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Rangers fans arrested


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What is the new law covering?

Is it 'sectarian' or 'offensive' singing? I suppose people could take offence at it, so they might fall within remit of the stupid law.

Why is being offensive against the law though? I can be offended by all sorts of stuff, doesnt mean it should be illegal. People could be offended by that blurred lines song, could you be arrested for singing it?

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Bobby Sands is Dead. Fact!

Bobby Sands was a cowardly bastard arrested for the possession of weapons used against RUC Police Officers, during an attack in which he left his wounded comrades and ran like fuck. Fact!

Somebody point to me what is wrong with pointing out the fact this cowardly low life is dead and cursing him and what connection this had to religion?

I'm dying to hear.

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I'm offended by the entire Roman Catholic Church and its handling (pun unintended) of the worldwide paedophile scandal involving numerous hundreds of its priests, bishops and cardinals.

Can I get them all arrested under this new catch-all Law?

Fuck that minging organisation as well mate

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Surely if it's offensive to mock the death of "Political" figures then there should be a long list of doors to be knocked after the Jubilation of the loony left over Thatchers death?

With such a common sense approach you'll get nowhere in the world of politics in Scotland.

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Surely if it's offensive to mock the death of "Political" figures then there should be a long list of doors to be knocked after the Jubilation of the loony left over Thatchers death?

You can throw street parties for dead prime ministers but don't dare sing about the death if a terrorist and threat to the United Kingdom of GB and Ni or you'll have the storm troopers at the door the next morning :lol:


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Been trying to make people aware of this for years.SNP are trying to woo the tarriers for Independence votes and they are selling their souls to break from the Union.Hope its not too late for a wake up call.

Surely, when using common sense, it would have been better to try and woo everybody and therefore have everybody voting for them rather than trying to woo a certain group, if you will, and hoping that will see you through?

Then again, independence isn't going to happen anyway and the more the Unionists are pissed off the more unlikely it is. All this arresting for singing songs is actually going to put people off going to the football.

From the reaction in this thread nobody seems to be aware that Fathers Advice was a banned song. It's sung every week at Ibrox and has been for years with no issues whatsoever. Yet, ever since the reports surfaced regarding Armed Forces Day it seems to have been an issue.

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A complete joke the bastards are targeting everything. On another note I hate the sing of fuck BS he's deed. We sing about him more than the tarriers

The song is a fathers advice and the wee break in the chorus has the line fuck bobby sands he's deed flung in, it's no really a song about him :rolleyes:

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Surely, when using common sense, it would have been better to try and woo everybody and therefore have everybody voting for them rather than trying to woo a certain group, if you will, and hoping that will see you through?

Then again, independence isn't going to happen anyway and the more the Unionists are pissed off the more unlikely it is. All this arresting for singing songs is actually going to put people off going to the football.

From the reaction in this thread nobody seems to be aware that Fathers Advice was a banned song. It's sung every week at Ibrox and has been for years with no issues whatsoever. Yet, ever since the reports surfaced regarding Armed Forces Day it seems to have been an issue.

Common sense would tell you to forget The unionists try to build a party line with those in the middle such as Liberals,The Green party and discontented Labour party.Targetting the Catholic vote is a big thing for the SNP the only problem they have with it is wooing them off the SS benefits that they get from Britain.
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A complete joke the bastards are targeting everything. On another note I hate the sing of fuck BS he's deed. We sing about him more than the tarriers

It's about singing your glad a terrorist is dead - even if it's just a wee add on

I'll always sing it

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enough is enough we have to fight this pandering to idiots. he's a murdering terrorist and for one i'm happy he's dead and no longer a threat to innocent people just the same as Osama bin laden. Nothing to do with religion. Let me guess nobody was arrested for singing fuck the h++s. Time to fight where is that rfff? If anyone hears of protests about this than make sure you post it on here.

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They have to prove you actually sang / said something that was sectarian / likely to cause a breach of the peace.

How are they going to prove that without doubt in a noisy environment with all the distractions that are going on?

Could they be 100% it was actually you?

In the crowd that is shouting / singing at the match could they be absolutely confident you said / sang something termed 'bad'

Another thing, if 'accused' all plead not guilty it will choke the system and when it comes down to it they will have to justify the amount of public money spent to recoup a few £100 fines.

If you bend over to their charges you will surely get shafted, therefore NO SURRENDER.

Play them at their own game, but play better and smarter.

They wont be happy until we are giving a round of applause and shout 'jolly good show' for good play and a resounding 'hurrah' if we score a goal.

Only in the fat controller's Scotland do you get arrested for singing, what next? a tax on people being 'cheery'?

That would suit the miserable cunt.


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This country is now flucked, it is run by Papes for the benefit of Papes.

It's pretty much like it now and I'd say it's only going to get worse, what with so many of them labour party members. It's about time 'we' used the European Court of Human Rights. That's what it's there for after all. Anybody with a talent for this type of thing should start 'lobbying' now. Everyone could easily contact their MSP though, right now!

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For singing 3 cheers for the Red White and Blue and for chanting that Booby Sands is dead.

That's what Salmond's stormtroopers are now targeting.

Clearly they think the line about the Army and the Navy and the UVF is now Sectarian...and how can stating a fact about a dead terrorist be sectarian?

Sums up Scotland right now, Time we took our country back!

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Yet people can fill their boots singing pro republican songs.

A Celtic fan who sang a pro-IRA song has been cleared in a landmark ruling that could have an effect on future cases where charges have been brought under the Offensive Behaviour at Football bill.


You couldn't make it up.

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It's about singing your glad a terrorist is dead - even if it's just a wee add on

I'll always sing it

Why ? Singing it keep his memory alive as if he some sort of heroic martyr gets on my nerves. He's a fucking rat like the rest let him rot

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It is now time they produced a list of Songs, then of any song they try to charge you with is not on it then good.

We need this and I've said it all along.

Why do you think they don't want to produce one, because their making all this up as they go.

Republican socialist Fascism is

alive, and kicking in this Country

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