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Hateley Speaking About Ibrox Name Change


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WHAT’S in a name? A good few million quid probably.

That’s the way Charles Green appears to be thinking at any rate with the news that the Rangers chief executive is open to offers regarding a commercial re-branding of Ibrox Stadium.

And I have to say, I can’t blame him. It’s money for old rope as far as I’m concerned.

But that’s not the point. I may be fine with the idea, at least so long as the word “Ibrox” is still incorporated somewhere in any eventual title.

I get the impression Charles probably wouldn’t care if they called it the Armitage Shanks Toilet Bowl so long as the price was right. He’s a business man and money talks.

However, before he goes any further I would urge him to consult the supporters and gauge their opinion on the matter because without them there is no business at all.

To put it in boardroom speak, he has to be very careful here that he does not disenfranchise his customers. The temptation, when someone is waving a cheque for millions under your nose, is to dismiss these people as dinosaurs and to think they’ll come round in the end. To take the money and run.

But that would be a dangerous game. These people are not dinosaurs, they are traditionalists and right now there’s 48,000 of these traditionalists packing out the stadium every second week.

They have an affinity with Ibrox – a deep bond which has been established over the years. Ibrox Stadium is their home. In fact, the old place and its famous red brick facade is just about the only thing which has survived the last couple of years undamaged.

It’s more than just a big old building. It’s a symbol of strength and staying power. It is a timeless piece of history.

Craig Whyte might have kicked the guts out of Rangers Football Club but Ibrox is still standing proud as a five-star European arena which is recognised all over the football world.

So while, personally, I wouldn’t mind too much if a deal was done to rename the place, I believe it is incumbent upon Charles to get the approval of the supporters before he takes the idea any further. Before he even contemplates a change of name he had better make sure that he has their blessing.

He has already invited fans to discuss a possible change of name for Murray Park and that’s great.

But if he’s willing to listen to their opinion on what to call the training ground he had better be all ears when it comes to the stadium because this place means a great deal to a great many people.

This is where they have gone all their lives to support their team. It’s where their fathers and grandfathers stood before. You don’t treat that kind of stuff lightly as I’m sure Mike Ashley learned the last time he tried to do something like this.

Ashley had his fingers burned at Newcastle when he turned St James’ Park into the Sports Direct Arena.

The reaction down there was so dead set against the idea that, a few months later, it’s back to St James’

Park again.

I must admit I would be surprised if Green didn’t encounter an even more negative response if he tries to do away with the name of Ibrox.

This is not a purpose-built ground like the Etihad or the Emirates. This place is a part of people’s lives.

Let’s not forget, there was a disaster here that still affects many, many families here in Scotland and beyond. These people deserve to have their voices heard when it comes to making a decision like this.

And that’s why personally, as someone who can see the financial value in stadium re-branding, I would try to find a halfway house. The Ibrox Sports Direct Stadium for example. Or the Sports Direct Ibrox Arena.

Even better, Ashley could just change the name of his sportswear company to Ibrox. There you go, problem solved.

Sorry, I shouldn’t be flippant because this is serious stuff. I’m not having a pop at Green either because it’s his duty to explore every possible avenue in terms of increasing revenue for the club and this is an obvious money maker.

It seems that he really does have big plans for this football club but big plans cost big money.

As everyone knows cash is in short supply in Scottish football so the chief executive will have to think outside the box. That’s fine with me because I’m in favour of seeing Rangers moving forward.

But he must not make the mistakes of thinking he can just impose this on the supporters because he can’t. He’ll have to take them with him and that may well require all of his powers of persuasion.

There is only so much that football supporters will take and renaming a place like Ibrox is getting pretty close to the line. It’s a delicate, sensitive matter and, unless it is handled properly, it could seriously damage his relationship with the club and the fans.

It is vital they are not left feeling as if their club is selling its soul.

For example, what if Mike Ashley is willing to pump another £10million into the kitty so long as Rangers agree to wear black and white stripes next season?

That would sound utterly ridiculous if it didn’t just happen to Cardiff who, just a few months ago, changed the colour of their home shirt from blue to red on the whim of their new owners.

Now that is scary stuff when you think about how much tradition means to football supporters, especially at a club like Rangers. There is one thing that must not be forgotten by Charles when decisions of this nature are being made. It was not him who saved Rangers from extinction in the summer – it was the fans.

It was the 38,000 who paid for season tickets. It was the 48,000 who continue to pile in through the doors every match day in Division Three.

It was they who saved the club, not Charles Green.

I truly believe that Green wants to lead Rangers to a better place and I like the way he’s going about it. But it would be a mistake to think he can do it on his own.

http://www.<No links to this website>/sport/f...angers-1464778

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WHAT’S in a name? A good few million quid probably.

That’s the way Charles Green appears to be thinking at any rate with the news that the Rangers chief executive is open to offers regarding a commercial re-branding of Ibrox Stadium.

And I have to say, I can’t blame him. It’s money for old rope as far as I’m concerned.

But that’s not the point. I may be fine with the idea, at least so long as the word “Ibrox” is still incorporated somewhere in any eventual title.

I get the impression Charles probably wouldn’t care if they called it the Armitage Shanks Toilet Bowl so long as the price was right. He’s a business man and money talks.

However, before he goes any further I would urge him to consult the supporters and gauge their opinion on the matter because without them there is no business at all.

To put it in boardroom speak, he has to be very careful here that he does not disenfranchise his customers. The temptation, when someone is waving a cheque for millions under your nose, is to dismiss these people as dinosaurs and to think they’ll come round in the end. To take the money and run.

But that would be a dangerous game. These people are not dinosaurs, they are traditionalists and right now there’s 48,000 of these traditionalists packing out the stadium every second week.

