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Lord Hodge may order inquiry into administrators.


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I would 100% welcome some sort of inquiry into the goings on around our club these past 24 months.

Moonbeam - Lloyds - Muir - Whyte - Ticketus - Green - HMRC

So many fingers all over the murder weapon but we need to know how and why The Rangers got to the position we are in.

Remember we have gone into administration and liquidation over Tax and tax alone despite having cash in the bank and a support that constantly funds the business aspect of the club ?

There HAS been some real underhand goings on and no-one seems to be getting taken to task for it.

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Strange that the very protection that may be afforded to us by Lord Hodge was neither sought nor asked for by anyone connected with our club, in fact downright shameful.

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The disgraced papist solicitor paul (guilty) mcconville has went on about Lord Hodge and D&P on the past............this could be a rehash of this papist disgraced solicitor.

Twitter and rumours............................

Lord Hodge | Random Thoughts Re Scots Law by Paul McConville

3 May 2012 ... Rangers' Administrators In Court Friday 4th May Before Lord Hodge. A quick post . Today's court lists reveal a case set down for an hour ...


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The disgraced papist solicitor paul (guilty) mcconville has went on about Lord Hodge and D&P on the past............this could be a rehash of this papist disgraced solicitor.

Twitter and rumours............................

Lord Hodge | Random Thoughts Re Scots Law by Paul McConville

3 May 2012 ... Rangers' Administrators In Court Friday 4th May Before Lord Hodge. A quick post . Today's court lists reveal a case set down for an hour ...


A judge has ordered an inquiry into allegations against the administrators who took over crisis-hit Rangers.

Duff and Phelps were formally appointed to the Ibrox club on February 14, owing HM Revenue and Customs £14m.

At the Court of Session in Edinburgh on Friday, Lord Hodge, referred to a BBC television programme alleging the firm had a "conflict of interest" in their role and called for a full report.

He said he took no view about what the BBC had said, but wanted to know whether the insolvency firm had obtained and acted on legal advice on the question of conflict of interest.

Lord Hodge said he had done nothing until now because he did not want to hinder the process of Rangers going into liquidation.

He told the accountants' lawyers: "There is considerable public interest in this jurisdiction in relation to the administration.

"I do not want the administration to come to an end without having received that report."

One of the partners at the firm, David Grier, had advised Mr Whyte on his takeover as early as January 2011. He was also retained by the Rangers owner after the takeover to deal with the ‘wee’ tax case the club was looking to settle with the tax authorities.

When the Ibrox club went into administration, Mr Grier was also involved in the process of trying to save Rangers FC plc, which failed earlier this week when an asset sale and liquidation was confirmed.

The BBC documentary claimed that Mr Grier knew of the £25.3m Ticketus deal Mr Whyte struck for future Ibrox season ticket sales, which effectively funded his takeover. The programme claimed that this later resulted in a “conflict of interest” as Duff and Phelps successfully appealed to Lord Hodge to find that they could breach the deal, leaving Ticketus to become creditors of the club.

Mr Grier has strenuously denied the allegations and claimed his company were looking at taking legal action against the broadcaster.

He claimed that he knew Mr Whyte had been in negotiations with Ticketus, but thought that it was only in relation to small short-term funding deals, and not one to facilitate the takeover. Previous owner Sir David Murray had struck deals with Ticketus for Ibrox season tickets from 2009 onwards.

The report demanded by Lord Hodge is expected to be ready in three weeks and a further court hearing is likely to be arranged after that.


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Every time we take a step forward something else appears to destabilise the club and cause more uncertainty.

Good of Hodge to wait until we thought we were starting to sort things out.

They won't rest til Rangers are gone forever.

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Every time we take a step forward something else appears to destabilise the club and cause more uncertainty.

Good of Hodge to wait until we thought we were starting to sort things out.

They won't rest til Rangers are gone forever.

I'm only guessing but I don't think there is too much in this. Someone has either raised concerns or lodged a complaint with the court about D&P. The court are duty bound to look in to it.

Could be totally wrong :unsure:

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Every time we take a step forward something else appears to destabilise the club and cause more uncertainty.

Good of Hodge to wait until we thought we were starting to sort things out.

They won't rest til Rangers are gone forever.

In what way would an inquiry into D&P destabilise the club (serious question).

I don't see what allegiance we have to D&P and if there is something fishy about their conduct it should be investigated....no??

I don't see how you can state that an investigation into them is an attempt to destroy our club. Maybe I'm missing something.

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Another day, another enquiry. If D&P were up to no good, does the club get punished again, we get punished for everything else. Im suprised Angela Merkel hasnt blamed us for the Eurozone crisis yet.

No we don't get punished we get protected, which many appear to not want to recognise, whatever the outcome of Lord Hodges deliberations it would still be classed as the same insolvency event.

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I'm still trying to figure out what the administrators are deemed to have done wrong for us

they got the club, they organised our finances to keep us going till the end of the season, they put up with idiots claiming to want to buy the club, they got us someone who could offer a cva, they then sold the assets to someone who they believe can keep us going.

So just what have they done wrong?

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Unless any of the creditors are unhappy with the asset sale, I don't see how it ultimately affects us?

I guess if D&P are found wanting, law suits will be filed against their PII cover?

I would imagine this is how matters would be resolved if D&P have done wrong. On the face of it, Green has bought the assets in good faith (and, may even have paid for them!) so it's hard to see how that purchase would be reversed.

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I'm still trying to figure out what the administrators are deemed to have done wrong for us

they got the club, they organised our finances to keep us going till the end of the season, they put up with idiots claiming to want to buy the club, they got us someone who could offer a cva, they then sold the assets to someone who they believe can keep us going.

So just what have they done wrong?

That is something Lord Hodge has required them to clarify, specifically the legal grounds for claiming no conflict of interests, If he is not satisfied with their response he can reverse all previous decisions taken by them, or not.

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To be honest any form of independant inquiery into the goings on at Ibrox concerning Duff& Phelps should be commended. I fear that what has come out about the goings on at Ibrox (whyte, Murray, etc) must be for the best.

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The only crime we as supporters have been guilty of is following our team yet we are the ones who look as though will suffer most in all of this.

Memo to All Members of the Legal Fraternity

In our mitigation let us be clear that no young males were abused during the making of this financial catastrophe!

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The worst scenario is that nothing comes of it the best is that Lord Hodge orders a reduction in all previous matters, we get other administrators/liquidators hopefully not HMRC chosen, and we have an open and above board second go at getting matters right, who knows we may even attain a CVA when the FTTT shows in our favour. :sherlock:

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