commercial laws of the land!

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The question must be asked as to how any independent panel could come up with a punishment that was not available to them.

Was it the bright idea of someone in the room? or outside of it?

It's like being found guilty of speeding and the court putting you on a sex offender's register.

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It's like being found guilty of speeding and the court putting you on a sex offender's register.

Not really. It's more like being found guilty of speeding and the sentence being that you're not allowed to purchase a car for a year. Problem is, potentially, you challenge that this is an unlawful punishment, win and so they look at it again and ban you from driving for twelve months.

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I for one will be writing to All to Scottish media asking how they stand on this issue...... this should find out who'se side they are on. Think you'll find a lot will fence sit on this one.... even that Airdrie fan on DR.

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This is what happens when an organisation allows Liewell to unduly influence it. The SFA has been exposed for the joke that it has become and is now shitting itself on what to do next, because Big Daddy Blatter is looking on.

The Tims will be furious and are no doubt pouring over ancient tomes trying to find something which they can use to batter us with.

Personally I feel that not only FIFA but UEFA must get involved. We must be expelled from the Scottish Cup for a season, there should be NO Scottish involvement in European football next season and we should as a nation be expelled from the next World Cup.

There that didn't hurt a bit did it? :uk: :uk: :uk:

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The QC must be stripped of his 'QC' title, it shows how incompetent he is if he was on the panel and didn't advise that they were acting illegally.

Unless there was a hidden agenda of some sort and in which case he is corrupt and should not hold such a title to his name.

Corrupt? Unequivocally YES!

QC? In this case, it means Queer Cunt!!!

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Firstly Regan must go and go now.

Secondly a independant inquiry must be held as to how this corrupt punishment was allowed to stand and go through an appeal panel, before the couts decided it was unlawful.

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Regan is English ! Nice parallel and so far of the mark! :lol::5260:

Not really letting the algerian go.............state of youth unemployment...........fucking up the countryside.........frightened to go for an immediate vote on independence..............trying to kid people on that he will decide on keeping the £ if they fiddle the vote.........tell me he is asking Putin and Mugabe how to do this.

Being made a fool of re Trump and and few others.

And trying to make a few bob on cds.

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Regan is English ! Nice parallel and so far of the mark! :lol::5260:

Not really letting the algerian go.............state of youth unemployment...........fucking up the countryside.........frightened to go for an immediate vote on independence..............trying to kid people on that he will decide on keeping the £ if they fiddle the vote.........tell me he is asking Putin and Mugabe how to do this.

Being made a fool of re Trump and and few others.

And trying to make a few bob on cds.

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