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A Call For Unity Between Fans


A call for unity between the various fans forums  

197 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you wish for the owners and operators of this forum to develop a more healthy relationship with the other forums?

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The Swansea model seems to satisfy all sides - 20% stake in the club, representation on the board with every season ticket holder automatically qualifying for membership of their trust.

D'Art - Our problem is that we have a trust which over 90% of our fans either don't trust or are at best skeptical of. Hence their existence for around 10 years and a membership of around 1,500.

People mention the very successful German model but the fans ownership (membership of the club) is enshrined in German law.

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Dave King (or any other potential owner) would do well to outline their intentions and IMHO they'd probably have a fair bit of support should they be able to show the club would be well funded and run suitably going forward. He'd also do well to consider the toxic nature of people like Bain and Paul Murray.

However, plenty more wouldn't accept his ownership because he was involved with the club previously or was unable to access his funds during last years administration period. Unfortunately, in the absence of other visible bids and a club that seems intent in imploding, I'm really not sure what other option we have in any case.

I can't understand why people don't see Rangers as a viable proposition to get involved in. Everything is there, from the stadium to the training ground, and the fan base. Run properly it would be something dynamic. Not everyone who gets involved in football clubs does to make money, some even lose money. Rangers is as good as anything to get involved in.

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I see where you are coming from, but its extremley difficult to say that without having any evidence available to us. All I know is that in Germany the fans have the power, operate sound financially and are succesfull - I would be willing to put up with a few disagreements here or there for our club to follow a similar route.

But there history is littered with them acting in unison...............look at the war :matron:

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I can't understand why people don't see Rangers as a viable proposition to get involved in. Everything is there, from the stadium to the training ground, and the fan base. Run properly it would be something dynamic. Not everyone who gets involved in football clubs does to make money, some even lose money. Rangers is as good as anything to get involved in.

Spot on.

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I can't understand why people don't see Rangers as a viable proposition to get involved in. Everything is there, from the stadium to the training ground, and the fan base. Run properly it would be something dynamic. Not everyone who gets involved in football clubs does to make money, some even lose money. Rangers is as good as anything to get involved in.

Of course it's an attractive proposition but the assets you mention also cost a lot of money to staff and run. Money that is in short supply in Scottish football.

Investing serious money into Rangers is a risky business with no guarantee of success. It requires a lot of money, innovation and ambition. It will also require a lot of sentiment to be put aside if we're to be run debt-free going forward. And no amount of thick skin as many attempt to destroy your reputation and challenge the club.

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Of course it's an attractive proposition but the assets you mention also cost a lot of money to staff and run. Money that is in short supply in Scottish football.

Investing serious money into Rangers is a risky business with no guarantee of success. It requires a lot of money, innovation and ambition. It will also require a lot of sentiment to be put aside if we're to be run debt-free going forward. And no amount of thick skin as many attempt to destroy your reputation and challenge the club.

Murray Park needs looked at. Avenues of revenue need explored, which probably backs up what you say about innovation. We also need to look at things such as wage caps and a sustainable transfer policy.

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Murray Park needs looked at. Avenues of revenue need explored, which probably backs up what you say about innovation. We also need to look at things such as wage caps and a sustainable transfer policy.

Wage caps are certainly a must IMO. As are job cuts throughout the club unfortunately IMO.

Sustainable is the key word.

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Saying this as a democrat feels a little awkward! However, when it comes to a football club having elected people is there would then need to still be checks and balances on things. I could imagine the thought that fans could elect someone out hindering their ability to make brave decisions etc. That's my concern, and I am open that if someone convinced me on it then I would change my position on it.

I see your point - and that would need to be considered before moving forward - but it can be done. It is these kinds of questions we need to be asking though (tu)

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The sad thing is that most of the Real Rangers men are up in heaven. They are men who would never have allowed our club to get in to this mess, and men who always paid their way. They were men who would have crawled over broken glass to play for our club, such was their love for our club, and men who were proud to own and love our club.

Now when we need Real Rangers men, all we get is people who love money, and care nothing about the damage they do, as long as they make money. The sad thing is, that we are only a shadow of the club that i grew up with, and the days of Real Rangers men at our club have gone.

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The sad thing is that most of the Real Rangers men are up in heaven. They are men who would never have allowed our club to get in to this mess, and men who always paid their way. They were men who would have crawled over broken glass to play for our club, such was their love for our club, and men who were proud to own and love our club.

Now when we need Real Rangers men, all we get is people who love money, and care nothing about the damage they do, as long as they make money. The sad thing is, that we are only a shadow of the club that i grew up with, and the days of Real Rangers men at our club have gone.

If I wasn't on my phone, I'd be repping the shit out of that.

Completely agree, unfortunately :(

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That's the bit I dont understand Darche.

If there is nothing wrong with the Opening Post then why should the original writer suffer his/her work being ruined ?

If a thread where the opening post is acceptable is locked - surely it is down then to the conduct and behaviour of those responding to it. There are forum rules and if persons cant abide by them surely it is the role of admin to address such miscreant behaviour on an individual basis, rather than lock a thread and thus deprive everyone else the opportunity to respond to it.

The opening post (from moi) was highlighting an article by Gail (bless her) which was sub headed "Join the RST and take part in club democracy" and had the subtext which included "If you haven’t joined the Trust yet then I would urge you to do so. Everything I have seen so far is open and honest, and the way they engage with fans via twitter is a credit to them"

Firstly I cant for the life of me see how you are able to take part in club democracy by donating your £10 to the RST.

