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Just saw this link on twitter re a guardian story - not seen the topic on here but is plastic Phil stirring it again?

Twitter email leaks about Rangers too hot for Scottish media to handle

Roy Greenslade View all 120 comments

An extraordinary story has broken in Scotland that has galvanised the country's media elite. Though it is the subject of much chatter among journalists, none of the mainstream outlets has reported it.

For months, a Twitter account known as Charlotte Fakeovers (@charlotteFakes) has been running a series of snippets from private emails between people involved in Rangers football club during the crisis that eventually led to its insolvency.

According to a well-placed Glaswegian media insider, the tweeter should be regarded as "the Julian Assange of Scotland". He said: "These revelations are explosive but I understand, in this post-Leveson atmosphere, why the papers are not publishing them.

"Though there is no proof either way, there is a feeling that the communications might have been obtained illegally."

In fact, according to a source familiar with the situation, there is no way the emails could have been obtained legally and the publication of them is a possible breach of the data protection act.

Scottish police are now investigating the Twitter account, a fact reported yesterday by one online news outlet that has dared to highlight the CharlotteFakeovers story, The Drum.

A police spokesman told The Drum's writer: "We can confirm that we did receive a complaint in connection with a Twitter account and police enquiries are ongoing to establish if there is any criminality involved."

Among people named in the correspondence are the club's former owner Craig Whyte, the man who masterminded its recreation, Charles Green, the club's PR, then and now, Jack Irvine, and even the political editor of the Sunday Times, Isabel Oakeshott.

The revelations have been acutely embarrassing for Irvine, who declined to comment. But a former colleague told me he believes the emails need to be seen in the context of Rangers problems and the consequent frenetic atmosphere at the time.

Irvine, who edited the Scottish Sun for three years from 1987, launched a PR company, Media House, some 20 years ago.

A legal firm acting for Irvine, Levy & McRae, did successfully request the removal of some documents from the website being used to host them, Scribd.

The Drum story quotes Channel 4 News's chief correspondent, Alex Thomson, as saying that the reluctance of mainstream media to report the story is related to the Leveson report.

Thomson was one of the very few reporters outside Scotland to cover the Rangers crisis in any depth. Indeed, mainstream newspapers in Scotland were slow to cover it too.

Instead, all the central revelations to emerge came from Phil - The Failed Journalist, who runs a blog and published a book, Downfall: how Rangers FC self-destructed.

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The drum is a scum website though it pretends it isn't. If this hacker because let's be honest that's what Miss Fakes is though I bet she is actually a he, perhaps dirty parasitic Phil himself the cyber ladyboy that he is, has been hacking or illegally gettiing access to these documents and recordings then the he/she is in a huge heap of shit. Nothing to do with us though and how can we be held responsible for crimes committed against us? Oh wait we already have been...............

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Roy Greenslade the fat cunt who wrote that is a self confessed ira loving cunt. hes a self loathing englishman. people on here get called handwringers they have nothing on this guy.

oh and this garbage.

"the man who masterminded its recreation" this shows how ill-informed he is.

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Here's the REAL SCUM Greenslade IRA Lover.....

An extraordinary item appeared last Tuesday on Professor Roy Greenslade's MediaGuardian blog. It was a harsh attack on his colleague Henry McDonald, the long-serving Ireland correspondent of The Observer and The Guardian. The Prof noted that the previous Friday a story by Mr McDonald had appeared in The Guardian wrongly attributing a Belfast murder the night before to "Republican paramilitaries".

Mr Greenslade was right that in the heat of the moment Mr McDonald had got his facts wrong, apparently relying on incorrect information from Republican dissidents. A man and a woman with no paramilitary connections were later charged. Yet it seemed odd that the Prof should have launched a public attack on a colleague for a pardonable mistake. Mr Greenslade, who has long-standing links with Sinn Fein, evidently resented the imputation of Republican involvement.

