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Should John Greig now be asked to return to the Fold?

The Mongoose

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What could John actually do for the club that someone far more qualified couldn't?

I'm afraid sentimentality is right oot the windae in these days of the biggest re-build job in the club's history and it has to be said that Grieg was found wanting during the Craig Whyte heist of the club's finances, big style. He did the the three monkeys trick and in my book he has no place at Ibrox anymore. His statue is outside and that is his special accolade. Leave it that.

And I'll upset some in also saying that Walter Smith's return is more out of a need for his face than any commercial nous that he can bring to the boardroom. He burned his image badly when he was stupid enough to get into bed with Jim McColl when the club was fighting for its existence. Unforgivable Wattie.

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What could John actually do for the club that someone far more qualified couldn't?

I'm afraid sentimentality is right oot the windae in these days of the biggest re-build job in the club's history and it has to be said that Grieg was found wanting during the Craig Whyte heist of the club's finances, big style. He did the the three monkeys trick and in my book he has no place at Ibrox anymore. His statue is outside and that is his special accolade. Leave it that.

And I'll upset some in also saying that Walter Smith's return is more out of a need for his face than any commercial nous that he can bring to the boardroom. He burned his image badly when he was stupid enough to get into bed with Jim McColl when the club was fighting for its existence. Unforgivable Wattie.

Behave yourself. Not his smartest move but he was doing what he perceived as his bit to secure the future of the club. Far from unforgivable.

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Disappointed that he left so quietly the last time, if he had taken his decision and the opportunity to shine a light on what happened, it may have helped matters. Unfortunately, it was left to people to assume he wouldn't have left unless there was something going on, but nothing ever came out.

I want people on the board who will be capable and willing to find out what is going on in the company and looking after the best interests of the company, club and investors. JG isn't that man.

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As a former Rangers Captain and Manager through the best and worst of times he has my respect, and should always be welcomed and applauded by all at Ibrox.

From a practical viewpoint though I do not think he would bring much to the setup being built now.

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I was critical when he was first appointed to the board and much of what I said then still stands, eg he hasn't worked in football for decades, he's about as bright as 3am, his name means less than nothing outside Glasgow and he has no fresh thinking to bring to the club. Plus, his 3 wise monkeys routine under Murray proved he is of no value as a director.

Enjoy your retirement, John.

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Dundee, Probably around 1963 - Dundee v Rangers I think. I'm 14 years old and on my own making my way to bus or rail station. I chance upon John Greig and I think Sandy Jardine just ahead of me. I asked John Greig for his autograph and the torrent of abuse that I got from him was way beyond what you would expect to hear from your hero. Really hurt me that man but didn't stop me being a Bluenose all these years but that day put a real sour taste in my mouth regarding John Greig. So it would be a big No from me to see him returning to Ibrox. As for him being the greatest Ranger ever well all you have to do is look at some of the truly great footballers not that long before Greig came on the scene and there are many candidates to be the greatest Ranger ever.


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What could John actually do for the club that someone far more qualified couldn't?

I'm afraid sentimentality is right oot the windae in these days of the biggest re-build job in the club's history and it has to be said that Grieg was found wanting during the Craig Whyte heist of the club's finances, big style. He did the the three monkeys trick and in my book he has no place at Ibrox anymore. His statue is outside and that is his special accolade. Leave it that.

And I'll upset some in also saying that Walter Smith's return is more out of a need for his face than any commercial nous that he can bring to the boardroom. He burned his image badly when he was stupid enough to get into bed with Jim McColl when the club was fighting for its existence. Unforgivable Wattie.

Maybe it's time to build bridges and Wattie is the start.McColl may still turn out to be a major player.

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no from me - had his time. As a player he was excellent for the club as captain, as a manager - not so good, but as a (non-exec) director he done nothing that was of any benefit to the club, at the end of the day he was a face for corporate events and nothing more. Sandy Jardine is doing a more than adequate job and has shown true passion for the club and stood up when he needed to be counted, we don't need John Greig in any capacity.

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For the benefit all whos memory has faded....

John Greig was captain when Rangers won the European Cup Winners Cup in 1972 beating Dynamo Moscow 3–2 in Barcelona.

Bring him back in ANY capactity


And what does that matter? He isn't being judged on his footballing ability, more what skills and attributes he would bring to the club.

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He was a board member who acted as an ambassador for Rangers.

There's obviously a lot of bitterness towards him, over not being vocal, doing enough, over the last year. Those judging him should ask themselves what they did to warrant their judgements of others. We expect a lot from The Greatest Ranger Ever and its natural to feel let down as he stayed away. It was a highly emotional time and we all make mistakes. But, like I said, I'd take him back in the same role as Walter (non-exec board member) in a heartbeat.

Definitely agree. I bet only a small minority who saw Captain Blood play are on here whinging and moaning about him. The rest probably never saw him play and if that's the case you missed a man who would run through a brick wall. Sure he maybe could have said more while he was on the board but so could a lot of others. Did the penny not drop for some short sighted people? Big John walking away was the biggest hint anyone could have had that there was something not right about Googly Eyes and we chose to ignore it. We are also culpible.

John Greig is a Rangers legend and deserves respect. He is also an elderly man and for that he also deserves respect.

If you don't like any of that post, tough. Because I don't give a f**k about people who slag off a Rangers Legend.

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Definitely agree. I bet only a small minority who saw Captain Blood play are on here whinging and moaning about him. The rest probably never saw him play and if that's the case you missed a man who would run through a brick wall. Sure he maybe could have said more while he was on the board but so could a lot of others. Did the penny not drop for some short sighted people? Big John walking away was the biggest hint anyone could have had that there was something not right about Googly Eyes and we chose to ignore it. We are also culpible.

John Greig is a Rangers legend and deserves respect. He is also an elderly man and for that he also deserves respect.

If you don't like any of that post, tough. Because I don't give a f**k about people who slag off a Rangers Legend.

I didn't even get to see him play. There's hundreds of reasons we voted him The Greatest Ranger Ever.

He'll always have a place at Ibrox.

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On another forum, it's being said the man is not too well, now I for one will NOT turn on a man that has spent his whole life a Ranger. He is/was a great ambassador for the club and has done nothing wrong, while others cannot say the same? The mans a pensioner have some respect!

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It is doubtful if there is anything to be gained by having The Greatest Ever Ranger on the board nowadays, but those lining up to have some sort of cheap shot at John Grieg need to have a long hard look at themselves and remember exactly what he did for the club during his playing days.

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At the very least Charles (along with Walter) should have a chat with John to see if there is a role he could play at Rangers. Maybe he and a few other legends could front up a 'legends' forum of respected opinion to help inform the Board which claims to know so little about football on ideas Rangers could consider to increase the standing and reputation of Rangers across Europe? Or maybe even lead in a 3 min slot at half time to showcase famous moments from Rangers past on the big screens? Just ideas. Main point is not to slot John into a role he does not fit and to consult first.

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Respected the guy as a footballer and as a captain, but no respect for him as a man.

Stories from my uncle about him and from what I've heard from others on here, confirm what my uncle has said.

The greatest ever Rangers' are already part of the club, Ally McCoist and Walter Smith.

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