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Rangers fans arrested


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The song ridicules him...Where you getting "heroic martyr" from? Defo not the song we sing.

Why mention him? he's a nobody who died for fuck all. Hate the fact we mention his name in one of our songs, spoils it for me.

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These guys may get Legal Aid so that should take care of the legal fees.

That is still just about available in SNP Scotland.

what they are doing at the moment is free prescriptions,free bus passes to the over 60s,they want to buy Prestwick Airport.No wonder this country went bankrupt before the union of the crowns.They are trying to buy their way into power.We will end up like Greece and the Free state,skint and wanting bailed out by Europe.
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The only song left to sing in this God forsaken country will be "Donald were's yer troosers!"

The Scottish Government have systematically ignored or kicked into the long grass anything to do with Rangers' survival.

Different situation for hertz though. I'm fully expecting something to slip out over the next few weeks offering hertz a lifeline from the SNP administration.

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Maybe one day in a time far away if the church of rome allow cardinal o'brien to return to Caledonia and operation yewtree are permitted to interrogate him properly then maybe one day in a time far away we'll see real criminals being charged and arrested ! Maybe ! :);)(tu):sherlock:

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These guys may get Legal Aid so that should take care of the legal fees.

That is still just about available in SNP Scotland.

IMO we should raise funds to take the songs people are being charged/convicted with to the European Court of human rights. We would need to organise big time though which is something out support don't seem to do these days I'm afraid

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IMO we should raise funds to take the songs people are being charged/convicted with to the European Court of human rights. We would need to organise big time though which is something out support don't seem to do these days I'm afraid

I'm sure if the vb or so where running it a large majority of rm would be behind it and willing to donate.

See tbh I hate saying this but between us and the tarriers we really should challenge every single one. It's started from them complaining about our songs but this is getting fucking ridiculous.

(I'm not saying we should be working together on this btw, just pointing out that every case should be challenged)

It's songs at the end of the day and some of the shat I've sang on supporters buses etc has me cringing the next day :lol: or anytime I'm with that cunt wee bluenose94 :lol:

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My auld man warned me years ago that these reptile cunts are preparing and gettin themselves into positions of power and by fuck thats exactly what they have done. This country is turning into a republican cesspit as each minute passes.time to take it back. Plead not guilty bears.

totally agree.....my old man told me the same 40 years ago

must be spinning in his grave watching what's going on

Remember him saying to me, 'why the fuck do you think the buses are painted green white and gold'

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I'm sure if the vb or so where running it a large majority of rm would be behind it and willing to donate.

See tbh I hate saying this but between us and the tarriers we really should challenge every single one. It's started from them complaining about our songs but this is getting fucking ridiculous.

(I'm not saying we should be working together on this btw, just pointing out that every case should be challenged)

It's songs at the end of the day and some of the shat I've sang on supporters buses etc has me cringing the next day :lol: or anytime I'm with that cunt wee bluenose94 :lol:

It may well work if we could find out the costs

The dirty bheggars have made their bed by complaining about our singing now they should lie in their filthy pits, I for one wouldn't join ranks with them, lets fight our own corner.


Aye me too as you know :D

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I think under the law it is the mention of "YCV" and rifle and pistol that would be considered offensive.

The issue with all of this is that the law is relatively untested so rather thank knowing what we can and can't sing, we have to guess.

I would argue that both rangers and Celtic (and any other fans) should argue the toss in court. We're now seeing this hysteria spread to England with Tottenham supporters threatened with being prosecuted over the 'yid army' chants.

Seems to be another orchestrated attack on us horrible football fans.

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If this goes to court, which hopefully it will, two things will come out of this, one it'll get blown out of the water thereby ridiculing the police and the SNP stasi tactics, or it'll show that our judiciary love the IRA, it's one way or the other.

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I know the match commander at an SPFL ground very well and he has stated the reaction has been overkill and completely unnecessary.

Instead of defusing issues he firmly believes they have raised tensions between fans and police to unworkable levels. His words were that there is no trust or respect at all now between both sides.

He also commented on the recent debacle with the Motherwell fans and the smoke bombs saying it was way OTT and increased the risk of public disorder rather than calming it. He also said the problem with the new law was that it was down to the individual officer as to what is sectarian and what isn't. Basically stating that too many officers either didn't know what the songs were or were allowing their own prejudices to influence their judgement. However once the arrest was made the powers that be had to back the officers in question regardless.

Football is dying on its arse and all this law is doing is driving more and more fans away from the game forever. Some on here will argue that there is no need for certain songs and chants but football isn't the opera. A fact lost on the PC brigade.

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