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BBC Scotland - Objective Journalism R.I.P


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It has been some considerable time since, with the help of a Vanguard Bears dossier, I wrote about the bias and lack of factual reporting towards our club by BBC Scotland. (A River Runs Through It) It will come as no surprise to anyone that the Vanguard Bears dossier regarding BBC Scotland is considerably heavier now, given what has transpired over the last few months.

But it was today, and from the pen of a non-Ranger that the final death blow was delivered to BBC Scotland. That it came from from a man who has worked for the BBC for over 40 years, and who is respected as something of an “elder statesman” amongst Sport Journalists, merely served to highlight how far BBC Scotland has fallen. A fall from which it may never recover, certainly not in this Bear's lifetime. I wont let them and I would suspect there are many reading this who feel exactly the same.

Archie MacPherson didn't mince his words. He thoroughly condemned their lack of journalistic integrity, in fact he even taunted them to use their skills to produce a documentary which asks why Rangers appear to have been singled out for such microscopic examination and failed by so many who are required to be impartial.

I think you will find Archie that those who were responsible at BBC Scotland, for so openly manipulating facts, just don't have the appetite or enthusiasm for such an examination - not if it serves to vindicate Rangers and point the finger at others.

They are not hacks they are hags who have concocted a cauldron of poison, venom and vindictiveness towards our club. Anyone partaking of this vile brew will notice the bitter and sour taste is caused by an essential ingredient being absent – objective reporting.

Their organisation is currently banned from Ibrox, and appear quite comfortable with their imposed exile. That ban stems from their footage prior to the Rangers v Motherwell match. A montage which the Samaritans organisation saw fit to criticise. They seem to be comfortable with the fact that they have marginalised a considerable proportion of the Scottish people against them.

They have either leaked or colluded with internet bloggers regarding their “exclusive interview” with Craig Whyte, as details of this “exclusive” appeared on the blog of a man described as “tarred with the sectarian brush” a whole day before BBC Scotland released it's well er...not so exclusive.

It came of course as no surprise to the Rangers support that BBC Scotland decided that a man whose lack of credibility and integrity they had worked tirelessly to expose whilst chairman of Rangers was suddenly credible enough to earn an exclusive platform at the BBC to spout his lies just as Charles Green was trying to attract investment into Rangers by way of a share issue. Co-incidence ? Not on your nelly.

There is a touch of irony about Archie's timing however. It comes on the day the BBC are reported to have sacked 2 members of staff for misuse of social networks following an FOI request from right wing think tank Parliament Street.

Speaking afterwords Parliament Street Director Steven George Hilley commented ..

“Misuse of social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook by employees can compromise the integrity of publicly funded organisations and trigger long-term reputational damage.


But not nearly as much damage as has been caused by those currently working for BBC Scotland at Pacific Quay with their clear anti-Rangers agenda.

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BBC Scotland have shown bias far to many times over the last couple of years for it not to have an agenda against Rangers.

I'm not even after positive things said about us, just looking for them to report the facts without spinning them to suit there agenda.

Even being banned from Ibrox has not made the wind there neck in.

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I think TV has been going down hill for years, that's why I don't have one in my house. It's obvious to me that the level of repoter/reporting has taken a nose dive as well, otherwise how could such a lowly bunch of unscrpulous meddlers get away with finding a job in one of the nations once much respected news gathering organisations.

I've been continualy hearing about how bad a sectarian place Scotland is to live for catholics, but most of that news seems to be based on historical evidence, which I don't deny was something that happened in the distant past. Funniy enough, most of the present work force at radio Ireland are indeed catholics, as is Scotlands top legal man and many, many politicians and journos.

Strange that a country that doesn't allow catholics into postions of power and influence is more or less ran by them at present, and they don't seem to want any others working in thier newly found feifdoms.

