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Bluenoses who turned

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5 of Celtic's Lisbon Lions are Protestant and grew up supporting Rangers. If we signed Catholics back then I'm sure we'd have won the European Cup before them. It's the one and only thing I'd change about our club. We operated too long with one hand tied behind our back. If Jock Stein had the choice of two players - one Catholic and one Protestant - he would sign the Protestant knowing we wouldn't sign the Catholic.

I'm Protestant and my wife's Catholic and her family are all Celtic fans. They are a decent bunch to be honest and have the same hopes and fears as us. I would never refer to them as 'Taigs' or even 'Declan' as that's the road to ruin. Just look at Syria and Egypt. People who have no quantifiable differences slaughtering each other over a different interpreation of the same religion.

Catholics and Protestants both believe in Christ and as humans are essentially almost identical. Scotland used to be entirely Catholic until the highland clearances. Our ancestors are Catholic.

I'm a proud Ranger but have respect for my neighbours regardless of religion. It's how I bring my boys up and would hope it's how most of my fellow Rangers fans feel too. Life's too short for hatred.

What's the relevance of this? The thread is about turncoats, not the possibility of respecting Catholics as a Rangers fan.

Broadly-speaking, I have no more or less respect for Catholics than I do for Protestants. I have no respect for Celtic men who switch to Rangers, nor vice versa, regardless of religion.

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Everyone's ancestors are catholic if you go back far enough but even 400 years ago people didn't want to succumb to false gods and wanted to express themselves. Hence many people became PROTESTant.

A shitty little religion who just by giving the 3rd world the ok to use contraceptive could save millions of lives and cut poverty in the world remarkably.

'succumb to false gods'! Protestants and Catholics believe in the same god.

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Am I being unreasonable? 'All progress depends on the unreasonable man'!

We've signed Catholics regularly for 20 odd years. John Daly playing up front does not dilute the essence of Rangers. It's progress for Rangers and progress for Scotland.

McCoist and Walter carried the coffin of a devout Catholic and mad Celtic fan - Tommy Burns. Ally McCoist also has the odd game of golf and pint with Neil Lennon. I remember being in a Glasgow boozer in 1998 after Celtic had won the league. In walked the entire Celtic squad and Ally McCoist. Ally and Tommy Johnson of Celtic spent the night laughing at each others stories. I love Ally McCoist for being a legendary Bear but also for being a first class human being.

It is possible to be a huge Rangers fan non-hating at the same time.

If you knew anything about my background you will know I am not a hater of catholics per se. I dislike their church intensely I believe the Catholic Church has caused more misery and indeed genocide in the world than any other organisation in human history. Celtic supporters are at best misguided but they have a very significant scum element to their support, much much more than any other club.

I am proud of my heritage and family traditions being Rangers supporting, Protestant, Scottish and British (with a bit of Ulster thrown in). I can maintain this pride without hating all Catholics. Seems like you can't which is a shame.

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What's the relevance of this? The thread is about turncoats, not the possibility of respecting Catholics as a Rangers fan.

Broadly-speaking, I have no more or less respect for Catholics than I do for Protestants. I have no respect for Celtic men who switch to Rangers, nor vice versa, regardless of religion.

I'm responding to certain posts within the thread.

In relation to the thread, I know a bloke George who is a Mason and from a strong Protestant background. He has a season ticket at Celtic Park and became a Celtic fan to wind up his family! Bizarre.

I also work with a Catholic from Coatbridge who often goes to Catholic Mass with his Rangers top on. Strange but true.

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Am I being unreasonable? 'All progress depends on the unreasonable man'!

We've signed Catholics regularly for 20 odd years. John Daly playing up front does not dilute the essence of Rangers. It's progress for Rangers and progress for Scotland.

McCoist and Walter carried the coffin of a devout Catholic and mad Celtic fan - Tommy Burns. Ally McCoist also has the odd game of golf and pint with Neil Lennon. I remember being in a Glasgow boozer in 1998 after Celtic had won the league. In walked the entire Celtic squad and Ally McCoist. Ally and Tommy Johnson of Celtic spent the night laughing at each others stories. I love Ally McCoist for being a legendary Bear but also for being a first class human being.

It is possible to be a huge Rangers fan non-hating at the same time.

Absolute bullshit.


Fucking hell

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I'm responding to certain posts within the thread.

