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How Odius is The Creep? - A Timeline of Bias


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For those seeking ammo against him.

In July 1996 whilst with Scotland On Sunday he penned a deplorable attack on the late great Jock Wallace the day after he passed away, the inference being that Wallace was a bully and a bigot and responsible for sectarianism in Scottish football. Spiers twisted insinuations flew completely in the face of former Celtic captain Andy Lynch who said this on hearing of Wallace’s passing “He would always take the time (prior to Old Firm encounters) in the nervy pre-match atmosphere, be it at Parkhead or Ibrox, to come and give me a warm handshake or hug and sincere best wishes……smart, kind and sensitive. He will be sadly missed.”

Bad-mouthing deceased Rangers heroes has since become a theme for this creature. He has written disrespectful articles on late greats Bill Struth, Jim Baxter and Davie Cooper. Of course as with Wallace none of them were here to defend themselves. Spiers wrote the following on the eve last seasons’ League Cup Final against Motherwell, a game dedicated to Coop’s memory:

“More remarkable, though, amid the media and marketing frenzy surrounding the game, is the way the memory of Cooper's career has become lodged halfway between legend and myth………..One problem with the Davie Cooper legend is that, as with many public personalities who die young and become subject to mythology, it doesn't wholly square with the facts of his career. For a so-called "genius", you would certainly have expected Cooper, who died at 39, to have won more than his 22 international caps.”

To write the above just hours prior to a game played in tribute to Davie where his family would be in attendance was nothing short of despicable.

Now on to you and I, the Rangers support. Commenting on the Manchester United v. Rangers match last year he described us as “A stinking bigoted cesspit of sub-humanity”. Let me remind you that there were NO arrests at the match. A Manchester United publication later described the game as having the best atmosphere of the season due to the visiting Bears. Some other lovely descriptions of you and I from Mr. Spiers:


“Rancid chanting…..total embarrassment……putrid stench…..savages….poisonous singing…..desecration…..cavemen…...wholesale yobishness…..vile troglodytes…..stinking, bigoted, religious stuff……backward culture…..almost to a man”.


“David Murray is on the back foot…..at Rangers, by general consent, the sectarianism is worse than it is at Celtic……It was an experience that reminded me again of how widespread and malignant bigotry at Ibrox is……It is folly, not to say a cultural disservice to Scotland, to denounce O'Neill for what he said this week…..Rangers, in particular, have a major problem with bigots”.

“Compare and contrast their shameful behaviour with that of Celtic, who on the road to Seville last season, represented Scottish football immaculately” (I suppose they did, if you don’t include the stabbing in Seville, the riot in Blackburn, the Provo banners, the booing of Porto as they lifted the trophy, planes being diverted to Cardiff etc. etc. etc. But why let the FACTS get in the way of a dig at Rangers eh Graham?)

I think Spiers has made it very clear how he feels about US the supporters’ ladies and gentleman, but what’s his views on our club?


"Like the Rangers orange strip, the song ('Follow, Follow') cannot be listed among the great criminal acts, it merely offends”


“Nor can I recall Rangers being disparaged in 1972 when they won the Cup-Winners' Cup; a tournament which, by definition, was painfully inferior to the European Cup, indeed a prize which many placed third in the list of Europe's club baubles behind the UEFA Cup.”


“Please can I be spared any whining from Rangers over this and other criticisms?” “(Rangers) the most paranoid club in Scottish football”.

Fair to say he’s none to keen on our club either! But what does he say about our biggest rivals I hear you ask? Surely in the interest of neutrality and parity, Celtic are afforded the same malevolence?


“Celtic, though, as a football institution, quite rightly remains a symbol of Catholicism. The Celtic strip, as famed and proudly known around the world as it is, still cannot be divorced from one of its cultural parents, which is the Catholic faith.”


“Even high-brow Herald readers, hauling their noses away from such works as Jacob Bronowski and Alexander Solzhenitsyn, may have noticed the palaver that is being planned by Celtic supporters in time for Sunday's slaughter - erm, I mean match - against Rangers at Parkhead.”