I'd like to see more investigative journalism and the first place I'd like to be investigated is the media, which seem to be able to say whatever they want, about whoever they want and there's absolutely, no right to reply. Not unless you're willing to go through a multitude of court cases about your own 'aggresive' attitude, or as they like to portray any detractors from thier given dogmas.

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Agree, I have grown used to seeing our support unfairly portrayed over the years but seeing the club itself being attacked and demonized really has done something to me. I suppose it's similar to people of faith when they're church or beliefs are being castigated.

We all know Rangers is a special football club. It provides sporting inspiration within our country and sporting respect for it overseas. Its a respected name all over the world and probably more recognisable than the country's in some places. It gives our game status, finance, exposure, and hope for the future. It also gives people something to discuss in the same way as music or television. It does all this to a greater extent than any other club I know about. It simply provides a magnificent service to the country and Scotland would be much poorer without it.

The club is one of the few permanent, steadfast, and honourable of Scottish institutions for me. Especially in an age of uncertainty were much is temporary and uncertain. It's been as consistent, if not more so, in its own field as our education, health, religious, politics, and legal systems.

We have just witnessed what happens when an important social institution like the media loses sight of its guiding principles. I hope our university's document and do justice to what has been an unprecedented attack on a football club and the community that support it. And lets not forget we are more numerous than some nations. If we were a community by race, faith, or nationality this would be top news all over the world.

The only good thing I can think of is that overcoming our mistreatment will make our history even greater. Instead of having our reputation irreparably blackened we now join a handful of clubs who have (genuinely) risen above a persecution, one that even involved its national association and peer clubs. We may actually be alone in this.

What a truly great moment it will be when Rangers return to Europe. Who could do anything but admire such a club?

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Congratulation D, you seem to have the knack of joining up the dots, I didn't realise that the Whyte interview had been leaked, it shows the real bias within the BBC


If you check the BBC Website you will see they released their "exclusive" on 17th October.

If you check 3 names blog he released an article on the 16th October entitled "Hurricane Craigie set to hit Ibrox" which contained some of the sensational claims Whyte made in his BBC "exclusive"

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Why so few comments/posts from BD. This is about a Rangers supporter and an employee of, and his first hand ill feeling of, the sectarian/bigotted kafflik bbc Scotland against our club.

Why the fuck are we allowing Scotland, to turn into that pathetic scummy place called oirlund. We are doing nothing about it, other than setting a pathetically weak foundation for our children.

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Why so few comments/posts from BD. This is about a Rangers supporter and an employee of, and his first hand ill feeling of, the sectarian/bigotted kafflik bbc Scotland against our club.

Why the fuck are we allowing Scotland, to turn into that pathetic scummy place called oirlund. We are doing nothing about it, other than setting a pathetically weak foundation for our children.

Maybe it's because Wee Eck, really really deep down, wants us to be the Scottish Branch of Ireland. When he's backed into a corner he usually trots out a standard Irish type reply. Remember the SNP would sell us nut and bolt for the chance to turn Scotland into an inward looking, backward and taig ridden hell hole. Keep them ignorant and ill informed and basically they'll give up sooner or later. Declan and Mohammed will keep getting the dss benefits and breed us out by 2030 anyway.

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I can see no way back to credibility for the likes of media outlets like the bbc, record, herald and the others, once institutions of this once great country of ours, whose every words were once believed and respected by the population. They have all allowed themselves to be infiltrated and used by religious and political minorities to try and attack and destroy the cornerstones of the nation. It's not just objective journalism that is dead in this country it's journalism end of. We as Rangers supporters can no longer depend on or trust what is reported on television or what is read in the papers. We now depend on sites like this to find out what is actually happening without the added spin of manipulative minorities in positions of power all over the political and media world. Scottish journalism ? R.I.P. :sherlock:

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The first way for Scots to take their Country back imo,is to destroy the SNP at the ballot box,especially the Independence vote and secondly,push your kids harder in education.Thirdly,teach them your history and show then how 'once proud' Scotland has changed for the worse. (tu)

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