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There's far too many on here all want to bitch and argue and jump down others throats and keep arguments going for the sake of it rather than getting united against the real foe in Scottisg football.... they fenians, why is that ?

Get united and take the fight to them, full force.

Look at all the silliness on threads about a daft banner, instead of getting right into em all many wanna do is complain against and to one another..... that's plain daft/thick for want of more strenuous wording.

The Billy Boys chant............ ask yourself as to WHY this has not went forward with decent wording and WHY it already isn't again being sung ?

Then ASK as to WHY that is the case ?

Quit bitching over wee individual crappy things..... act in force.

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You said he is one of us? And i asked you how do you know? What the fuck do u mean "you care why" i'm asking you how u know this?

And if you don't why spout shite.


Again, too eager to want to argue with your own.... why ?

I'm a Rangers fan, always have been.... argued till blue in the face with many a tim..... fought many as well .... yet on here all you get is abuse from weird-thinking folk calling names like taig and such.... and why ?

I'll tell you... all because I dare type something which 'they' don't agree with.... now that's sad in the extreme.

Football is all about opinions.... but a whack of folk on here.... it's like they are on glue or summit ?

They surely dont think we are like the 'borg' ?

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Ferdinand misheard Terry and shouted at him "Did you call me a black c**tt"

Terry replied saying " I never called you a black c**t" - Thats the part that the cameras picked up.

And thats why Terry was cleared of charges

I hate racism but i dont believe there was any racism from Terry there.


In a court of law however it's the proof that gets counted and I don't think they allow video evidence (not too sure)

but before the footage was banned online... terry was seen clearly saying to the Ferdinand fella... you black bastard... no 'c' word used and when terry is saying it... his face is all contorted with anger... he most certainly wasn't asking, he was telling.

This footage was also seen all over the tv screens and the FA picked up on it... hence their own investigation on it.... now terry has today come out and said he will no longer be playing for England again.

I like MANY others all saw what he said... he's a racist.... or at least used racist language... dunno where law draws the line as such ?

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Yeah, you're going OTT.

''"Rangers fans - and only Rangers fans on my timeline - are so quick to defend John Terry. Jeez. I wonder why."''

So WHAT do you take from this then ?

The thing about ALL things written online is that you DON'T get to see the writers facial expression as he types nor if they wre actually speaking as to HOW they would be saying What they typed.

Well that's exactly my point. You clearly hate John Terry. I really don't like him either. Raman's tweet though appears to imply that you support and defend John Terry, simply because you happen to be a Rangers fan. Does that not wrankle with you?

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Again, too eager to want to argue with your own.... why ?

I'm a Rangers fan, always have been.... argued till blue in the face with many a tim..... fought many as well .... yet on here all you get is abuse from weird-thinking folk calling names like taig and such.... and why ?

I'll tell you... all because I dare type something which 'they' don't agree with.... now that's sad in the extreme.

Football is all about opinions.... but a whack of folk on here.... it's like they are on glue or summit ?

They surely dont think we are like the 'borg' ?

:lol: I only asked you how do u know Raman bawheid is a Rangers man? and i haven't called you a taig. no one is arguing with you.

I only said Terry got found not guilty in a court so why are you still calling him a racist etc.

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How do u know he is? Because a couple of people on here say he is. He's not he's just a stuttering sports reporter.

Probably prefers cricket to football.

Its really no hard to understand! Raman supports Rangers, no ifs no buts! Him and his family are all Rangers fans!

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Why are Rangers fans defending JT who is a self confessed boyhood Celtic fan?

In fairness I seen that interview and he said his brother never had an English team and only supports Rangers so JT supported the taigs to annoy him! Pretty sure he said in it he is only a Chelsea fan but liked to wind his big brother up

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A tweet from STV Raman tonight

"Rangers fans - and only Rangers fans on my timeline - are so quick to defend John Terry. Jeez. I wonder why."

Couldn't give a fuck about John Terry but what a ridiculous, a petty and a downright odd thing to say. Especially from the main anchor of Scotland's television channel

Am I being petty in wanting to contact STV about what is a quite ridiculous tarring of our fans? Or am I going OTT?


Aye. OTT and a bit of a knob

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