“I repeat my main contention: that Larsson's contribution to Scottish life and culture, via the game of football, has been immense. In a sordid football age, his role-model status has also been impeccable.” (Deliberately breaking Gus MacPherson’s leg aside presumably).


“Following Sunday's win at Ibrox I met one Celtic player, a man I remain a great admirer of, and whispered to him: "I fear for some of the alcoholic carnage of you lot over the next few days, it's been a long wait." He smiled and looked at me with rivulets of anticipation dribbling from his chops.”

6/5/04, 22/1/04, 27/11/03, 4/4/02, 7/3/02,

“In one of my favourite magazines, The Alternative View….. the shockingly good magazine, The Alternative View……It was with great joy that I received my copy the other day of The Alternative View, a genuinely enjoyable football magazine of a Celtic persuasion…..the excellent Alternative View, a new mag set up by my old malapropic mucker himself, Matt McGlone….. After 36 years of unchallenged success, the Celtic View at last has a commercial rival…..If I tell readers that Matt McGlone is the brains behind this venture, you may well share my intrigue….. a Che Guevara figure among the fans who helped ease Fergus McCann into place….. I have seen the first edition of The Alternative View, and, I must say, it looks very good. (This is just some of a number of plugs he gave for his bigoted mate McGlone’s failed Celtic magazine in the pages of the Herald).


“Lennon's symphony is music to my ears - My sporting highlight of the past week must be the moment when I was called upon to break the news to Neil Lennon that James MacMillan, Scotland's most distinguished composer, had written a piece in his honour. It is always a minor joy catching up with Lennon.” (In fact Graham loves “Lenny” so much he excused him his spitting on a Rangers scarf and mouthing “orange bastards” to the Rangers support. A strange stance for an individual who has propelled himself to the forefront of McConnell’s anti-bigotry campaign wouldn’t you agree?)

“Celtic have a moral right to this league” (on the day before the 2003 title deciders).

“35,000 Celtic fans singing The Fields of Athenry made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up” (Seems Spiers likes the “tottie famine, rebelling against the Crown” ditty. Compare and contrast with his viewpoint of Follow Follow above)

WARNING: Please have a basin handy prior to reading the next quote.


“I must admit, if I ever fulfil my ambition of having a very splendid private dinner with O'Neill, it will be the one question I'll certainly get round to asking: ''Why were you so horrible to us over that new contract saga?''

On wee Durranty, please note that Spiers once claimed in Scotland on Sunday that Simpson wasn’t the only one to raise his boot in the tackle, of course inferring that Durrant was also looking to inflict injury. Revisionism at it’s very best. Commenting years later on the incident, Spiers claimed “Rangers fans carry this around with them in much the same way as Phil Boersma carried Durrant”. Real classy eh?

Back to more recent times and the Alex Rae incident during a Euro fixture last season. Spiers led the case for the prosecution (ably aided and abetted by Radio Clyde it has to be said), finding Rae guilty on all counts.

“For days, almost inconceivably, Rangers had denied that Rae had done anything wrong.”

”The response of Alex McLeish, the Rangers manager, to Rae's kick had bordered on the inane.”

"While just about every neutral regarded the challenge as despicable, McLeish referred to the criticism of Rae as ‘hysterical’ and had the temerity to claim that Rae's challenge on Dadu was "not premeditated".

"Rangers got caught up in gauche attempts to defend the indefensible"

"McLeish insults everyone's intelligence, not least his own, in presenting such a fatuous defence of his player."

"UEFA, like the rest of the country, have laughed at this preposterous interpretation by Rangers."

"Apparently, for those who know how to access these things, the berserk hotlines and websites of the club's supporters have almost depicted the rest of us as making up this outrage." (Notice the "for those who know how to access these things", the inference being that your average Bear is not intelligent enough to use a PC).

"There remains something risible and worryingly paranoid about Rangers believing that neutrals, the media, and UEFA have got together to have it in for the club."

"Rangers are left lacking respect."

