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Open Letter to the Online Keyboard Warriors and Know it alls

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I hope so but it seems the Tweetwankers have still got the bit between their teeth

Some people are never going to be happy, similar to on the park.

We need to see what happens with the AGM but I'm sure the vast majority will get behind whoever is voted for, especially with DK being there.

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Craig our club was never liquidated but I am sure that was just a typographical error on your part.

You sound a bit like the school yard bully. You want everyone to hear your opinion. You produce banners with a very negative and abusive slant aimed at the very people running the club. Even the tone of this thread is overly aggressive and unlikely to win you more friends.

The very tone of your leaflets is non-conciliatory and you appear even though your motives may be genuine to relish inflaming the situation. Even the closing sentence on this thread 'correct manner but no thanks to the keyboard warriors and know it alls' is overtly aggressive.

Yet after abusing others, including the club's board, you yourself bemoan the fact that you are abused while handing out leaflets attacking the people running the club who still enjoy the backing of many Rangers fans.

Craig, a wee suggestion, either grow a thicker skin or go back to running your own business. Need to grow up if you want to play with the big boys.

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i thought we were to no longer turn the other cheek as fans and where getting rid of the dignified silence? How to you do that if you stay quiet and keep your opinion to yourself?

every time someone expresses their thoughts it's shot down as trouble making, a lot of people on here need to grow up and understand you need to respect people have different beliefs, you have the same voting power as they do so it can't cause harm unless you are in the minority view. Have faith in your fellow fans, just because they ask questions or demonstrate their frustration does not mean they will not abide by the democratic vote. All we should hope for is all the names are put on the ballot so we can get a final answer, those who look to deny that vote are the ones who look to pro-long this saga.

democracy should always be sought, would have far more respect for people like 1st jan if he stopped calling fans rebels and instead asked for a proper poll of as many fans as possible by an independent source to find out what the majority wants.

there only is one group of fans.

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i thought we were to no longer turn the other cheek as fans and where getting rid of the dignified silence? How to you do that if you stay quiet and keep your opinion to yourself?

every time someone expresses their thoughts it's shot down as trouble making, a lot of people on here need to grow up and understand you need to respect people have different beliefs, you have the same voting power as they do so it can't cause harm unless you are in the minority view. Have faith in your fellow fans, just because they ask questions or demonstrate their frustration does not mean they will not abide by the democratic vote. All we should hope for is all the names are put on the ballot so we can get a final answer, those who look to deny that vote are the ones who look to pro-long this saga.

democracy should always be sought, would have far more respect for people like 1st jan if he stopped calling fans rebels and instead asked for a proper poll of as many fans as possible by an independent source to find out what the majority wants.

there only is one group of fans.

I'm sorry but what has Paul Murray done to deserve to have his name put on the ballot papers? How many shares has he bought?

All that is fine and well but when football games are being taken up by their pish i'm annoyed about it.

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I thank the lord every day for that...

Seriously though, I can testify that both forums are as bad as the other for bashing them.

Certainly think that everyone will start to unite once the AGM takes place.

You would like to think so but somehow don't see it happening.

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Got to agree with D'Art here,

the boy Craig in my eyes has the John Brown syndrome. They are both bears want the best for the club, but do not have an open mind attall. I heard these shouts to these guys outside Ibrox and in Ayr, but if ur prepared to break the way we do things like. organising demonstrations and singing sack the board, before accounts etc came out, was a tad foolish and hes got to accept critism,

he should go back to supporting the team and say simply ...i done what i thought was right but i was wrong and get onwith it.

Its a fkn disgrace fans of Glasgow Rangers are discussing on here THE BOARD!! i mean think back 10 year did anyone even know who was on the board, Time to start supporting the club, and either buying a ticket or giving it to ur pal to make sure stadium is full!

Cut this boy some slack they clearly love Rangers just made an arse of things in my eyes

Great post Dunny and it sums up the situation perfectly,

apart from the John Brown comment.

