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STV Ally says "Hundreds of players are betting on matches".


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Don't give a fuck what Blacks done before he joined us but if he is found guilty of betting against us when employed by us his feet shouldn't touch the ground on his way out. Thought Ally`s Defence of him was an embarrassment especially the `100 names in ten minutes` pish. All he had to say was its well known betting is wide spread and looking forward for the rules would be applied evenly.

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Don't give a fuck what Blacks done before he joined us but if he is found guilty of betting against us when employed by us his feet shouldn't touch the ground on his way out. Thought Ally`s Defence of him was an embarrassment especially the `100 names in ten minutes` pish. All he had to say was its well known betting is wide spread and looking forward for the rules would be applied evenly.

Fucking Ally eh?

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Black was stupid, especially betting against his own team. Hearts, ICT or us.

The SFA have made absolute tits of themselves -again - just to score a small point against Rangers.

Now they've opened a real can of worms and they haven't a clue how to control It. Fucking incompetents.

Ally should just release the names of the players and OFFICIALS, yes OFFICALS - and watch the bastards at Hampden implode.

Seems a bit pointless of making up a huge list if he's not going to do anything with it!

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Seems a bit pointless of making up a huge list if he's not going to do anything with it!

we are assuming there were names written on the bit of paper. Seems an odd defence of such a serious charge of misconduct. I would say by this he has told Rangers Management the charge is true.

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No, that may make it more uncomfortable for us or him but the SFA in their rather cheeky response to ally stated the rules are clear! Ok then if they are clear and they wish to enforce them then any player who has made any bet anywhere is just as guilty as black allegedly is!

True enough, but English was on radio Ireland tonight using the same argument that they used when we all asked why are we being criticised so hard about the sectarian stuff last year. Basically he says that Black, if found guilty will still be guilty even if others have done it.

They even had Killie manager Alan Johnston on, with some other saying that the SFA come in at the beginning of the season and make it perfectly clear that it's not allowed.

So we should await the inquiry into all the others now, especially as it has been made so clear.

You just can't win with this bunch.

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I said last year Rangers should have applied to enter the English Northern Premier and we should still be trying.

This vendetta will continue as long as we are playing in Scottish Football.

I fully concur. It will be a long time before we get consistent fairness in Scotland.The game here is corrupt as sin and some in the media know it but will not say. A bigger scandal than any previously seen now seems to be pretty clear.
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"Hundreds of players are betting on matches" says Ally,

I couldn't give a Donald Duck what hundreds of players are doing,i only care what Rangers players are doing.

If Ian Black bet on Rangers losing a match then this waste of space should be kicked right out of our great club.

Im fucking sick and tired of the Black's and Cole's of this world.

It's about time some of these cunts remembered who they represent.

Infact over the last 18 months some of our players have behaved like a right bunch of p----- and im fucking sick of it,as if there's not been enough going on ffs.


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I've played at pro and junior level and I'd say at least 10 teammates in every team I've played in for the last 15 yrs is a gambler

It's a way of life

Put your coupon on for the Saturday and check the results coming through in the players lounge or pub after the game then talk about nothing but shagging and who you roasted at the wknd when you got to training on the Monday

My input was how many fat birds told me to fuck off and what pizza topping I got for the lonely taxi home

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"Hundreds of players are betting on matches" says Ally,

I couldn't give a Donald Duck what hundreds of players are doing,i only care what Rangers players are doing.

If Ian Black bet on Rangers losing a match then this waste of space should be kicked right out of our great club.

Im fucking sick and tired of the Black's and Cole's of this world.

It's about time some of these cunts remembered who they represent.

Infact over the last 18 months some of our players have behaved like a right bunch of p----- and im fucking sick of it,as if there's not been enough going on ffs.

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IF Black bet against Rangers we should sack him. Slap in the face to every one of us who pays his wages doing that. IF he didn't then I'd back him all the way against the scummy SFA and the person/s who grassed him up. Whoever stuck him in had their own agenda and we will find out who they are and what it is in time.

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Ally is all well too aware as to why this has come about and where these heinous malcontent cunts are taking us with this. I am behind him 100% This is NOT about Black, this is about Rangers and their hatred of us. It will never stop until WE start to right a few wrongs, head fucking on!

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I think that Black is a disgrace. Hes a shite footballer, and i was disappointed we signed him, considering his past run ins with the police. He sums up a lot that is wrong with scottish football.

I could understand if he was Messi, but he's lucky to be playing professional football in the first place. We dont need players like him at Rangers. He didnt exactly appear to be playing his heart out last year. I hope we get rid of him and send out a message to the other players as there getting paid money i can only dream of, to do the best job in the world. I cant understand why anyone is supporting him.

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Sandaza got sacked for a lot less than Black (if allegations are true). Gareth Bale is worth more than the entire scottish football team, and that should set alarm bells ringing, scottish footballers have got too easy, and it will never change while we accept the mediocrity currently being served up. Get out the bookies/pub/takeaway and do some sprinting, weights, ball work etc....

If things dont change the fans will stop turning up (as is happening throughout Scotland) and the players will have to get jobs in the real world- good luck then!!!

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They're teaming up in here!

Anyway, if I'd been playing for shite like ICT and Hearts, I'd have probably bet against my team losing. Doubt he's bet on us getting beat. Not that that excuses him. He's a daft bastard.

Alas, as was said earlier, without doing the childish 'everyone else is doing it' thing, it is the sfa themselves that have clearly stated that any footballer who has bet on a game of football has broken rules. We've got physical evidence of that happening in this thread, yet nothing happening.

Black deserves punishment but by the sfa's stupid rules, so do hundreds in the game up here now. Decision time

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