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Typical Mark Dingwall

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Manticore, were your ears burning yesterday? Your posts on RM were the subject of discussion on another Rangers site.

I joined the debate to say that you have one line which you recycle endlessly on here which is, "RM is obsessed with FF".

Thank you for proving me right.

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The obsession with Mark Dingwall continues...

Is this a Rangers forum or an anti-Mark Dingwall forum?

if you dont like it fuck off back to FF

if Mark is putting out folk shouldnt buy ST hes big and ugly enough to take the critism that goes with it.

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1343405481' post='1060267787']

if you dont like it fuck off back to FF

if Mark is putting out folk shouldnt buy ST hes big and ugly enough to take the critism that goes with it.

It isn't even that,MIT is the fact that the guy doesn't even buy one himself. If it had been someone that had attended every game for the past 10 years saying this then people may take notice but he hasn't. For him to also be trying to ridicule someone for making money out of rangers is a joke in itself.

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if you dont like it fuck off back to FF

if Mark is putting out folk shouldnt buy ST hes big and ugly enough to take the critism that goes with it.

Exactly, i've tried to lay off him recently but I find it astounding he's still coming out with such things.

Rangers need fans staying with the club and buying season tickets more than we ever have.

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Manticore, were your ears burning yesterday?

So far as I can remember no part of me was burning yesterday.

Your posts on RM were the subject of discussion on another Rangers site.

Sounds like a dreary and uninteresting site having a dreary and uninteresting discussion.

Still, there's only one thing worse than being talked about....

I joined the debate to say that you have one line which you recycle endlessly on here which is, "RM is obsessed with FF".

Your struggle with the meaning of words continues...

Thank you for proving me right.

Unfortunately you were not correct, but you just carry on thinking so. Get yourself some sweeties.

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This is the day we find out about our future hopefully and people still want to argue about someone who does not go to games so is therefore irrelevant to the future being of Rangers.

Quite sad actually

I've tried to lay off him on that basis, but I find what he posted beneath contempt on a day like this.

Trouble is some people actually listen to him and the RST give him a voice.

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Thanks Manticore. A fabulous response.

For your info, there was pretty much agreement on the thread in question to the effect that the quality of your posts has degenerated massively in recent times. Now, you're seen as a crashing bore who spends his entire time on RM talking up FF.

I think I'd prefer being ignored to being thought of in that fashion but whatever lifts your nightie, I guess.

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