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Why are we still singing about the UVF


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If you go to games and find songs that are not to your taste then don't join in the singing. That is your prerogative. When the majority of fans share your opinion then the songs will vanish.

Should a majority wish to sing about the UVF or whatever then they will continue to do so. That my friend is democracy.

Times change and song change over time. As an example FTP which lost its relevance in the 90's is disappearing fast. I believe that a majority of fans see it not as offensive but as irrelevant.

Most fans attend matches to watch football and join in the atmosphere. Fans are already monitored by CCTV, stewards and the Old Bill all trying to catch them singing an offensive song. It's getting to the stage where singing a sectarian song is more of a crime than GBH or rape.

Now we have our own supporters lecturing about what we should and should not sing --- its all becoming a bit ridiculous.

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just to focus on the super Rangers!!!

Again, why not start a pro-Rangers only singing section then?

Is it because:

A. That's not why you're there.

B. You don't have the time for it.

C. You just can't be arsed being pro-active and actually practicing what you preach?

No-one has come up with a good reason not to do this in about 100 pages of posts between this and the other threads on the topic in the past few weeks and no doubt another will appear on or shortly after Sunday's game.

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Again, why not start a pro-Rangers only singing section then?

Is it because:

A. That's not why you're there.

B. You don't have the time for it.

C. You just can't be arsed being pro-active and actually practicing what you preach?

No-one has come up with a good reason not to do this in about 100 pages of posts between this and the other threads on the topic in the past few weeks and no doubt another will appear on or shortly after Sunday's game.

Thanks for answering for me.

Tbh don't see the point in arguing with you, given your name and the fact you have already made up your mind on this 1

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i can't believe a thread started by an obsessed bheggar who has since vanished is still going after 27 pages FFS

when will people learn <cr> <cr> <cr>

Im not an obsessed bheggar and i havent vanished. I think people who are still debating this 2 days later are the ones who are obsessed.

If you disagree with what i said then its no problem, if you agree then fine.

But i cant believe how long this topic has gone on for now.

I made a point as a gers fan who doesnt think some things that are sung do us any favours, now everyone get over it and start debating something else.

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Thanks for answering for me.

Tbh don't see the point in arguing with you, given your name and the fact you have already made up your mind on this 1

I notice you haven't answered the question on starting a pro-Rangers only song section though, any particular reason?

Yes my mind is made up on it but the point of a debate is to try and change another persons perspective by using persuasive arguments to do so, and you haven't done this yet. Don't see what difference my username makes to the arguments for and against.

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Don't start a f*cking thread on it then if you don't want it debated.

Ok fair enough, but my main point was that it doesnt do rangers and their image any favours singing certain songs, whereas the debate has turned into arguments about all sorts of other stuff not really relevant to that point.

I am in no way personally offended by any of the songs mentioned or people who want to sing them and have done myself in the past. Im just not convinced that its what the fans should be singing about any more.

Also, as a general point i dont think i should be labelled as a taig, scumbag, cunt, tarrier etc for having an opinion which doesnt match that of others on this forum.

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Ok fair enough, but my main point was that it doesnt do rangers and their image any favours singing certain songs, whereas the debate has turned into arguments about all sorts of other stuff not really relevant to that point.

I am in no way personally offended by any of the songs mentioned or people who want to sing them and have done myself in the past. Im just not convinced that its what the fans should be singing about any more.

Also, as a general point i dont think i should be labelled as a taig, scumbag, cunt, tarrier etc for having an opinion which doesnt match that of others on this forum.

That's what happens during a debate, arguments and counter-arguments cause it to evolve to take in wider points and subjects and sometimes things that are not relevant to the OP, a bit like this post. :happy:

On a personal level I haven't said I think you are any one of those nor do I call anyone else those things just because they have a differing opinion from myself but maybe the way you put some of your points across has something to do with it. Wouldn't worry about it, if you are you are and will be found out again in other threads but it happens to most posting for the first time, especially on subjects like this (shhh, hazing :ph34r: ). Got it myself once but to be fair I did make a bit of an arse of it and probably deserved it at the time! :lol:

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Anyone would think they where trying to get rid of Rangers fans at Ibrox with banning all these songs.

Wouldnt you?

The UVF have nothing to do with Rangers football

Club. Rangers supporters come from all different back grounds and hold different beliefs, views and opinions. You're inability to separate our football team from unrelated groups baffles me.

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The UVF have nothing to do with Rangers football

Club. Rangers supporters come from all different back grounds and hold different beliefs, views and opinions. You're inability to separate our football team from unrelated groups baffles me.


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True. But nobody is claiming that unless you love Tina Turner you're not a real Rangers supporter.

Why what have you got against Tina Turner. I thought every Rangers supporter loved Tina Turner. Is it cos she's black. :lol:

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But nobody is saying we have to stop singing Tina Tirner songs.

we did stop playing 'the best' at ibrox for 1 season cause we spoiled it and it is now being played with only the chorus . Loved it when we played full version building up to screaming 'we're simply the best'.
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True. But nobody is claiming that unless you love Tina Turner you're not a real Rangers supporter.

Yer man nacho in his last post commented saying "you'd think they were trying to ban Rangers supporters from ibrox they way people are going on about the songs". I'm paraphrasing of course, but it was words to that effect. Insinuating supporting the UVF is the same as supporting Rangers. By no means am I saying that everyone is implying that this is the case. But his last post sure read like it.

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Yer man nacho in his last post commented saying "you'd think they were trying to ban Rangers supporters from ibrox they way people are going on about the songs". I'm paraphrasing of course, but it was words to that effect. Insinuating supporting the UVF is the same as supporting Rangers. By no means am I saying that everyone is implying that this is the case. But his last post sure read like it.

So that would be nobody then?

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