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spfl looking to get 250,000 from rangers


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Spfl have apparently launched claims against us for money owed as part of the liquadation process or sumin. Heard it on clyde. Apparently they can get it as part of the five way deal that was done in orderr for us to get our license to play football, as we signed that the new 'company' owners would ensure any oustanding 'footballing' debts would be paid. I am sure we paid jelavic and wallace money owed, which was best part of 1.3 and 900,000?? . If this is the case and we were clearly proven we basically done nothing wrong, does that not mean that wee can reclaim our 'footballing debts' owed to us, ie money for finishing second etc? Anyone clear abt this?

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Done up like a right kipper. Evenb though found guilty of hee haw, they want our money, but we can't get what is owed? How would that have stoood had we sold a player and were waiting for next cash payment for that player? Would spl have kept it and divided it up, or would the buying club win a watch out of it??

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Apparently we signed away our rights to football prize money as part of the 5 way.

All we need to do is prove it was signed under duress and it will be void. If I'm not wrong here, a football club requiring to sign an agreement the day before, sorry night before, the season starts in order to gain a license to play football, is under the most severe duress possible in that business. No license = no football = no business.

Case closed your honour!

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Spfl have apparently launched claims against us for money owed as part of the liquadation process or sumin. Heard it on clyde. Apparently they can get it as part of the five way deal that was done in orderr for us to get our license to play football, as we signed that the new 'company' owners would ensure any oustanding 'footballing' debts would be paid. I am sure we paid jelavic and wallace money owed, which was best part of 1.3 and 900,000?? . If this is the case and we were clearly proven we basically done nothing wrong, does that not mean that wee can reclaim our 'footballing debts' owed to us, ie money for finishing second etc? Anyone clear abt this?

Not quite accurate. The SPFL board have decided, following Rod MacKenzie's advice, that they would be justified to go after us, but are currently merely considering taking the action.

This is more than a little strange.

  1. They appoint Lord Nimmo Smith to chair a committee, investigate lawyer's cases and deliver a judgement.
  2. They say "we like the fine, but not the bit about who pays and who doesn't." Why appoint an independent committee to judge then distort the judgement?
  3. Their claim is currently lodged with BDO against OldCo as a "unsecured creditor" with no special status over other creditors. This is after two previous attempts to get higher status. They would have to first abandon that claim, since it would surely be fraud to try to get payment twice for one thing.
  4. LNS was specific that it should not affect the Club or NewCo.
  5. The fine wasn't lodged at the time of the Five Way Agreement.
  6. It isn't a football debt. It is unique and unprecedented and does not relate to matters on the field or other clubs.
  7. LNS specified that the fine was symbolic and that no recompense be made other than that minimal amount that an unsecured creditor receives.

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Once again, this is a regurgitated story by Lamont of BBC. The careful wording says the SPFL "may" try to get the full amount (£250,000) from BDO. The rest of the story is just more of the same old crap, a repeat of a repeat of a repeat.

We should just ignore this as the rubbish that it is, coming from an Organisation full of paedo's, gay's, and substandard journalists.

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Blackmailed would be a more accurate des

I think you call it extortion





the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.

"he used bribery and extortion to build himself a huge, art-stuffed mansion"

synonyms: demanding money with menaces, exaction, extraction, blackmail; More



Middle English: from late Latin extortio(n- ), from Latin extorquere ‘wrest’ (see extort).

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Cant see it but if they do we should refuse to pay anything. They can kick us out the league if they want.

No they cant as their TV deal centers on us we are the money maker for them and without us their knewco league is dead. Why do you think they are always coming back cap in hand to us begging.

Sell out Saturday has been a washout and the filth cant even muster a half way decent crowd for league games.

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These bastards make my blood boil, they are embarrassing themselves, but, of course, they are thick-skinned cnuts. Rangers owe the SPFL nothing. This is NOT a footballing debt, it is a fine imposed on the company that used to own Rangers. Craig Whyte is the man that they should be after, chase him for it, and leave us the fuck alone!!!! The fucking wankers that they are..........

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if this is true then let them swivel and take us to a court to enforce it. if they threaten the licience thing again or any other sanctions then we should be taking this to a court. at which point we must also chase fifa to look at this mob. as they have already stated that disputes should stay out of civil courts after theylost the last ourt case with us. provided we did not back away from the courts route and prove our case to fifa then fifa would have to deal this lot the fatal blow.

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