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A Call For Unity Between Fans


A call for unity between the various fans forums  

197 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you wish for the owners and operators of this forum to develop a more healthy relationship with the other forums?

    • Yes
    • No
    • This is unnecessary

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I don't believe you. You are obviously a FF/RST drone sent on a mission. When will your master understand that these tactics have been tried too many times for them not to be obvious.

I have nothing in common with Dingwall and his cronies. It shames me that they are associated with my club in any way whatsoever.

That's fine, you don't have to believe me. I accept that the entrenched views of the forums will mean I'm simply labelled a Dingwall-clone by some (despite the fact I've never talked to him). In some ways, that strengthens my argument even further. These stereotypes are simply wrong and have got to end if we're going to make any progress as a fan base.

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I tried to post on this subject, but despite many attempts have given up- I cannot find the right words.

As a support we are being manipulated and used as pawns. We are being turned on each other to further the personal interests of various businessmen who only came to Rangers to make some money and have for some unknown reason turned on each other.

I had recently posted that I would be purchasing 2 season tickets this year. I had also questioned D'Art on another thread that debated the issue of not renewing season tickets as a means of articulating our concerns to the board with regards their behaviour. I have changed my view. I am seriously now considering not renewing until such a time I see the traditional values of Rangers Football Club reflected in the actions and behaviour of our Directors. This is now no longer about how good our team is, or whether Ally McCoist cuts it as a manager, but it appears there is a very real battle for the heart and soul of this Club.

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I tried to post on this subject, but despite many attempts have given up- I cannot find the right words.

As a support we are being manipulated and used as pawns. We are being turned on each other to further the personal interests of various businessmen who only came to Rangers to make some money and have for some unknown reason turned on each other.

I had recently posted that I would be purchasing 2 season tickets this year. I had also questioned D'Art on another thread that debated the issue of not renewing season tickets as a means of articulating our concerns to the board with regards their behaviour. I have changed my view. I am seriously now considering not renewing until such a time I see the traditional values of Rangers Football Club reflected in the actions and behaviour of our Directors. This is now no longer about how good our team is, or whether Ally McCoist cuts it as a manager, but it appears there is a very real battle for the heart and soul of this Club.

I respect any individuals right to renew or not, for whatever reason. So for that reason it's your choice mate and you are entitled to it.

But to try and persuade other fans not to review in order to push your own agenda - as some others have done - is plain wrong and is very much against the traditional values of the club.

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I respect any individuals right to renew or not, for whatever reason. So for that reason it's your choice mate and you are entitled to it.

But to try and persuade other fans not to review in order to push your own agenda - as some others have done - is plain wrong and is very much against the traditional values of the club.

I am certainly not advocating a uniform plan not to renew season tickets. I am just expressing a personal opinion- in the forlorn hope that our Directors will start to get the message that they need to front up and deliver. We will still go to games on a match by match basis. Rangers will still get our money. The paid Directors will still earn massive salaries whether or not they behave appropriately- and indeed reflect our traditional values. But they will not be getting it in one lump sum at the beginning of the season. That is as you say my right.

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Still a bit unsure what is being asked of this forum?

If you post on here' expect a reaction, it may not be nice and may even tilt in to abuse but and it is a big but, this is an open forum, all opinions can be expressed. If you are going to argue on here have a thick skin and I would not have it any other way.

The Moderators and administration guys on here do a good job of letting things flow, reining in the numptys and occasionally letting some one who has made a tit of themselves know how they have done that. We are not over moderated and that is a good thing. So if you are asking that we hold hands and be jolly nice to each other, I hope that does not happen. This place has verve and sometimes fire and that is what makes it good.

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So Chris is being abused for his opinions?

But isn't that what RM is supposed to stand for? The ability to present your opinion, whatever that may be, without a witch hunt? Surely that attitude is contradictory?

I've no idea what RM is supposed to stand for. I thought it was a fans' forum where opinions are given and discussed. Sometimes, people will disagree, especially when views expressed by strangers on another site are discussed.

You seem to have moved from a call for unity to an examination of RM's raison d'etre. Where is this leading exactly?

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That's fine, you don't have to believe me. I accept that the entrenched views of the forums will mean I'm simply labelled a Dingwall-clone by some (despite the fact I've never talked to him). In some ways, that strengthens my argument even further. These stereotypes are simply wrong and have got to end if we're going to make any progress as a fan base.


Up to this point I have been an avid supporter of what you are trying to do - but in that post which I have highlighted, you yourself have made the very mistake which gives rise to much of the animosity between forums.

The points Beast has made in his response to you are his own personal viewpoints - not the views of a forum, entrenched or otherwise. It's ridiculous to take one persons viewpoint and suggest it is reflective of an entire forum - it's neither accurate nor helpful in achieving greater unity between forums.

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Up to this point I have been an avid supporter of what you are trying to do - but in that post which I have highlighted, you yourself have made the very mistake which gives rise to much of the animosity between forums.

That's two masks slipped in a week

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As I speak, the votes are 80-38 in favour of improved relations.

Buzz - is it the case that the vote on FF was (by the time you made this post) such that the vote for "lolcats" accounted for 50% (give or take) of the vote? Is it also the case that the thread and poll on FF has now been removed?

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Buzz - is it the case that the vote on FF was (by the time you made this post) such that the vote for "lolcats" accounted for 50% (give or take) of the vote? Is it also the case that the thread and poll on FF has now been removed?

I think this poll tells you exactly how committed FF members are to the premise of improved cross-site relations.

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I think this poll tells you exactly how committed FF members are to the premise of improved cross-site relations.

Probably an unfair generalisation as you could argue this poll may suggest the same about RM.

It's arguably more true that the majority of people couldn't care less given the actual number of people who voted represent a very small %age of each forum.

That's one thing that frustrates me about the inter-site crap. Whole sites and hundreds of bears are tarred with the same brush as the vocal minority that perhaps dictate narratives. On most RFC related issues we'd probably agree for the most part yet some want to suggest we're all at loggerheads.

It's like saying one RSC is anti another. Just isn't true.

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Probably an unfair generalisation as you could argue this poll may suggest the same about RM.

It's arguably more true that the majority of people couldn't care less given the actual number of people who voted represent a very small %age of each forum.

That's one thing that frustrates me about the inter-site crap. Whole sites and hundreds of bears are tarred with the same brush as the vocal minority that perhaps dictate narratives. On most RFC related issues we'd probably agree for the most part yet some want to suggest we're all at loggerheads.

It's like saying one RSC is anti another. Just isn't true.

This (tu)

I don't understand the obsession with thinking members of different forums are like different species. We are all Rangers fans, some on each forum obviously have a problem with the other(s), but so what? That doesn't mean we all do. As Frankie points out, the vast majority couldn't care less.

Anything my post above reveals is about the Admin/Mods on the site who altered the poll and then removed it.

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Buzz - is it the case that the vote on FF was (by the time you made this post) such that the vote for "lolcats" accounted for 50% (give or take) of the vote? Is it also the case that the thread and poll on FF has now been removed?

Dingbat Democracy in action

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Buzz - is it the case that the vote on FF was (by the time you made this post) such that the vote for "lolcats" accounted for 50% (give or take) of the vote? Is it also the case that the thread and poll on FF has now been removed?


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