Let’s make one thing clear. Dadu got up and walked away. No lasting damage was inflicted. He played for his club regularly for the rest of the season. James Wesolowski, the 17-year-old Leicester player who was brutally assaulted by Bobo Balde during a recent so-called “friendly” will be lucky to recover and play the beautiful game again. I await Mr. Spiers condemnation of the Celtic thug. It should also be noted that Spiers didn’t bother with a vitriolic attack on his beloved Larsson when he deliberately snapped Gus MacPherson’s leg. Perhaps Celtic players shattering opponents limbs is of no consequence to the little creep.

Onto another point. Speirs gave a lecture on sectarianism at Turnbull Hall, Glasgow University, on behalf of the Newman Association on the17th March 2005. Said lecture was conveniently arranged for the same night as an important Rangers league match. I dare say Spiers wouldn’t want to run the risk that any of us “poisonous stinking bigoted cavemen” would turn up and challenge his lies. An East End of Glasgow Roman Catholic schoolteacher stated the IRA song Boys of the Old Brigade was intellectually superior to any Rangers song and was a cultural representation of Celticness. Speirs refused to challenge the bigot. One dreads to think what kind of poison this crackpot is polluting his pupils’ minds with.

One thing that’s intriguing me is just how Spiers is going to wriggle out of the statements he made about Gordon Strachan in the Herald last year when his name was being mentioned for the Scotland managers job:

“Bog standard mediocrity…..his esteem in British football management ranks among the great myths…..plodding work…..not the stuff of wonders…..binned by the south coast club (Southampton)…..his personality would prove highly ill-suited…..erratic unpredictable customer…..time-honoured restlessness and pique…..squalls between him and the media.”

One would assume that his chances of “a very splendid private dinner” with the new Celtic manager are slim to none.

In summary. The Herald management team comprises the Celtic minded. Of that there is no doubt. The fact they were prepared to employ as Deputy Editor a bigoted Provo loving thingyroach like McKenna tells us all we need to know. Their Chief Sportswriter Graham Spiers (the discredited journalist) (the discredited journalist) (the discredited journalist) (the discredited journalist) (the discredited journalist) (the discredited journalist) (the discredited journalist) has a distinct unequivocal anti-Rangers agenda. He is prepared to mock Rangers players whose careers were left in pieces and compare others to the most sordid of criminals. He will happily besmirch and belittle departed Rangers heroes. He describes you and I in such malicious, vilifying terms as “rancid, putrid, poisonous, troglodyte, stinking and bigoted”. He smears our beloved club, it’s achievements and it’s reputation. He acclaims his cherished Celtic and anyone connected to same with nauseating adulation and romanticised glorification, whilst steadfastly refusing to criticise the administers of shattered limbs or overt sectarianism. He carefully chooses when to decry bigotry and when to ignore it, ensuring he insults no one of a Celtic persuasion. And last but not least he’s prepared to lie. If it means casting aspersions on anyone or anything representing Rangers Football Club he shall fabricate untruths. That is the most alarming and dangerous thing about Spiers and it must be stopped.

So what do you do? If you still buy the paper (and not many do if circulation figures are anything to go by) then stop. Take Murray’s advice. Even better, write to the Newsquest and tell them you shall no longer purchase and why. If you advertise your services or business, want to sell your car or wish someone a happy birthday there are plenty of other publications in which to do so. Bottom line – don’t let them have one single penny of your hard earned. It’s payback time. One thing that saddens me is that Spiers is still allowed to pollute the corridors of our stadium. Struth, Wallace, Baxter and the Coop must be turning in their graves. If you feel strongly enough about this situation write to the Chairman. If you should happen to bump into Spiers, be sure to let him know how you feel. He has certainly let you know how he feels about you and your club.

For a contrast, look at his work from the turn of the century in my post from almost exactly 5 years ago.

Posted 10 February 2008 - 05:14 PM

You may be aware of two rather silly and pointless Rangers hating articles by Roddy Forsyth, the latter being a pathetic attempt to justify the stupidity of the former. Here's a link for those of you who missed it.


I had a look at the article on the site in question to see the comments and found this gem, quoting Spiers before his conversion to the new crusade.


