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You Will Never Find a Club Like Rangers again


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THE player may leave Rangers, but Rangers will never leave the player.

Ibrox legend Ian Durrant has believed that all his life.

But last night the Ibrox coach revealed his fears that current first-team stars won’t realise it until they have gone.

Durrant, 45, played 249 times for the club that’s part of his heart and soul.

He only left to join Kilmarnock in 1998 after the club’s historic nine-in-a-row era was over.

Now the one-time magical midfielder fears seeing an entire squad quit the club.

But he’s promised them they will NEVER replace what they have at Rangers.

Durrant told SunSport: “The financial side of things is important, sure, but football is about enjoyment and, for me, growing up a bluenose there was no greater feeling than playing for Glasgow Rangers.

“I was lucky enough to be part of a very successful period.

“We attracted and kept so many great players like Laudrup, Gascoigne, Gough, Goram, Brown, Albertz.

“Before that the club had greats like Cooper and Greig.

“When you play for Rangers there’s an affinity you get you don’t get anywhere else.

“We’re in dark days right now and there will be dark days ahead, I’m sure there will.

“The players are looking at the situation and may believe it’s better for them to leave.

“Fine, if that’s what they want, but I’ll tell them they won’t get what they have at Rangers anywhere else.

“Once a bluenose, always a bluenose and although you might leave the club the club never leaves you.

“Whatever the players choose, they’ll eventually realise their best days ever were at Rangers.” Durrant has watched Rangers players give the club a lot in the last few months. It’s not been success and silverware, it’s been hard cash.

But the former Scotland ace insists the Ibrox stars still owe the supporters one thing, and that’s some honesty.

Boss Ally McCoist demanded they be truthful about their reasons for quitting the club if and when they walk out the door, and Durrant agrees.

He added: “In a coaching sense I’ll be gutted if boys leave. You want to keep your best players.

“They may be looking at a situation where they could be asked to drop down a division — missing out on Europe too, which is HUGE.

“I don’t think it’s a financial thing, it’s purely about the level of football they’ll be playing at.

“But if that’s the way they feel then the manager is right, they need to be up front about it.

“Some supporters might accuse them of jumping ship, so be open, tell the punters WHY they’re leaving.

“They’re the ones who deserve to know more than anyone. They’ve raised fortunes for the fighting fund and need to know the truth.

“To be fair to the gaffer, he’s gone out on a limb to protect everyone in the last few months.

“What he’s had to cope with for the last year has been unbelievable.

“Football has become secondary with everything that’s gone on and reading between the lines I think all the manager is looking for is honesty.

“That’s the key here. The gaffer has been straight with everyone throughout this and all he’s looking for is the same in return.”

Durrant has been tight with old team-mate McCoist for almost 25 years and no one knows the Rangers gaffer better.

Asked what it’s been like for him Durrant doesn’t need time to think.

He says: “Stressful.

“I say that, but he’s still been brilliant. It’s like he gets up in the morning and puts on a suit of armour. We’re also all still learning, remember, but by God we’ve had to learn quickly this past year.

“But to be fair to the gaffer he’s done magnificently.

“Taking over from Walter Smith was never going to be easy, but who could have predicted this?

“For three or four months we got the football side of things going, but then all of a sudden all the financial things at the club emerged.

“Football became secondary and we had to learn a side of things we knew nothing about.

“No one can prepare you for administration and seeing people lose their jobs — and I’m talking about people who’d been at Ibrox for years.

“But from the gaffer’s point of view there hasn’t been a board of directors to help him, guide him.

“It’s all been on his shoulders and I’m telling you, he’s been brilliant.

“He’s been an absolute rock. Ask anyone at the club, his door is always open.”

Durrant just can’t believe it’s come to this, his beloved Rangers being knocked from pillar to post.

He added: “The whole thing is beyond belief. I’m on holiday right now and usually when I’m away people stop to ask about football, but not this year.

“There’s no noise-up, no patter, it’s all serious talk about what’s happening and what’s going to happen.

“I look at the situation and find the whole thing unbelievable.

“This is Rangers we’re talking about and yet here we are.

“Obviously the other SPL clubs are looking after themselves and it looks like most of them are against us in terms of the newco.

“But for me those clubs will lose out on a lot of money.

“Only time will tell if voting us out of the league is for the best.

“I just hope and pray that in time we recover and get back challenging again.

“We might face a challenge but we’re used to that.

“The club is on its knees right now, but we will be back. Trust me. It’s too big an organisation, too big an institution, not to.

“With the fans backing Mr Green and the players who stay, hopefully, we can recover sooner rather than later.”

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About time we were getting somthing positive about the club. Good thing is that it's true. Most of these players will never play for a genuine Big Club again. Just wish other former players would defend the club or put out somthing positive. Seems M'coist and Durrant are more-or-less on their own. They have probably been recieving support on the phone but a lot more could have spoke up for the club like Durrant has here. Well done Durrant nice to hear

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He was here for tough times like nine in a row. Must've been hard for him to leave. These guys are faced with a much different problem.

He's here right now ya fucking muppet. wanker.gif

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He's right, these players are in for a rude awakening.

I'd be surprised if any of them join a club that will see 50,000 supporters week in week out. They have something here money can't buy, you only have to look at all the players that leave us, very few don't regret it.

Some of them call themselves Rangers men or fans of the club, I don't think they know what that means.

Well said Durrant, a proper legend who will be remembered as such.

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I know Durrant has taken a lot of stick during his time on the coaching staff, but as a player for me he was right up with Davie Cooper. Ian Durrant will be remember as a player long after he and me are dead and buried. Naismith and especially the other tosser will be forgotten within a month or two.

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Ian has spoken from the heart. You know, reading this, that he means it. For a bluenose, playing for Rangers must be the pinnacle.

Listening to Naismith, I wonder if he knows this and that he knows it will never be so good again. Yes he's ambitious and could well end up in the EPL but he's not going to be in with the big boys. He'll probably end up in a team that measures it's success by not being relegated or getting past the 3rd round of the cup.

Most people here are giving him pelters but listening to him, I felt quite sad. Not for him as he can look after himself, but realising that this is probably the first of a wave of players who will be announcing their departure. How much more can we take? How much more can Ally and his team take?

In the meantime the rest of the SPL are only too keen to get out their statements that they dont want us in the SPL and Charles Green gives no sign of having a Plan B. Dark days and probably darker to come.

Sorry for the negativity.

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So where do these exiting players think they are going to find european football? They are at best English Premier mid-table players but more likely to end up in the Championship one league below!


This is what I have been wondering Shuggy, only Allan Mc G in my opinion would have a chance of playing at a club with european football.

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This is what I have been wondering Shuggy, only Allan Mc G in my opinion would have a chance of playing at a club with european football.

They could try Turkey, just ask Kris Boyd and Kenny Miller ... european football, loads of cash and uhmmm! Perhaps staying at Rangers was best after all.


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