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BBC and The Record

Carson's cat

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It would appear that some supporters feel that the above media outlets should be banned completely from Ibrox and that no stories or exclusives should ever be given to them. I think this approach is both futile and non-sensical. Sure, there are journalists at both organisations that don't like us, but they also employ plenty of journalists who either support us or who pride themselves on their neutrality. The notion that either the BBC or The Record is institutionally anti-Rangers would not stand up to any objective scrutiny. The reality is that we need both organisations as much as they need us. I would far rather the club dishes out bans (as Jim Traynor has suggested) to individual journalists who are obvious Rangers haters. Your thoughts, please.

The employers deserve a lot of criticism for allowing and condoning some of the stuff that individuals (and groups of them in cahoots) have been getting up to over the years and are still getting up to to this day, especially at BBC Scotland, Pacific Quay (CSC).

However, I completely agree with you (and Traynor). The Club should ban the individuals rather than their employers because that will be a far more sensible, targeted and ultimately effective strategy.

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Not really - because he also spoke to Sky and STV - but I admit that I was prompted to start this thread by the criticisms PM received from some quarters for agreeing to speak on Sportsound.

So you agree with what I said then? Thanks for clarifying my point (tu)

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Were they biased when the Easdales gave them an interview 5 days after the club had banned the BBC from Ibrox & Auchenhowie?

Yes and i wish the Easdales hadnt done that, it dented their credibility a bit, but Mini is in the rheble and the beeb every week, practically every day recently theres a big difference there.

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The employers deserve a lot of criticism for allowing and condoning some of the stuff that individuals (and groups of them in cahoots) have been getting up to over the years and are still getting up to to this day, especially at BBC Scotland, Pacific Quay (CSC).

However, I completely agree with you (and Traynor). The Club should ban the individuals rather than their employers because that will be a far more sensible, targeted and ultimately effective strategy.

How many are actually banned though?

The Club is in charge, not the fans.

Is Spiers banned? What about English? Spence, Cosgrove, Gordon? The list of offenders isn't endless but it is lengthy. The list of those banned is almost non-existent.

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BBC Scotland should be banned sine die, from all this started they have had us dead and buried, if they are showing The Rangers any favour now in their reporting it is because they know they have failed in their campaign to kill The Rangers off, they also realise that trying to kill the goose that lays the golden egg was suicidal madness and has all but killed Scottish football and their own jobs. But they saw the opportunity to have a go and did it. As for the Record and the rest of the rags they really don't amount to hill of beans anymore as circulations plummet and the reading content in them deteriorates rapidly with the standard of journalist now being employed. I mean does it matter if the likes of keith jackson is banned or not, I mean his boss is alan rennie for God's sake, being attacked by either of these 2 called journalists amounts to being savaged by gumsy lambs. You wouldn't even notice if either of these 2 were at a press conference. Imagine Souness with any of this present lot of pussies, nuremberg included, Souness would have thrown them about like a scud book. A good strong pr/media man is still needed and I'm sorry Jim I don't think ex-Scottish media men are the right people for the job especially those who have worked the likes of the Record/Sun and that's where I feel the likes of yourself and Jack Irvine have a conflict of interest, new streetwise blood with the killer instinct is needed for the immense battle ahead against the foe who are still plotting daily, nae every minute of the day to halt us in our way back to where we belong Top Of The Heap, The Only Show In Town, The Team Who Flies The Country's Flag, The Union Flag, Red, White and Blue, The Rangers ! (tu):sherlock:

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How many are actually banned though?

The Club is in charge, not the fans.

Is Spiers banned? What about English? Spence, Cosgrove, Gordon? The list of offenders isn't endless but it is lengthy. The list of those banned is almost non-existent.

I'm sure the Club could easily make a list. It wouldn't be too difficult to list the main Rangers haters in the Scottish media and ban them all. It wouldn't even need to be done in one swoop/swipe, it could be done on an 'as necessary' or 'as required' basis.

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The Original poster has shown each and every Bear, that principles don't matter any longer. These people will do anything, say anything and cosy up to even our biggest enemies to get Rangers on the cheap.

Can you imagine minico standing up to liewell and the sfa, yes Mr Lawell sir. No Mr Lawell sir. 3 bags full Mr Lawell sir, we would be bent over and fucked harder than anybodys ever been fucked before by our enemys with these clowns in charge.

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I firmly believe in the freedom of the press.

However, when this freedom is abused by a publicly funded company such as the BBC, questions have to be asked about the lack of impartiality in their reporting regarding any issue involving our Club.

For me this once noble media establishment now belongs in the gutter press as a consequence of the biased tripe being spouted by all the rhats that now appear to be controlling it.

For what it,s worth, I don't listen to BBC Scotland anymore.