These words were spoken by Graham Spiers 6 [now 11] years ago:

"The mood at Hampden was predictably puerile and raucous, though some of us on these occasions would do well not to indulge in too much phoney dismay. It is becoming trite today to lay into the sordid Old Firm pageant, when, in fact, minus its garish accretions, many would miss its saltier elements. It might be comical to witness the aghast reaction of some society and newspaper critics, otherwise forever foaming with indignation, were this ragged spectacle suddenly to be sanitised of its warts. The Old Firm attract plenty revulsion. Excited voyeurism is also thick on the ground."


I find it interesting to see an actual quote from his earlier viewpoint, given his biased tirades since.

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nice reminder oleg. However, what i would say is that the only time i hear this guys name mentioned is on RM.

I dont buy the herald, (well nobody does anymore) and i think he gets more publicity and visability from this type of post that he ever would by people actually buying what he writes.

I dont mean to be disrespectful to the work you put in at all, and applaud most of it (the "put the DR under the Sun" idea aside - though I am actually going to start doing that just for a laugh!), but he is a nonentity and we are in danger of giving him a spotlight where none actually exists.

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The great and wonderful spierso is like this as a lash out at his father,,being a Baptist preacher (dead one now) young graham was in awe of his father until one fateful day as alleged by people who knew the younger graham , well he allegedly walked in on his dead baptist father slamming his cock into the anal opening of one of his flock.............those friends of the young Rangers supporting graham allege that this changed graham from a sash and tbb singing bluenose into a Rangers hater , because of the love his father ..........no not that love.......but the love for all things Rangers.

So looking back at these alleged rumours one can understand why this young Protestant boy could betray his beliefs and his love for Rangers, around this time it had been alleged that it turned his sexual preferences to the male species, I cannot confirm if these alleged stories are true but when asked many have said ,,,,,,,,,,matt mcglone has allegedly the answer to that.

So lads if these allegations are fact and I for one cannot confirm that they are, well can explain many things as to his behaviour.........also it has been said by many that he cuts a dashing figure in his Lycra cycling shorts and top as he pounds (no not that way) the streets of Ayrshire and his rest breaks at those secluded coves on Cumbrae.

Now that would make a great vid...........so be careful when driving just in case the lapsed Rangers supporting son of a dead randy adulterous baptist preacher should be seen cycling as you go about your day.

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Another wee reminder that OC Britney is a bitter and twisted wee muppet.. But the kudos is all for OLEG placing a big fat juicy worm for the Bheasts in the east to munch on.. How many guests??. It is so very sad and pathetic that they just cannae stay away.. Here FISHY FISHIES...

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Why not show what we are up against would be daft to ignore it.

What we're up against ? Spires is a nobody now that can't damage the name of Rangers no matter how hard he tries.

In fact, the only way he can maybe one day get to the point where he can actually damage is giving him this sort of acknowledgment.

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nice reminder oleg. However, what i would say is that the only time i hear this guys name mentioned is on RM.

I dont buy the herald, (well nobody does anymore) and i think he gets more publicity and visability from this type of post that he ever would by people actually buying what he writes.

I dont mean to be disrespectful to the work you put in at all, and applaud most of it (the "put the DR under the Sun" idea aside - though I am actually going to start doing that just for a laugh!), but he is a nonentity and we are in danger of giving him a spotlight where none actually exists.

Cushy I tend to disagree with you there mate .He was never off stv when they were discussing our situation regards tax case and he's now got platform on national bbc sport in Scotland .For me I'd love to see this man on his bike in Ayrshire to say hello but I don't think we should underestimate the damage he does with his hatred towards us .He is a scumbag but a very sneaky one
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I couldn't care less what Spiers says.

I see your point the guy is a wank who writes pish, but some still think he's ok.

Someone has to pull him up and show him for the silly Bigot he is, Traynor and co should be sorting this stuff out.

This ignoring our enemies and they go away has not worked the media the SFA/SPL are full of them.

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The reason I posted was that a few posters are keen to have a go at him on air in his new role at BBC. If the information is of no use to you, fair enough but it's meant for those who are wanting to challenge him. I simply felt it useful to share that knowledge in order that they may better arm themselves.

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