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The SNP and the Truth


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That makes more sense. Thanks for clarifying.

As for the rest of the post, the honest answer is I don't know. I'd have to read up more on this as I've not particularly noticed any disproportionate sentencing etc. But that's due to me staying away from the tabloid press in general. Which would explain why I have a hard time believing that the catholic church holds any sway over the law of the land.

I will admit, when I moved up here (I'm English) I thought it was totally blown out of proportion but its hard not to think somethings going on when a leading members of the Catholic Church decided the Hokey Cokey was sectarian. I know its the daily record but read the report here.

http://www.<No links to this website>/news/scottish-news/singing-the-hokey-cokey-could-land-1002751

Do you think the police would crack down on the singing of Ave Maria if I found it offensive???

Now ask yourself how a prominent church official can hold such beliefs in 2012 and be given a platform.


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I wouldn't worry about an independent Scotland, its not going to happen. Personally I think David Cameron has called we Ecks bluff. Bawheid wanted a two question referendum because if he is being honest with himself, he knows that the most likely outcome was a vote for "devolution max" as it was being labelled. Cameron knew this as well, so has embarrassed wee Eck into accepting a single question referendum leaving wee Eck to act smug and kid on its what he wanted but in reality he will lose big time and knows it.

1970s was the time if it was ever going to happen. Scotland had oil, manufacturing (IBM, Digital, National Semi-Conductor, Motorola, SCI) ship building, steel.....all long gone now except oil which is never going to be given up by the UK government.

More concerned with getting out the 3rd Division to be honest..........

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I wouldn't worry about an independent Scotland, its not going to happen. Personally I think David Cameron has called we Ecks bluff. Bawheid wanted a two question referendum because if he is being honest with himself, he knows that the most likely outcome was a vote for "devolution max" as it was being labelled. Cameron knew this as well, so has embarrassed wee Eck into accepting a single question referendum leaving wee Eck to act smug and kid on its what he wanted but in reality he will lose big time and knows it.

1970s was the time if it was ever going to happen. Scotland had oil, manufacturing (IBM, Digital, National Semi-Conductor, Motorola, SCI) ship building, steel.....all long gone now except oil which is never going to be given up by the UK government.

More concerned with getting out the 3rd Division to be honest..........

I hope you're right I really do. They will try anything to make it happen. Its why 16 and 17 year olds have been given the vote. They will have the idea they have a couple of years to peddle their version of independence to 14 and 15 year olds and sway them with some romantic notion of an independent Scotland (Bonnie Prince Charlie, Braveheart and all that).

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Hmm defendant pleads guilty but jury acquits, if you plead guilty you dispense with the need for a jury.

Debate? Think it might get brutal in here, when can you quote the SNP and truth in the same sentence, in fact apply that to any political party.

There was no jury in the first place. It was a summary case, not sheriff and jury and he got the maximim sentence available to the court. 12mnths with 1/3 off for a guilty plea.
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I hope you're right I really do. They will try anything to make it happen. Its why 16 and 17 year olds have been given the vote. They will have the idea they have a couple of years to peddle their version of independence to 14 and 15 year olds and sway them with some romantic notion of an independent Scotland (Bonnie Prince Charlie, Braveheart and all that).

I think Wee Jabba has been watching too much Braveheart and has read too many Sir Walter Scott ( Who was unionist along with Scotland's national bard Big Rab )

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OK, that's one but do you truly believe all Catholics have some kind of burning desire to take over Scotland and make it in their own image.

I've mentioned my views on this in a previous posting. The RC church has lost a large amount of influence in the ROI becuse of the exposing of crimes against women and children. There is a hard core of RC's in Scotland who see an oportunity to re-establish their power by moving their attention to Scotland. The actions of the SNP has brought about a devision in Scots society that has facilitated this oportunity. Rghtly or wrongly these people see Rangers as a figurehead of the unionist community and as such have endeavoured to bring the club to an end or at least cripple it to the point where it can no longer complete for major honours. In the past the Labour party has always been the political home for the RC church in Scotland, it would be blinkered to think that as the referendum gets near that there will not be some sort of move by the SNP or a part of it to tap into/secure this vote.

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We keep hearing of this supposed anti-Irish catholic bias in Scotland, if there is such a thing how come so many people from this group have been so successful within Scotland?

In business, the media, the law, local and national politics many of these people have become household names. Indeed two who have served on the board of cfc have been cabinet ministers in the UK government, one of whom was the Sec. of State for Defence one of the highest offices in Government. Likewise, how can a football team who has it's base in the Irish catholic community with an openly republican support ever have been able to have been so successful?

Now I'm sure there are those who may say that because of thier faith they had to work harder to get where they have, inturn I would say that if Scots society was the in anyway as sectarian or biased as they would have the world believe they would never have been allowed to have reached anywhere near these levels of success no matter how hard they had worked.

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Great? What the fuck are you on about? Being a Rangers fan you cannot be voting for independence?

Every Rangers fan can vote what they want. Not everyone wants the union. I will be voting No, but the team you support does not define your political stance. There are plenty of Rangers fan who vote SNP (though definitely not me).

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I've mentioned my views on this in a previous posting. The RC church has lost a large amount of influence in the ROI becuse of the exposing of crimes against women and children. There is a hard core of RC's in Scotland who see an oportunity to re-establish their power by moving their attention to Scotland. The actions of the SNP has brought about a devision in Scots society that has facilitated this oportunity. Rghtly or wrongly these people see Rangers as a figurehead of the unionist community and as such have endeavoured to bring the club to an end or at least cripple it to the point where it can no longer complete for major honours. In the past the Labour party has always been the political home for the RC church in Scotland, it would be blinkered to think that as the referendum gets near that there will not be some sort of move by the SNP or a part of it to tap into/secure this vote.

That's just paranoia central, nothing more than that.

Society has moved forward. I won't believe that our relegation etc was anything to do with the catholic church and if I'd heard similar from the unwashed in years gone by I would have laughed in their faces.

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That's just paranoia central, nothing more than that.

Society has moved forward. I won't believe that our relegation etc was anything to do with the catholic church and if I'd heard similar from the unwashed in years gone by I would have laughed in their faces.

I never said the the RC church was officially involved with Rangers, I said I believe that there is a hard core of RC's who are involved. I have stated on this forum previously that I don't see all RC's as the same as there are good and bad in all sections of society. I have also stated that many of my best friends are RC's, indeed one of them is a Rangers fan. You can say it's paranoia if you want that's your right. However I do see a situation where there is positive discrimination for RC's in certain organisations for employment, applicants having to be vetted by the RC church when applying for non-religeious teaching posts in state funded RC schools, and the head of the RC church in Scotland making statements on how their following will be advised to vote if parties don't follow their line on abortion.

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You will never get it!

Appears you only want to hear that salmond and his bitch and their facist party are the way to go, so pray enjoy your coven.

Nope I'm against independence. I just think believing that western governments form these days with any sort of religious leaning is ridiculous. The bulk of society is now agnostic at best.

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Nope I'm against independence. I just think believing that western governments form these days with any sort of religious leaning is ridiculous. The bulk of society is now agnostic at best.

I didn't know which one of your posts I disagreed with most but this one will do! Almost all of western politics is heavily influenced by the church (for example England has 26 Bishops sitting in the House of Lords). You may think that society is "agnostic at best" (not sure where you got this from) but governments are influenced by the church (who have financial power) and therefore we (society) are clearly affected by religion. Not sure what age you are (you have said in another post that your life hasn't been changed by religion) but you must be very young to say such nonsense (sorry!).

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