Secondly I would suggest "open & honest" is not two words I would associate with the RST - try disagreeing with them or asking them questions on FB that they don't agree with and see how you get on.

Or even try asking questions of their political wing on FF and let me know your results.

The fact that if you have the temerity to mention them on here gets the likes of Fury, someone who I have (had?) great respect for, coming on and cursing and swearing at Rangers fans shows there is a problem with the RST which is not going to go away soon.

I would wager that I spend much more of my disposable income supporting Rangers that the vast majority of the RST yet according to them i'm a 'wanker' and not a 'real fan' because I question their organisation.

Very inclusive.

Fury's mask slipped yesterday and D'arche did him a big favour by deleting the thread but by doing so he compromised the principles of RM.

He called out ED and when fishtank called his bluff he retreated post haste rather than accept the invite to discuss the failings of the RST.

All IMHO of course :pipe:

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This is rich considering the venom shown towards all non RM groups on here.

At least you are allowed opinions on here your stance on this forum if done on Follow Follow would have seen you banned very early on.

Be thankful you can have differing opinions on here without fear of being banned.

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The sad thing is that most of the Real Rangers men are up in heaven. They are men who would never have allowed our club to get in to this mess, and men who always paid their way. They were men who would have crawled over broken glass to play for our club, such was their love for our club, and men who were proud to own and love our club.

Now when we need Real Rangers men, all we get is people who love money, and care nothing about the damage they do, as long as they make money. The sad thing is, that we are only a shadow of the club that i grew up with, and the days of Real Rangers men at our club have gone.

Spot on! The way todays kids bang on about "Real Rangers Men" They have no idea!

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...D'arche did him a big favour by deleting the thread...


Yeah, but, I didn't delete it.

It was locked, after another moderator had already warned users that it would be locked if the petty fighting continued.

I'll unify with anyone who can discuss the topic of unity.


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The opening post (from moi) was highlighting an article by Gail (bless her) which was sub headed "Join the RST and take part in club democracy" and had the subtext which included "If you haven’t joined the Trust yet then I would urge you to do so. Everything I have seen so far is open and honest, and the way they engage with fans via twitter is a credit to them"

Firstly I cant for the life of me see how you are able to take part in club democracy by donating your £10 to the RST.

Secondly I would suggest "open & honest" is not two words I would associate with the RST - try disagreeing with them or asking them questions on FB that they don't agree with and see how you get on.

Or even try asking questions of their political wing on FF and let me know your results.

The fact that if you have the temerity to mention them on here gets the likes of Fury, someone who I have (had?) great respect for, coming on and cursing and swearing at Rangers fans shows there is a problem with the RST which is not going to go away soon.

I would wager that I spend much more of my disposable income supporting Rangers that the vast majority of the RST yet according to them i'm a 'wanker' and not a 'real fan' because I question their organisation.

Very inclusive.

Fury's mask slipped yesterday and D'arche did him a big favour by deleting the thread but by doing so he compromised the principles of RM.

He called out ED and when fishtank called his bluff he retreated post haste rather than accept the invite to discuss the failings of the RST.

All IMHO of course :pipe:

I don't agree with every single word of this but the highlighted section is bang on the money.

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I have absolutely no idea what that means. As for divisions, they don't really exist. Most fans don't belong to any group, they don't pay heed to any blogger, and only want to see a team on the park. Because I use RM doesn't make me a part of RM, I only came on here because I once tried to join another forum and it seemed not possible; it certainly wasn't as easy as this to sign up to etc. I speak for myself and RM is only a platform for me to do that.

The online community do tend to overestimate the importance of message boards. I think the majority of the wider support think that these boards are populated by nutters and sanctimonious uber-bears.

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It's quite simple, some people seem to prefer to slag people off rather than anything else. As for what you say about having no loyalty to particular websites, I'm afraid that's not true. Every day I see people argue the toss on issues they'd otherwise agree on simply because they use a different website from a fellow supporter.

There's a fair chunk who are members of at least two forums.

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The opening post (from moi) was highlighting an article by Gail (bless her) which was sub headed "Join the RST and take part in club democracy" and had the subtext which included "If you haven’t joined the Trust yet then I would urge you to do so. Everything I have seen so far is open and honest, and the way they engage with fans via twitter is a credit to them"

Firstly I cant for the life of me see how you are able to take part in club democracy by donating your £10 to the RST.

Secondly I would suggest "open & honest" is not two words I would associate with the RST - try disagreeing with them or asking them questions on FB that they don't agree with and see how you get on.

Or even try asking questions of their political wing on FF and let me know your results.

The fact that if you have the temerity to mention them on here gets the likes of Fury, someone who I have (had?) great respect for, coming on and cursing and swearing at Rangers fans shows there is a problem with the RST which is not going to go away soon.

I would wager that I spend much more of my disposable income supporting Rangers that the vast majority of the RST yet according to them i'm a 'wanker' and not a 'real fan' because I question their organisation.

Very inclusive.

Fury's mask slipped yesterday and D'arche did him a big favour by deleting the thread but by doing so he compromised the principles of RM.

He called out ED and when fishtank called his bluff he retreated post haste rather than accept the invite to discuss the failings of the RST.

All IMHO of course :pipe:


I was actually referring to a more general point rather than the specific thread referred to - but Darche is going to take things forward following a chat on PM.

Perhaps you were too busy doing Upward Dog Rising to notice this :P

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