Before writing his piece he did not contact his colleague. Nor did he do so last August when he wrote a blog criticising British newspapers, including Mr McDonald's, for not covering the annual Sinn Fein conference during which a Presbyterian minister and former British Army chaplain, the Reverend David Latimer, called Martin McGuinness one of the "true great leaders of modern times". Had the Prof spoken with Mr McDonald, he would have learnt that he had intended to attend the conference but did not do so because his mother was dying.

Few people are aware that The Guardian's media sage has affiliations with Sinn Fein. During the late 1980s, when he was managing news editor of The Sunday Times, he secretly wrote for An Phoblacht, the Sinn Fein newspaper, which then served as a propaganda sheet for the Provisional IRA. His pseudonym was George King. We know this from Flat Earth News by Nick Davies, a Guardian colleague and instigator of the journalistic investigation into phone hacking. When Mr Greenslade reviewed Mr Davies's book on his blog in 2008, he did not deny what some may regard as a pretty serious allegation. In a more recent blog, he described Mr Davies as his friend.

The connections endure. Last June, Mr Greenslade spoke at a Sinn Fein conference in London on the 30th anniversary of the hunger strikes, and he wrote an article on the same subject for An Phoblacht . He has had a house in County Donegal for many years. One friend is Pat Doherty, from 1988 until 2009 vice president of Sinn Fein, who has been named as a former member of the IRA Army Council.

Given his sympathies, it is fair to surmise that Mr Greenslade dislikes Mr McDonald's articles about Sinn Fein's links to organised crime, and saw his recent piece as an attempt to blacken the organisation. Mr McDonald is certainly no friend to Sinn Fein but, equally, he has received Loyalist death threats, and his house in Belfast has been fortified against Loyalist attacks. (By the way, I have never met him.) I'd say he was a brave and honest reporter who, unlike Mr Greenslade, is not parti pris.

May I suggest that when he next writes about Northern Ireland Mr Greenslade should be open about his allegiances? And also that he should talk to colleagues before attacking them? Both are considered good journalistic practice, and he is, after all, Professor of Journalism at City University, where there must be impressionable students who look up to him. Roy Greenslade would do well to ponder on what, one way and another, is a bit of an ethical tangle.

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I haven't bothered with that twitter account but if true and it was obtained illegally I would also believe this is probably where the iamrangers info came from as well. Either someone hacked the exchange server or an internal employee is to blame.

Not good either way.

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I haven't bothered with that twitter account but if true and it was obtained illegally I would also believe this is probably where the iamrangers info came from as well. Either someone hacked the exchange server or an internal employee is to blame.

Not good either way.

Can't damage us mate, it's bigger fry she has on her hook.

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The Julian Assange of Scotland :D

I stopped browsing at that point..

Greenslade, Mcgobblegiver and Thomson, 3 peas from the same filthy pod!

The Julian Assange of Scotland, oh dearie me!

My take is that it's PMG3 being circulated once again from a different angle but the Times Politics editor being involved may give it an extra half mile.

The Julian Assange of Scotland :D

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The filth from the east and their sympathisers are still reeling from our vindication last year, and our continued strength and support. These attacks will never end. Somebody will always claim to know a big bad secret that will destroy the gers but in truth it is just a mixture of wishful thinking and clutching at straws!

We shouldn't ignore them though because the dignified silence our club seems to have resorted back to, only allows the filth to get away with their continued bullshit!

Just laugh at these agenda driven people and treat them with the contempt they deserve! Remember the riddle ra sellik put out when we were cleared in the Nimmo Smith inquiry? Well, that about sums these folk up!

Carry on.

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Liewell propaganda mechine in full swing shocker!!!, i mean it's not like that mhob are under investigation by uefa (again) are they?

They are certainly not hawking all their best players to teams in England either are they???

Add in the fact they are running scared of Elfsborg who scored 11 in the last round and it's not a shock they want to try and deflect away from the terrorist songs and pitch invasions as well.

They get humped next week expect the anti Rangers mhob to start foaming at the mouth trying to draw attention away from the real stories in Scottish football.

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