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Fighting talk: Rangers defend Green, McCoist on SFA charges


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Rangers vowed to ‘vigorously defend’ both Charles Green and Ally McCoist after the pair were hit with SFA charges.

Chairman Malcolm Murray said he would cite the principle of free speech in a bid to beat the disrepute allegations as the Ibrox club and Hampden powerbrokers set themselves on a collision course once again.

On the day that chief executive Green insisted he would stand by his ‘bigotry’ rant against SPL rivals, SFA compliance officer Vincent Lunny demanded that he explain himself at a Hampden hearing.

And manager McCoist is in the dock on three separate charges relating to his attack on the independent judicial panel responsible for imposing a transfer embargo on the insolvent Ibrox outfit.

Murray insisted: ‘We are disappointed by thedecision to convene disciplinary proceedings. The club has already provided the SFA with what it regards as a clear and compelling explanation of Mr Green’s remarks.

'We will defend both Ally McCoist and Charles Green vigorously at the respective hearings. In keeping with the principles of free speech, we will defend the right for people to express their opinions in good faith.'

The McCoist case dates back to April, but action was put on hold until other issues relating to Rangers had been settled.

The first-team boss now has until Friday to respond to charges that he brought the game into disrepute and acted in an ‘improper’ manner by questioning the panel’s independence — and that he was guilty of an offence by demanding that the panel members be named in public.

Green faces allegations of breaking two rules by, according to the SFA statement released yesterday, ‘making comments in a media interview which suggested that decisions taken concerning the future of Rangers FC were motivated, in part, by bigotry.'

Speaking before the club’s Ramsdens Cup tie at Brechin last month, Green said of the decision to reject his newco club’s SPL application: ‘Some of it has been driven by bigotry, some of it has been driven by jealousy and some if it has been driven by all the wrong motives.'

On Friday Green said: ‘The use of the word bigot, if you look in the dictionary from the French word bigoterie, is about people who have got opposing views or aren’t prepared to listen.

'It’s only in Scotland it’s referred to in a religious sense. I wasn’t speaking in a religious sense.

'I was speaking purely because the views which I encountered were completely blinkered and no one was prepared to listen to my side. I stand by what I said.'

The SFA will ask Green, who has also been given until Friday to respond to the official notice of complaint, to back up his words with hard evidence.

Hearings for both Green and McCoist have been scheduled for Thursday, August 30.

The chief executive claimed, meanwhile, to have three billionaires lined up to back his Ibrox dream.

In an echo of the now infamous ‘just call him a billionaire’ comments about disgraced former owner Craig Whyte, Green said Newcastle owner Mike Ashley is merely one of a super-rich trio ready to pump cash in as investors.

But he refused to identify the other two, saying: ‘Talks are ongoing, so it would be premature to name them.’

‘What Mike will do, subject to all agreements going through, is bring the might of Sports Direct and that will bring £5-10million a year from merchandise in revenues back into the club.

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I feel that for the first time in living memory (for me anyway) we have owners and a board who will defend our club and supporters to the maximum. Nobody likes bullys and i think CG has seen that the SFA/SPL are trying to bully us into submission, and he and MM are not going to stand for it :crabflute:

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Greechan is a wee gobshite who slags off Rangers in every article he writes. Be careful you don't miss his snide comments as well. Another one to ban from Ibrox. :uk::uk:

Aye there are a few words and comments in the article that let you know exactly were his loyalties lie.He is scum no doubt.

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It wasn't a 'rant' at all. Cool, clear, concise, measured and intelligent.

It says much for the cretins currently running Scottish football that his statement could be in anyway construed as 'bringing the game into disrepute. Indeed it's the SFA that are guilty of the 'crime' that the Rangers two are accused of.

A QC into the hearing and ram it right up them and if they don't back down take it to court.

It's the only way to put a stop to it ...............don't threaten ........do it!

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(tu) Well said Barcodebear,

That jumped out at me as well that the wee rat McKeechan described it as a rant FFS! He obviously never watched the interview. CG was very calm and considered in his comments.

Isn't it odd how CG described the motivations of the SPL clubs as being borne out of jealousy and all the wrong reasons, as well as bigotry, yet it was the interviewer who chose to highlight and probe him on the use of the word bigotry?

Why didn't he ask him "What do you mean by jealousy" for example? - Wouldn't make such a good headline, eh!? Wouldn't fit their agenda!!

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Green could have explained himself better.

He could have said that he used the word Bigot in the same sense as a Prime Minister of the United Kingdom used it, namely Gordon Brown, when he reffered to "that BIGOTED woman".

Was Mr Gordon Brown Prime Minister of the UK refering to the woman's religious views?

I don't think so.

The SFA should be very carefull in it's assumptions, free speach is not dead...yet, in this country

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How many times have we been tried because of this dirty prick lunny....let's take these cunts to task.. the sooner we get our own guys in positions in Scottish football the better it's all that wee dirty bastard murrays fault allowing it to happen............Its a bit like recent politics a Protestant country, allowed a celtic jobs for the boys mafia to run the Labour party who basically financially destroyed the county... everything they touch turns to shite because they allow hatred to come before any common sense that's a fact no one can defend!!!! Bring it on corrupt as fukk SFA!!!!

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John Greechan has long claimed to be a Motherwell fan. Being born'n'bred in deepest, darkest Lanarkshire, I have never found a 'well fan to corroberate his claim.

Certainly, he is a long term Rangers hater.

Might he be found dipping his toes in the Clyde beside one ex-Radio Snyde "pantie sniffer"? :sherlock:

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