They have an affinity with Ibrox – a deep bond which has been established over the years. Ibrox Stadium is their home. In fact, the old place and its famous red brick facade is just about the only thing which has survived the last couple of years undamaged.

It’s more than just a big old building. It’s a symbol of strength and staying power. It is a timeless piece of history.

Craig Whyte might have kicked the guts out of Rangers Football Club but Ibrox is still standing proud as a five-star European arena which is recognised all over the football world.

So while, personally, I wouldn’t mind too much if a deal was done to rename the place, I believe it is incumbent upon Charles to get the approval of the supporters before he takes the idea any further. Before he even contemplates a change of name he had better make sure that he has their blessing.

He has already invited fans to discuss a possible change of name for Murray Park and that’s great.

But if he’s willing to listen to their opinion on what to call the training ground he had better be all ears when it comes to the stadium because this place means a great deal to a great many people.

This is where they have gone all their lives to support their team. It’s where their fathers and grandfathers stood before. You don’t treat that kind of stuff lightly as I’m sure Mike Ashley learned the last time he tried to do something like this.

Ashley had his fingers burned at Newcastle when he turned St James’ Park into the Sports Direct Arena.

The reaction down there was so dead set against the idea that, a few months later, it’s back to St James’

Park again.

I must admit I would be surprised if Green didn’t encounter an even more negative response if he tries to do away with the name of Ibrox.

This is not a purpose-built ground like the Etihad or the Emirates. This place is a part of people’s lives.

Let’s not forget, there was a disaster here that still affects many, many families here in Scotland and beyond. These people deserve to have their voices heard when it comes to making a decision like this.

And that’s why personally, as someone who can see the financial value in stadium re-branding, I would try to find a halfway house. The Ibrox Sports Direct Stadium for example. Or the Sports Direct Ibrox Arena.

Even better, Ashley could just change the name of his sportswear company to Ibrox. There you go, problem solved.

Sorry, I shouldn’t be flippant because this is serious stuff. I’m not having a pop at Green either because it’s his duty to explore every possible avenue in terms of increasing revenue for the club and this is an obvious money maker.

It seems that he really does have big plans for this football club but big plans cost big money.

As everyone knows cash is in short supply in Scottish football so the chief executive will have to think outside the box. That’s fine with me because I’m in favour of seeing Rangers moving forward.

But he must not make the mistakes of thinking he can just impose this on the supporters because he can’t. He’ll have to take them with him and that may well require all of his powers of persuasion.

There is only so much that football supporters will take and renaming a place like Ibrox is getting pretty close to the line. It’s a delicate, sensitive matter and, unless it is handled properly, it could seriously damage his relationship with the club and the fans.

It is vital they are not left feeling as if their club is selling its soul.

For example, what if Mike Ashley is willing to pump another £10million into the kitty so long as Rangers agree to wear black and white stripes next season?

That would sound utterly ridiculous if it didn’t just happen to Cardiff who, just a few months ago, changed the colour of their home shirt from blue to red on the whim of their new owners.

Now that is scary stuff when you think about how much tradition means to football supporters, especially at a club like Rangers. There is one thing that must not be forgotten by Charles when decisions of this nature are being made. It was not him who saved Rangers from extinction in the summer – it was the fans.

It was the 38,000 who paid for season tickets. It was the 48,000 who continue to pile in through the doors every match day in Division Three.

It was they who saved the club, not Charles Green.

I truly believe that Green wants to lead Rangers to a better place and I like the way he’s going about it. But it would be a mistake to think he can do it on his own.


I agree with most of this except the renaming part... . NOT ON MY WATCH CHARLES. No matter what, Ibrox is our temple, our cathedral of football. Blue shirts white shorts black socks with red tops the 50.000 and no fucking compromise...
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I never really thought alot about it when i first heard about this. I thought some journo just made it up as he's done the same at Newcastle.

I don't want it to be renamed especially just for 1.5 million a year thats a joke.

He can fuck off if Newcastle fans went mad about it, what the fuck will the Rangers say about it?

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A surprisingly very good read from Hateley. Renaming is an issue which will never gain full backing from the supporters. Personally, I wouldn't be against a temporary name change for a few years if the money gained enable us to knock a few years off our climb back to the top, and by top I mean SPL winners and CL group stages.

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I never really thought alot about it when i first heard about this. I thought some journo just made it up as he's done the same at Newcastle.

I don't want it to be renamed especially just for 1.5 million a year thats a joke.

He can fuck off if Newcastle fans went mad about it, what the fuck will the Rangers say about it?

I take your point but i dont think we have a monopoly on an ardent and enthusiastic support.
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The problem in all of this is that Rangers - or Charles Green in his role as CEO is caught between a rock and a hard place. The dilemna he faces is to;

a) potentially turn down a source of revenue which will help rejuvenate the club and accelerate our return to top flight football, in favour of tradition or,

b) risk the wrath of a section of the support by accepting said funds and accepting the name change.

In my opinion it will all come down to the Leslie Crowther scenario - i.e. The Price Is Right!

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Good article.

CG needs to consult the fans before he goes ahead and renames Ibrox.

This kind of thing will divide opinion among fans.

How much extra publicity have Sports direct had by changing the name of St James park and then after the fans objected changing it back.

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I'm still against the renaming of Ibrox. Ibrox Stadium is an iconic place. It is a colossal arena of football, history, tradition and success. The brick facade of the Main Stand is known World-Wide.

"Sports Direct Arena" is tacky as fuck.

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In this day and age it is probably inevitable that it will happen. I just hope when it happens it's a good deal and an acceptable name change, hopefully keeping Ibrox in the name. Who really cares if some TV commentator says welcome to XYZ Ibrox, the home of Rangers. As was mooted before, try to get Apple on board and call it i-brox

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