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Ally fires back at snipers

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Why isn't Ally being realistic about our expectations? If we are lucky enough? Bollox Ally, luck should not come into it. We are under-performing on a large scale and things need to be (quickly) improved, or management changes should be made.

I'm happy for Ally (for now) to have a crack at next season, but there is obvious changes that he can make now to improve things. I just don't get why he doesn't even try other options. It's like he's following a template and hoping for the best.

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Odd comments really, id like to know which ex players and what have they said as ive seen nothing that fits what Allys talking about, also he seems to be very defensive which although i can understand a bit he must realise that we have been worse than anybody could of foreseen, we are not just a SFL3 team at the moment, we're a bad SFL3 team who have ground out wins despite our shocking football, but now we cant even do that, Ally please sort this out and please understand that this critisim is not from lack of understanding or too high expectations, its from frustration at the worst most half arsed lazyest Rangers team i can ever recall scraping the barrel and making Annan look like Real Madrid.

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Count me out of shittin all over one of our legends

I know you have been unstinting in your support for Alley, the legend status is not being questioned as this was achieved as a player and lately as a spokesman BUT as a manager his ideas of how football should be played, are quite frankly nothing short of abysmal.

That is the only thing I say why he should go :(

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Nothing going on in the background makes up for playing players out of position and being able to motivate or able to change a game.

Today he has come out with stuff like things going on we don't understand and having to put together different teams for each division we play in. I'm sorry but what happened to the admiring the Ajax model he was going on about at the start of the season? This is gong in the total opposite direction and the football is horrible and putting fans off going to Ibrox

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So we are playing piss poor fitba due to something happening behind closed doors at Ibrox!! Ally needs to get a grip and tell us what the problem is if in fact there is one. As a simple ST holder all I can see is slow slow football, professionals who can't make a ten yard pass, no patterns to our play other than long hopeful balls, players obviously played out of position, etc. etc.

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I know you have been unstinting in your support for Alley, the legend status is not being questioned as this was achieved as a player and lately as a spokesman BUT as a manager his ideas of how football should be played, are quite frankly nothing short of abysmal.

That is the only thing I say why he should go :(

Ed I can not disagree with you mate but I will never slag the guy off like others .He deserves at least my respect .Teflong in another thread called it as I see it .Theres just way too many beggars on here stirring and a few bears that probably never lived through the good times Ally gave us .Call it blind loyalty but I will pay my season ticket money just to see the club I love customer or supporter .I care but nothing will ever change for me .He gets my backing
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"lucky enough to win the league", So it's going to be down to luck then is it?

This was a very far from assured and sure-footed set of comments from the manager. It almost feels like he is pre-positioning excuses. Right now on the evidence of performances in recent weeks which have been absolutely dire in my view, and on the evidence of the megaphone statements by the CEO and manager about the poor quality of the Rangers team, and on the evidence of statements like those made today, I do not have a great deal of confidence that he has a real grip of the dressing room to impose a leadership that wins a league in the remaining games by decisive merit rather than relying on 'luck'.

If Bears had relied on luck to get us out of the mess of the last year then I think we'd still be mired in it. But no, it was not luck that drew in 38000 season tickets, its not luck that has seen 45000+ attendances at Ibrox for most of the season, and it was not luck that generated the contribution Bears made to the IPO just before Christmas. It was love of Rangers, and pride in the club and pride in its achievements and determination to see it get back to the very top. 'Luck' had nothing to do with it and it should have nothing to do with a Rangers team winning the games it needs to win to win this league this season and it has nothing to do with luck about how the team will perform next season. I hope his post-match interview is siginficantly better because if it is not, then the flak seen this week will just look as though it was sighting shots with more accurate aim being taken next week.

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Ed I can not disagree with you mate but I will never slag the guy off like others .He deserves at least my respect .Teflong in another thread called it as I see it .Theres just way too many beggars on here stirring and a few bears that probably never lived through the good times Ally gave us .Call it blind loyalty but I will pay my season ticket money just to see the club I love customer or supporter .I care but nothing will ever change for me .He gets my backing

Fair comment bud:)

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Odd comments really, id like to know which ex players and what have they said as ive seen nothing that fits what Allys talking about, also he seems to be very defensive which although i can understand a bit he must realise that we have been worse than anybody could of foreseen, we are not just a SFL3 team at the moment, we're a bad SFL3 team who have ground out wins despite our shocking football, but now we cant even do that, Ally please sort this out and please understand that this critisim is not from lack of understanding or too high expectations, its from frustration at the worst most half arsed lazyest Rangers team i can ever recall scraping the barrel and making Annan look like Real Madrid.

Real Madrid? I've heard it all now. And if we are such a bad SFL3 team then why have we amassed such a lead, why have we by far the highest goal tally and the two top goal scorers? The football hasn't always been a high standard, but why exaggerate?
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Ally looked really rattled in the interview, After last weeks result and with fans now on his back it now looks as if the pressure is getting to him.

That will please some people. Saddens me. We are going through a tough patch, the start of a very long climb to the top. It isn't the time to start a witch hunt. We should be supporting Ally and the rest of the team who saved our club IMO.

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I think people are taken the "lucky enough to win the league" in the wrong way. I think he was basically meaning lucky enough to actually be playing in a league and be in a position to win it after all the hassle in the summer.

Also I'm happy to see Ally hit back. I'm also glad he made the comments about the players as well. For too long Ally has been the nice guy and I think that affects the players in the wrong way. Who knows what happens at training and there is actually a possibility that the players are not doing what they are being taught at training on the pitch but the problem with this is that Ally has never really come out and slaughtered a performance, he's rather just been calm and relaxed as usual.

So overall I'm happy to see him actually show he under pressure and show some fight and also put the players under pressure as it at least makes me see he is affected by the opinions on his team which will hopefully make him change things. Some stuff he has said is a bit baffling but these interviews have made me happy than his usual "absolutely fine" interviews he gives all too often.

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That will please some people. Saddens me. We are going through a tough patch, the start of a very long climb to the top. It isn't the time to start a witch hunt. We should be supporting Ally and the rest of the team who saved our club IMO.

Am sure every Rangers fan wants Ally to succeed, I was just pointing out it's the first time since the start of the season he looked unconformable and under pressure. You dont think the fans have supported the team this season? We have been amazing!!!

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