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Seems the powers to be at Hampden...

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Kim Jong Un said 'i have been reading all about this Scottish football association, I like the way they work, Comrade Regan has shown great dictatorial instincts and the way they use the sheep in the media to spread their propaganda against Rangers, reminds me of my father. However this flag incident cannot be forgiven and is a slur against my nation! Bring me the head of whoever is the real powerbroker in this SFA! Cue Lieswell running for the hills with Regan following crying 'I dont want to eat dogs Peter, once a week with my wife is quite enough'.

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Classic cockup by London (Sorry, nothing to do with the SFA)

I see the buffoons have also had to refund hundreds of tickets for the diving as you can't see the platforms from the upper tiers :lol:. :lol:

I shudder to think what the opening cermony will bring. The Germans are on the floor with laughter at the moment.

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This will have diplomatic implications, and on top of the Lockerbie bomber release shows Scotland in a bad light internationally. Imagine the mess if Scotland gets independence.

Other than America and of course Israel, can you name a single country that condemned Scotland for releasing megrahi?

No you can't.

Incidentally, your union heros begged the Scottish Government to release him, but of course you don't want to know that

Did you also know that Labour send policemen, from Norn Iron no less, over to lybia to train Gadaffi's security forces in return for fat contracts?

The NI assembly was not informed thanks to the colussion of the DUP, but of course they found out and went mental, forcing london to recall the forces immediatley.

Can I remind you that Lybia trained and armed elements of the IRA :mad:.

How you can criticise Scotland while I assume worshipping London, is beyond belief.

Sadly, you are not alone in you ignorance.

As for the flag cockup, it was on a video package sent up by London. Excuse the Scots for assuming the English would at least be able to get country's flags right without the need for us to check it doh.

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