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Charles Green Statement


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Great statement from Green, although tbh we did not really need it. Only a moron would have believed anything from CW. But at least he has put it all out there. The only problem have is Green should be banning these media outlets that keep allowing this rubbish to continue.

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Just heard Charles green on SSN and reassured at what he said and the way he came across but raging as they seemed to have cut out the google eye comment. Statement on club site good stuff as well and you really have to think that Whyte is seriously ill and should be sectioned

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Good statement Charlie.

That prick Whyte needs locked away in a padded room.

This world is full of robbing bastards, con-men, cheats,conniving arseholes, bawbags and raving loonies, but when they are all put in the same body,you've got trouble.

aka Craig Whyte.

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This world is full of robbing bastards, con-men, cheats,conniving arseholes, bawbags and raving loonies, but when they are all put in the same body,you've got trouble.

aka Craig Whyte.

Imo mate CW is just a front, the patsy if you like. I think he is nothing more than a paid employee sent out to destroy the club and now paid to come back at will and try and cause further damage. The media will always play along too.

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This world is full of robbing bastards, con-men, cheats,conniving arseholes, bawbags and raving loonies, but when they are all put in the same body,you've got trouble.

aka Craig Whyte.

I thought you were talking SFA/SPL there!

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I thought the bit where Green said if he wants to court we'll be there tomorrow at 9am was brilliant as well

Whyte is a fud. He'll keep on making his sensationalist lies as much as possible but based on his empty threats in the past (BBC, Duff and Phelps and the SFA) in regards to suing I think there's little chance of us going up against him in a courtroom.

Not to mention I can't imagine Whyte wanting an independent court process to assess and scrutinize all the evidence about his takeover at Ibrox (tu)

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Imo mate CW is just a front, the patsy if you like. I think he is nothing more than a paid employee sent out to destroy the club and now paid to come back at will and try and cause further damage. The media will always play along too.

That's a theory several people have came up with,mate! but if you look at the history of CW then you will find out that he has pulled this stunt at other "business ventures" he's been involved in.

I have a cousin who has had deals with relations of CW and apparently it's a bit of a family trait

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That's a theory several people have came up with,mate! but if you look at the history of CW then you will find out that he has pulled this stunt at other "business ventures" he's been involved in.

I have a cousin who has had deals with relations of CW and apparently it's a bit of a family trait

I agree mate, that's what makes him the perfect guy for the job.

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I agree mate, that's what makes him the perfect guy for the job.

It's a plausible theory,but unless there is a complete investigation of Whyte and his dealings with his 'associates' that go back to at least 2 years before Murray sold him the shares,then we probably will never find out the truth.

There is one name missing from all this who could probably shine a light on the whole affair, but i doubt if he's too keen on commenting about it.

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It's a plausible theory,but unless there is a complete investigation of Whyte and his dealings with his 'associates' that go back to at least 2 years before Murray sold him the shares,then we probably will never find out the truth.

There is one name missing from all this who could probably shine a light on the whole affair, but i doubt if he's too keen on commenting about it.

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Sorry mate! I've just not long woken up (it's morning here) and the brain isn't at full turbo mode yet.

The guy in question is a certain Andrew Ellis.Without Ellis, we would never have heard of fucking Craig Whyte.

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I know he tried something to buy the club from Murray in 2010, although if there's more to the whole story?

Well it was reported that he tried to "buy" the club in 2010; the problem was that he didn't have two shekels to rub together,so where was he going to get the money for all this? (remembering that Murray wasn't going to sell his shares for a quid at that juncture)

Then out of the blue he finds a plan....along comes Whyte, with Ellis as "partner" (except that he STILL has no cash) and you know the rest.

Ellis/Whyte....Same horse,different jockey and they come frrom the same stable.

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OK, simple.

Pre CVA, Green (or anyone else) needs Whyte's shares to get a CVA completed. So he butters Whyte up, asks for funds (instead of the infamous Murray "proof of funds"....) - get's a £25k cheque which promptly bounces.

This sets alarm bells ringing further - so they say £6m Whyte is your side - ante up - here's the account.

Nothing happens, CVA fails, then £137k arrives unannounced.

And once CVA failed - Whyte was completely irrelevant.

At last,a factual post,no clutching at straws.Just to add...Sevco 5088 tried for a CVA and failed,the new company Sevco Scotland bought the Clubs assets,end of Whyte's involvement.Well played Charles. :7325:
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This nonsense has gone too far.

If Whyte actually thought he owned a very significant part of RFC (up to £50m according to some dramatic headlines) then surely he would have instigated legal proceedings long before now. This guy is already subject to criminal investigation. I would like to know why he hasn't been charged as yet because he has committed fraud. I've written to Strathclyde Police accusing him of fraud and would happily go to court if he thinks he could sue me for slander or libel. For the avoidance of doubt, Craig Whyte is a crook and a conman.

The recordings made available by the Sun only prove that there was some early dialogue. That is all, no evidence of any contractual event. The media are lapping it up because RFC sells copy. They don't directly accuse Green of anything, they simply quote Whyte in such a way that it looks like an accusation. If you actually look at the content of this "episode" there is no actual proof of anything but still some people are going crazy over this. This begs the question, why? What actual evidence is there in this whole issue which gives you serious cause for concern?

I'm not naive and in fact, by nature, I'm a careful person. I generally treat people as I find them. I'm cautious of people but not initially suspicious. Whyte was an unknown quantity with no accessible "history". We all probably relied on the media for information (which turned out to be utter bullshit). Green's background was considerably more accessible and he didn't have a track record for asset-stripping a la Whyte. All that achieved was to make us all much more careful before we threw our might behind Green (in fact some never have).

The media don't give two hoots for RFC and are happy to stir up trouble for the publicity. They go with the Whyte accusations without actually asking the real questions. Why would Green offer anything to Whyte after the CVA was rejected? It's a simple enough question which the media don't wish to ask as it kills the story. Another simple question to Whyte, where is the documentation to prove you invested? Where is the evidence? Sending £137.5K proves nothing if you are paying £5.5m for RFC plus the other costs involved until an income stream is in place. Good grief the Rangers Fans Fighting Fund had more money!!

Charles Green hasn't told us every gory detail of his acquisition of Rangers and I never expected to hear it. Since he arrived RFC has come on leaps and bounds in terms of financial survival. We have certainly heard more detail than we have ever done in the past. I don't expect our fans to totally trust our major shareholders ever again but we all need to take a minute to evaluate exactly what is happening. Unfortunately a fair number have panicked with the subsequent "domino" effect, which does not help RFC in any way whatsoever. There is no need to rush to a verdict on this issue as that will achieve nothing.

"The person shouting loudest is not always right." In other words, because BBC Scotland and The Sun both broadcast Whyte's accusations, that doesn't guarantee the truth.

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