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Unfortunately, there are too many idiots in our fan base to see it return with a change of words.

Shame, as it was a great song and would still be if we replaced that one word.

But it was banned in all its forms not just the words. Members of the rst seen the letter from uefa.

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In all honesty, I don't understand how they deemed this to be sectarian. It's on a par with us singing about defeating the Taliban, or any country conquered during the British Empire.


1a member of the Irish Republican Brotherhood, a 19th-century revolutionary nationalist organization among the Irish in the US and Ireland. The Fenians staged an unsuccessful revolt in Ireland in 1867 and were responsible for isolated revolutionary acts against the British until the early 20th century, when they were gradually eclipsed by the IRA.

Surely singing a song about what was essentially a militia that was founded in the US and Ireland, that attempted to overthrow our government can't be deemed offensive in Britain.

The problem is, Britain seems to be in a constant state of panic and takes political correctness to a wholly uncessary level because they're scared that this and that may offend someone. It's the same as the police being told to remove Union Flag pins that were showing support for our troops. Surely us British, while in Britain, should be aloud to sing, fly flags and celebrate things that are all part of our history.

This is of course the correct usage of Fenian and for someone to decide we're singing it in a derogatory blanket term for Catholics, surely they're the ones with the problem.

Also Sectarian,


denoting or concerning a sect or sects:

the city’s traditional sectarian divide

(of an action) carried out on the grounds of membership of a sect, denomination, or other group:

sectarian killings

rigidly following the doctrines of a sect or other group:

the sectarian Bolshevism advocated by Moscow


a member of a sect:

a Jewish sectarian who preached the redemption of the Gentiles

a person who rigidly follows the doctrines of a sect or other group:

he became a target as a sectarian who had apparently denounced one liberal-minded reformer as ‘degenerate.

Since there is no Fenian Brotherhood, who is it exactly we're offending? Why are people getting offended on behalf of people who died long ago.

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It's banned. Singing it will get you locked up. Don't sing it. Simple.

Regardless of what you personally feel on it, the song in all its (excellent) versions has been banned and the connotations are enough to get you locked up.

The Oxford English Dictionary definition - see number 2.....


Pronunciation: /ˈfiːnɪən/

Definition of Fenian


  • 1a member of the Irish Republican Brotherhood, a 19th-century revolutionary nationalist organization among the Irish in the US and Ireland. The Fenians staged an unsuccessful revolt in Ireland in 1867 and were responsible for isolated revolutionary acts against the British until the early 20th century, when they were gradually eclipsed by the IRA.

  • 2 offensive (chiefly in Northern Ireland) a derogatory term for a Catholic or Irish nationalist.





from Old Irish féne, the name of an ancient Irish people, confused with fíann, fianna (see Fianna Fáil)

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But it was banned in all its forms not just the words. Members of the rst seen the letter from uefa.

Ah well. Whats to discuss?

Seriously though, would never hold up in court. As long as you dont use any offensive/sectarian words, you cannot be found guilty of a crime(unless they lie that you did).

Any sanction on the club could also be challenged as long as no naughty words were used.

Pointless though as many of our fans are idiots and they would sing the old words and get us in trouble.

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It's banned. Singing it will get you locked up. Don't sing it. Simple.

Regardless of what you personally feel on it, the song in all its (excellent) versions has been banned and the connotations are enough to get you locked up.

The Oxford English Dictionary definition - see number 2.....


Pronunciation: /ˈfiːnɪən/

Definition of Fenian


  • 1a member of the Irish Republican Brotherhood, a 19th-century revolutionary nationalist organization among the Irish in the US and Ireland. The Fenians staged an unsuccessful revolt in Ireland in 1867 and were responsible for isolated revolutionary acts against the British until the early 20th century, when they were gradually eclipsed by the IRA.

  • 2 offensive (chiefly in Northern Ireland) a derogatory term for a Catholic or Irish nationalist.





from Old Irish féne, the name of an ancient Irish people, confused with fíann, fianna (see Fianna Fáil)

As I said, how can someone differentiate whether or not we are referring to the Fenian Brotherhood or if we are simply calling Catholics or Irish nationalists Fenian.

"We're up to our knees in Fenian Blood, surrender or you'll die", makes plenty more sense used in the context of the Fenian Brotherhood trying to overthrow our government. Also like I said, this is a group that is no longer in existence, so who exactly is it offending?

You can point to the second use all you want, but how can you prove it's being used in that context. Plenty of words can and are used in a derogatory sense, that have non-offensive meanings. Almost every single swear word that's deemed offensive, has a meaning that's not offensive.

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Let us remember no one has ever seen the letter from UEFA.

That is probably because it doesn't exist.


the Austrian, jesuit educated Uefa observer said it on the wireless. I heard him

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As I said, how can someone differentiate whether or not we are referring to the Fenian Brotherhood or if we are simply calling Catholics or Irish nationalists Fenian.

"We're up to our knees in Fenian Blood, surrender or you'll die", makes plenty more sense used in the context of the Fenian Brotherhood trying to overthrow our government. Also like I said, this is a group that is no longer in existence, so who exactly is it offending?

You can point to the second use all you want, but how can you prove it's being used in that context. Plenty of words can and are used in a derogatory sense, that have non-offensive meanings. Almost every single swear word that's deemed offensive, has a meaning that's not offensive.

I agree with you and think in recent years this would have meant nothing. However, the UK has gone PC mad. You can't say boo to anyone without causing offense.

A kafflick sat near you singing that, takes offence and raises it with a court would find you guilty of causing offence whether you meant it or not.

Maybe, to protect the reputation of our club, we should not sing it? If you were to be honest nowadays, most people only sing it to wind up the fenian bastards scum supporters anyway

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Unfortunately, there are too many idiots in our fan base to see it return with a change of words.

Shame, as it was a great song and would still be if we replaced that one word.

I've heard quite a few recorded versions of TBB going back a good few years and most could in no way be classified as sectarian.

So, why doesn't the club itself take the initiative for once and either record an 'official' version to play pre-match or just dig out one of the older versions?

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Ah well. Whats to discuss?

Seriously though, would never hold up in court. As long as you dont use any offensive/sectarian words, you cannot be found guilty of a crime(unless they lie that you did).

Any sanction on the club could also be challenged as long as no naughty words were used.

Pointless though as many of our fans are idiots and they would sing the old words and get us in trouble.

Twice you mention this in the thread, clearly your including yourself ?

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I agree with you and think in recent years this would have meant nothing. However, the UK has gone PC mad. You can't say boo to anyone without causing offense.

A kafflick sat near you singing that, takes offence and raises it with a court would find you guilty of causing offence whether you meant it or not.

Maybe, to protect the reputation of our club, we should not sing it? If you were to be honest nowadays, most people only sing it to wind up the fenian bastards scum supporters anyway

I completely agree as to the reason we sing or used to sing it. I'm just saying, if this really went to court, you could argue that a club that represents all that is British, and the person apparently causing offence being British is merely proudly singing of a time when our own government fought off a militia who tried to overthrow our government. Surely a judge would agree that it's not for the police officers who enforce this ridiculous law to decide in which context an individual chooses to sing this.

Surely if someone is offended, they're entitled to take it to the police or court. However, with this law our government is getting offended on behalf of other people.

Perfect example is of the scum fan found not guilty.

"But Sheriff Richard Davidson ruled during the trial last week that police officers could not give "opinion" evidence that the song was linked to proscribed terrorist organisations, and then described the new anti-sectarianism legislation McLeish was tried under as "horribly drafted".

Full link:- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-tayside-central-22097356

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