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The assault on Black yesterday


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Anyone seen a replay of it? Looked an absolute shocker, it was the one in their half when black was running for the ball at pace and the Albion player seemed to kung fu kick him in the stomach. Wasn't even interested in the ball, how he only got a yellow I will never know. If it was Black dishing that out it would've been a straight red!

Perhaps a compilation of these offences (assaults) should send to David Longmuir naming and shaming the player and the people who were trying to pass themselves of as impartial match officials. After all there are some around who seem to think hes the great healer to come of Scottish football, so lets see what he has to say on this.

Ive never been one for boycotts, but enough, is enough. If this continues I would suggest leaving them with an empty ground come our next trip to the perpetrators clubs. That and a wee note letting their so called players know what theyll be in for when the come to Ibrox. Lets face it Rangers are the best thing that has ever happened to Div.3 financially, how many of these clubs may have been facing financial problems this season if it were not for the two big pay days they now hope to get due to our situation.

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Issue is that was NOT a Division 3 ref yesterday, he was wearing a FIFA refs badge meaning he is supposed to be one of our tier 1 refs, NOT on that fuckin display. There were 3 tackles yesterday that should have, would have resulted in straight Reds had they been against any other club in Scotland. IF the refs wanted this stopped then give a team 2-3 red cards in one game and it will stop REALLY quickly. If I had missed as many straight reds while reffing a game my match supervisor would have been writing a scathing report, but then again the Canadian Soccer Association has no agends against any one particular club.

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I keep reading about we should be going in harder and giving it back.

I disagree, i never want to watch my Rangers resort to kicking teams off the park (unless its the mhanky mob), our players should be skilful enough to pass the ball about quick enough to embarrass teams that can only kick us about.

But McCoist or Green MUST start highlighting these type of shocking tackles, they must not be allowed to continue.

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straight red no question.big problem is where is the ref what view did he have? even if he was in a poor position the lino should have picked it up so there is no excuse for missing it.i have said all along that our players need to learn to play at this level fight the fire with fire. but for some reason we dont seem to want the fight high time that changed if we get no protection from the ref we must protect ourselves.speed and skill should be killing those teams but if they are putting it about then we must roll up our sleeves and start hitting back.we have enough players with the experience to be cute in dishing some out.lets see them use it.

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straight red no question.big problem is where is the ref what view did he have? even if he was in a poor position the lino should have picked it up so there is no excuse for missing it.]

I was in the East Stand and that's side excuse for a linesman had "selective" vision all day, after the hand ball incident that lead to the goal, (ok!,we still should have defended it better!), he was getting pelters and he gave a 'thumbs'up sign to the Rangers fans; from then on you just knew we were not going to get anything.

In the first half of the game, think it was Aird caught a defender, again the East side of the park, the guy went down like a sack of spuds, neither the ref or linesman saw it, the ref went with the shouts of the Stiring players ran over and booked him, about 30 secs later there was a tackle on Black,just as bad,if not worse,and only a foul was given.

I don't want any decision we are not entitled to I just want fairness!

We are getting bullied and we are not standing up to them, yes we had some youngsters in the team, but the majority were international players who should be able to handle themselves. Do they think because of their perceived reputation they are above getting stuck in?, well if they think that they better think again because if they don't and this carries one or more of them is going to get a serious injury, because as I'm sure you all are well aware, if you go in half heartedly into a tackle your risk of sustaining an injury is far higher.

I have watched some mediocre Rangers sides over the years, especially in the late seventies and early eigthies with the likes of Gregor Stevens etc., certainly not the most talented bunch but they could handle themselves, and that's what the team needs to learn to do now, and quickly.

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If you read Kenny Clark in the Sun today he tells exactly what the problem is.

In Div 3 refs will let part time players away with tackles like that but would punish full time players for the same thing.

Dreadful admission from a former top class ref but if that's what they tell the refs at classes it's no wonder we will get kicked off the park. We try it and we will see cards dished out all over the place.

One rule for them...

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I havent seen the replay, but I was at the game and at the time I knew it was a shocker, could have caused serious injury or worse, if Black had done that to another player hed have been sent off and every journalist in the land would be after his head.

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I havent seen the replay, but I was at the game and at the time I knew it was a shocker, could have caused serious injury or worse, if Black had done that to another player hed have been sent off and every journalist in the land would be after his head.


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Not just the tackle that was horrendous , but the way he stood over him after was just pure have that and there is more to come. In days past if a tackle like that had happened, our players would have been queing up to do that prick, but we just seem to be accepting all that shit these days.

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