In relation to the thread, I know a bloke George who is a Mason and from a strong Protestant background. He has a season ticket at Celtic Park and became a Celtic fan to wind up his family! Bizarre.

I also work with a Catholic from Coatbridge who often goes to Catholic Mass with his Rangers top on. Strange but true.

How's it going George?

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The clans were almost entirely Catholic. The Reformation affected mostly Lowlanders and it was only after the

Highland Clearences that Scotland became exclusively Protestant.

The point I'm making is that our ancestors were Catholic. We also fought the English for hundreds of years as did the Irish. WE'VE A LOT IN COMMON .

I'm a Ranger, my boys are Bears too but if I hear them referring to 'Taigs' I'll kick their arses. I'm a proud Brit and Rangers fan but I respect others, regardless of their religion or race and my boys will too.

All our ancesters were cavemen too ,but i have bugger all in common with them .

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If you knew anything about my background you will know I am not a hater of catholics per se. I dislike their church intensely I believe the Catholic Church has caused more misery and indeed genocide in the world than any other organisation in human history. Celtic supporters are at best misguided but they have a very significant scum element to their support, much much more than any other club.

I am proud of my heritage and family traditions being Rangers supporting, Protestant, Scottish and British (with a bit of Ulster thrown in). I can maintain this pride without hating all Catholics. Seems like you can't which is a shame.

'The Catholic Church has caused more genocide than any other organisation in human history'!

Have you been indulging in propoganda? Are you forgetting about the 6 million Jews in WW2?

Catholics and Protestants have persecuted each other for hundreds of years. The 'scum element' exists in Celtic AND Rangers.

I've been a Rangers fan for 35 years and it doesn't involve hating the Catholic church.

Open your eyes mate and stop the hate.

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'The Catholic Church has caused more genocide than any other organisation in human history'!

Have you been indulging in propoganda? Are you forgetting about the 6 million Jews in WW2?

Catholics and Protestants have persecuted each other for hundreds of years. The 'scum element' exists in Celtic AND Rangers.

I've been a Rangers fan for 35 years and it doesn't involve hating the Catholic church.

Open your eyes mate and stop the hate.



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There is a big Catholic family where I was brought up who were all celtic. One of them remarried a rangers fan who brought one of her sons up a rangers fan during the 9 I a row ere. The season after we lost out on 10 In a row he had a celtic top n said he was a celtic fan. Scum bag. Had quite a few run ins with them over the years

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'The Catholic Church has caused more genocide than any other organisation in human history'!

Have you been indulging in propoganda? Are you forgetting about the 6 million Jews in WW2?

Catholics and Protestants have persecuted each other for hundreds of years. The 'scum element' exists in Celtic AND Rangers.

I've been a Rangers fan for 35 years and it doesn't involve hating the Catholic church.

Open your eyes mate and stop the hate.

i dont really hate tims just cos they are catholic , but i abhor the catholic church for the child abusing cult that they are .

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they were either to shit to play for the GERS or were never RANGERS PROTESTANT MEN deary me

I don't know if your joking or not mate I hope you are as I'm sure it's just the case the manky mob signed them before us

Big Jock was Protestant and grew up a Rangers fan that's what prob swayed them if it was a catholic manager and all catholic players I'm sure they would have played for the gers

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If Jock Stein had the choice of two players - one Catholic and one Protestant - he would sign the Protestant knowing we wouldn't sign the Catholic.


Stein did make that remark but considering he was kept off the Celtic board of directors due to the fact he was a protestant it was a rather ironic quote.

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'The Catholic Church has caused more genocide than any other organisation in human history'!

Have you been indulging in propoganda? Are you forgetting about the 6 million Jews in WW2?

Catholics and Protestants have persecuted each other for hundreds of years. The 'scum element' exists in Celtic AND Rangers.

I've been a Rangers fan for 35 years and it doesn't involve hating the Catholic church.

Open your eyes mate and stop the hate.

FFS you are a cracker. More than that were killed in the crusades alone. Not even beginning to count the inquisition, the conquistadores who wiped out entire civilizations and more recently the Vatican's role in the wholesale mass slaughter in Rwanda.

You sir are either a wind up/fishing troll or so twisted that I do not want to converse with you further.

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I've never really thought about it as it was before my time but it sounds like our signing policy of only signing our own really limited the pool of players we could attrack to the club

We prob could of been more successful back then at least we made up for it during the 9 in a row era played some great football then

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