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To be fair to CW statement.


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Craig Whyte has claimed that the SPL knew Rangers were going bust months before the club entered administration.

The former Rangers owner said the club "had no money" after being knocked out of European competition by August 2011.

Whyte said he told SPL chief executive Neil Doncaster and former chairman Ralph Topping in October 2011 that "administration was almost inevitable".

He described the SPL and SFA's handling of the affair as a "disaster". Neither body has commented on the claim.

Speaking exclusively to BBC Scotland's Chris McLaughlin, Whyte said that the game's governing bodies were not involved in any way during his negotiations to buy Rangers from Sir David Murray.

'Kept informed'

He said, however, that he "certainly kept them informed" as the club's finances deteriorated.

"In October (2011), I met Neil Doncaster and Ralph Topping in London, told them administration was almost inevitable," he said.

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Craig Whyte

"I told them that exit by a CVA (creditors agreement) is unlikely and that we would need a lot of support to get through a really tough situation."

He added: "They obviously didn't want to lose Rangers from the SPL and they were supportive. It was a positive meeting."

Asked how the SPL and SFA had handled the situation since then, Whyte replied: "It's been a disaster. They've made Scottish football the laughing stock of the world."

"As far as the SFA and the SPL is concerned, what other country in the world would deal with one of their biggest clubs in the way that they have, and demote them to the Third Division," he said.

"There's still investigations going on apparently. They're a laughing stock as far as I'm concerned."

One month after Rangers entered administration in February, an SFA-commissioned independent inquiry, led by Lord Nimmo Smith, concluded that Whyte was "not a fit and proper person" to own a football club.

He was subsequently fined a total of £200,000 for a range of breaches of the association's rules and banned for life from "any participation" in Scottish football.

'Unfair hearing'

Whyte described the Nimmo Smith probe as "a joke and a farce" and said he would never pay the money.

He said: "The SPL are now trying to do something similar with the club, to strip them of titles, which, again, I think everyone must agree that Rangers have been punished enough."

Referring to the fines totalling, £200,000, Whyte said: "I said at the time there's no chance of paying.

"They haven't written to me officially, they haven't asked for any money - but I've made it very clear that I will never pay the SFA £200,000."

Just read his statement and i don't think it's that damning, if any thing he's having a go at the SFA/SPL though doesn't make him anymore of a tosser than he is.

I can live with that. :rolleyes:

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Craig Whyte is the devil, I would take anything he says with a pinch of salt.

He's a thief, a liar, a bastard and the worst thing to happen to our club in it's history.

Yeah your right, though i can't understand why he is going public all of a sudden. That would be the last thing on my mind...........maybe there's a hidden agenda somewhere.

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I think it's fairly obvious that Whyte was banking on Champions League - or at the very least a decent Europa League run. When none of those materialised there quite simply was no Plan B.

Quite why now Whyte has chosen to come forward is anybody's guess.

Unfortunately just when we thought we were entering a period of stability, comes yet more unrest.

It really makes you wonder who our true enemies actually are!

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To be fair it backs up a lot of the rumours that the SPL were well aware of Rangers plight and the decision was made - probably by Liewell and Petrie to allow this to happen i.e. sit back and just wait - they obviously knew what was going to happen and made plans accordingly

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If Whyte's comments reveal anything, it only goes to show that Scottish football is run by complete cretins with ore than a modicum of corruption.

Whyte is only a product of how this country is run overall, and especially what our politicians have put in place as far as business rules and law, which others like to call regulation and want less of.

Don't worry though, we've got Cameron to fix Britian out, for good by the sound of his heartless comments about ordinary people with illnesses.

Where I get tickets to Regan's public stoning?

To feck with Whyte. He's obviously finding it hard to get his mitts on other failing businesses after his all too public relations with Rangers, that's why he's spouting now.

To sum up CW's statement: It wisnae me!

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The fuckwit cant understand the difference between bank borrowing to buy the club and ticketus borrowing to buy the club. What a total fukking bawbag kunt of a man.

And McLaughlin didnt have the sense to challenge the fukker on it. Pair o kunts.

Actually, Whyte was correct on his comparing the bank loaning money on the strength of future season ticket sales was the same as him raising money via Ticketus. It was just a diffirent mechanism. But between the both of them, they managed to fuck it up good style, Whyte and McLaughlin that is.

Well, everybody involved in this sorry tale of mis-management.

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Actually, Whyte was correct on his comparing the bank loaning money on the strength of future season ticket sales was the same as him raising money via Ticketus. It was just a diffirent mechanism. But between the both of them, they managed to fuck it up good style, Whyte and McLaughlin that is.

Well, everybody involved in this sorry tale of mis-management.

He wasnt right at all.

If Whyte had got a loan from the bank to buy the club, then potentially he could have used SOME of the season ticket money to service the loan and interest.

As he sold the season tickets to buy the club, he reduced the income as that money was actually theirs.

Its nowhere near the same thing (tu)

Our £18m long term Lloyds loan wouldnt have killed us. Our £27m Ticketus loan did. (tu)

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