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BBC Scotland have proved they have a Rangers biase.Why have none of their journalists been taken to task with their Anti-Rangers propaganda?Yes we have received a couple of apologies but i think that they are hoping we will just go away.Spiers and Co should never be allowed in Ibrox again.

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It would appear that some supporters feel that the above media outlets should be banned completely from Ibrox and that no stories or exclusives should ever be given to them. I think this approach is both futile and non-sensical. Sure, there are journalists at both organisations that don't like us, but they also employ plenty of journalists who either support us or who pride themselves on their neutrality. The notion that either the BBC or The Record is institutionally anti-Rangers would not stand up to any objective scrutiny. The reality is that we need both organisations as much as they need us. I would far rather the club dishes out bans (as Jim Traynor has suggested) to individual journalists who are obvious Rangers haters. Your thoughts, please.

Anyone would be forgiven for thinking that Mini has just done a radio show on BBC with the biggest bunch of Rangers haters they could possibly gather.

And I'll hazard a guess that he has also given an exclusive to the biggest Rangers hating rhag in the country, the rhecord.

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BBC Scotland should be banned sine die, from all this started they have had us dead and buried, if they are showing The Rangers any favour now in their reporting it is because they know they have failed in their campaign to kill The Rangers off, they also realise that trying to kill the goose that lays the golden egg was suicidal madness and has all but killed Scottish football and their own jobs. But they saw the opportunity to have a go and did it. As for the Record and the rest of the rags they really don't amount to hill of beans anymore as circulations plummet and the reading content in them deteriorates rapidly with the standard of journalist now being employed. I mean does it matter if the likes of keith jackson is banned or not, I mean his boss is alan rennie for God's sake, being attacked by either of these 2 called journalists amounts to being savaged by gumsy lambs. You wouldn't even notice if either of these 2 were at a press conference. Imagine Souness with any of this present lot of pussies, nuremberg included, Souness would have thrown them about like a scud book. A good strong pr/media man is still needed and I'm sorry Jim I don't think ex-Scottish media men are the right people for the job especially those who have worked the likes of the Record/Sun and that's where I feel the likes of yourself and Jack Irvine have a conflict of interest, new streetwise blood with the killer instinct is needed for the immense battle ahead against the foe who are still plotting daily, nae every minute of the day to halt us in our way back to where we belong Top Of The Heap, The Only Show In Town, The Team Who Flies The Country's Flag, The Union Flag, Red, White and Blue, The Rangers ! (tu):sherlock:

Fucking superb post..

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The OP has just posted the worst ever fucking post in this forum imo! For fucksake man have you ever read or listened to the poisonous hate filled shite that these cunts at the rhecord and bbc Scotland have been throwing at us? Yeah that's it lets all just bend over and get fucking rogered by these cunts!

Not this Rangers man, EVER!

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If we ban individual reporters the organisations will still feel aggrieved on their behalf and take the same stance regarding bias reports. Just make a statement and ban them all, the only news they have is Rangers and the Tims, let them write their shite about them

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It would appear that some supporters feel that the above media outlets should be banned completely from Ibrox and that no stories or exclusives should ever be given to them. I think this approach is both futile and non-sensical. Sure, there are journalists at both organisations that don't like us, but they also employ plenty of journalists who either support us or who pride themselves on their neutrality. The notion that either the BBC or The Record is institutionally anti-Rangers would not stand up to any objective scrutiny. The reality is that we need both organisations as much as they need us. I would far rather the club dishes out bans (as Jim Traynor has suggested) to individual journalists who are obvious Rangers haters. Your thoughts, please.

I work at the Beeb! Never found it any different from any other work place which always had a mix of supporters. I certainly wasn't asked what team I supported when I joined but hey what do I know. I'm just a pleb! The glaring difference is that the other organisations I worked at didn't report the news. Go figure.

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I've just looked at the BBC sport Scotland page. The picture they use to accompany their headline article ( the only show in town! ) -

'Rangers forced to postponed AGM' - well it just speaks volumes - no need to read the 'article'.

We pay the wages of these pathetic bigoted fookers and it is sickening. Our day and our revenge will come and they will know it.

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It would appear that some supporters feel that the above media outlets should be banned completely from Ibrox and that no stories or exclusives should ever be given to them. I think this approach is both futile and non-sensical. Sure, there are journalists at both organisations that don't like us, but they also employ plenty of journalists who either support us or who pride themselves on their neutrality. The notion that either the BBC or The Record is institutionally anti-Rangers would not stand up to any objective scrutiny. The reality is that we need both organisations as much as they need us. I would far rather the club dishes out bans (as Jim Traynor has suggested) to individual journalists who are obvious Rangers haters. Your thoughts, please.

Most Scottish sports journalists are Rangers haters. Just that some are so bitter that they can't hide it. Kicking Rangers has been the in thing for too long. I'd ban whole organisations. If they can't control their employees they are unfit for purpose.
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