John Brown loves money, accepting a £500 fee from RTIDNI for his attendance at a RFFF function is fucking outrageous in my opinion, asking for it in English bank notes because he was going to Blackpool is just fucking ridiculous. Even the scumbag Naismith refused his fee.

Brown is also famed for turning up at Rangers functions with stuff for auction that he wants to punt himself to make a few bob.

He also wanted to introduce the Kean brothers to Rangers, 2 tarrier businessmen who used to run rebel functions in EK,

people really need to realise that some of these "Rangers men" are in it for themselves,

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You've lost me there Govan, :thumbup:

I was once accused of being David Leggat on The Scotsman forum, That was when Leggo was only attacking the filth

Rangers fans’ forums almost went into meltdown after the duck was spotted.

On Rangersmedia.co.uk, Carsons Army posted: “Selling your main rival’s merchandise? That is just daffy.”



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The online Rangers fraternity is full of clowns, people who would never speak up in real life bang on as though they are "in the know" and opinions matter, the SoS are correct though when they say we should be pulling together instead of ripping each other apart, the rabids are the only benefactors when we are each others throats.

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We seem as a support as divided as ever. It became apparent over the last few years that supporters of some clubs hated Rangers more than they loved their own club.

Now it appears that some Rangers fans hate the faction which they don't support more than they love Rangers.

NO NO NO !!!!!!!!!

I hate those that further divide our club and support while purporting to act in the best interests of the club. They spread lies half truths all in aid of their agenda. They use a name in a thinly veiled attempt to bring others on board. They share NO information on how they would do things differently AND then they wonder why I give them no creed. Sir the Sons of Struth are nothing more than the Rangers Supporters (mis)Trust in another guise and guess what it did not/is not working in this guise either. probably irony that this is coming to ahead around Halloween, Your guise is slipping and your tricks are cringe worthy at best. If Mini wants a seat on the board put up the cash or shut up. There is an auld expression in Scotland "He who pays the piper calls the tune", so Mini Murray If you want to call the tune then stump up the cash.

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The online Rangers fraternity is full of clowns, people who would never speak up in real life bang on as though they are "in the know" and opinions matter, the SoS are correct though when they say we should be pulling together instead of ripping each other apart, the rabids are the only benefactors when we are each others throats.

The SoS aren't the only ones who say we should be pulling together. It's not really divine insight.

But when it came down to it, the SoS, just like the rest of us, proved themselves to be all too human.

As long as there are people, there will be politics.

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Great post Dunny and it sums up the situation perfectly,

apart from the John Brown comment.

John Brown loves money, accepting a £500 fee from RTIDNI for his attendance at a RFFF function is fucking outrageous in my opinion, asking for it in English bank notes because he was going to Blackpool is just fucking ridiculous. Even the scumbag Naismith refused his fee.

Brown is also famed for turning up at Rangers functions with stuff for auction that he wants to punt himself to make a few bob.

He also wanted to introduce the Kean brothers to Rangers, 2 tarrier businessmen who used to run rebel functions in EK,

people really need to realise that some of these "Rangers men" are in it for themselves,

But to get on track. Like you, I agree with Dunny.

I don't know that much about John Brown. Some of those happenings do sound a bit off. But I guess that one could argue that he has to try and earn a few bob whenever he can, as he's probably not as well off now as some other former players.

I guess it will be really hard (impossible) to find someone who is a 100% Rangers Altruist. I'm certainly not.

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The online Rangers fraternity is full of clowns, people who would never speak up in real life bang on as though they are "in the know" and opinions matter, the SoS are correct though when they say we should be pulling together instead of ripping each other apart, the rabids are the only benefactors when we are each others throats.

This site isn't really like that, it's definitely one of the best club forums, and the mods do give a lot of rope. Most posters are pretty knowledgeable, and the WUMs that infest any site can always be ignored. No real party line crap here other than regard for Rangers which should go without saying.
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